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April 24, 2024

FORT Deputy Center Director Steve Hanser and Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist Kate Schoenecker presented at the FREES Summit (Free-Roaming Equids and Ecosystem Sustainability) in Elko, Nevada, April 16-18, 2024.

Wild horse stands in sagebrush, mountain range in background
A wild horse in sagebrush habitat, Frisco Herd Management Area, UT. Photo by L. Prevot.


The 2024 FREES Summit focused on interactions between free-roaming equids and wildlife. Kate Schoenecker organized the Science Symposium and Poster Session for the Summit. 

Steve gave an oral presentation, "The importance of Great Basin sagebrush ecosystems: forming the foundation for a 'thriving ecological balance'" to provide a framework for the symposium focused on the importance of habitat for wildlife and equids.  

Kate gave an oral presentation, "What we know and don’t know about competition, co-occurrence, avoidance, or facilitation between wildlife and horses," and a poster presentation on "Effects of telemetry collars on two free-roaming equid species." 

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