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Microplastic and associated black particles from road-tire wear: Implications for radiative effects across the cryosphere and in the atmosphere

The environmental effects of airborne micro- and nano-size plastic particles are poorly understood. Microscopy and chemical analyses of atmospherically deposited particles on snow surfaces at high elevation (2,865–3,690 m) in the Upper Colorado River basin (UCRB; Colorado Rocky Mountains) revealed the presence of black substances intimately associated with microplastic fibers, particles interprete
Richard L. Reynolds, Heather A. Lowers, George N. Breit, Harland L. Goldstein, Elizabeth Kellisha Williams, Corey Lawrence, Raymond F. Kokaly, Jeff Derry

Lead isotopes constrain Precambrian crustal architecture, thermal history, and lithospheric foundering in Laurentia

Laurentia (ancestral North America) records nearly 4 billion years of crustal evolution. Here, a newly compiled continental-scale Pb isotopic database is used to evaluate the Precambrian crustal evolution of Laurentia. Pb model ages yield a 2.7 Ga peak, a 2.5–1.8 Ga minimum and 1.8–0.9 Ga continuum. Pb model ages yield thermochronometric data and track crustal growth via arc-related magmatism and
Ian William Hillenbrand

Mantle melting in regions of thick continental lithosphere: Examples from Late Cretaceous and younger volcanic rocks, Southern Rocky Mountains, Colorado (USA)

Major- and trace-element data together with Nd and Sr isotopic compositions and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations were obtained for Late Cretaceous and younger volcanic rocks from north-central Colorado, USA, in the Southern Rocky Mountains to assess the sources of mantle-derived melts in a region underlain by thick (≥150 km) continental lithosphere. Trachybasalt to trachyandesite lava flows and volcan
Lang Farmer, Leah E. Morgan, M. Cosca, James Mize, Treasure Bailey, Kenzie J. Turner, Cameron Mark Mercer, Eric T Ellison, Aaron Bell

Three-dimensional geologic framework model of the Rio San Jose groundwater basin and adjacent areas, New Mexico

As part of a U.S. Geological Survey study in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation and the Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico, and the Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico, a digital three-dimensional geologic framework model was constructed for the Rio San Jose and its surface-water drainage basin in west-central New Mexico. This three-dimensional model defines the altitude, thickness, and extent of 18 geo
Donald S. Sweetkind, Amy E. Galanter

Classifying plant communities in the North American Coastal Plain with PRISMA spaceborne hyperspectral imagery and the spectral mixture residual

The effort to map terrestrial biodiversity, in recent years limited mostly to the use of broadband multispectral remote sensing at decameter scales, can be greatly enhanced by harnessing hyperspectral imagery. Interpretation of hyperspectral imagery may be aided by the Mixture Residual (MR) spectral preprocessing transformation. MR integrates the benefits of spectral mixture analysis with the abso
Jennifer A. Rogers, Kevin M. Robertson, Todd Hawbaker, Daniel J. Sousa

3-D mapping of the conterminous U.S. within the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program: Progress and future prospects

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Cooperative Mapping Program (NCGMP) is bringing together subsurface and three-dimensional information at multiple scales for the conterminous United States from data produced throughout the USGS and by federal and state partners. Components of this work include data inventory and catalog development, data integration and database development, and construc
Donald S. Sweetkind

The geochronology of White Sands Locality 2 is resolved

Rhode et al. (2024) allege that there are many “unresolved issues” with the geochronology of White Sands National Park (WHSA) Locality 2. They suggest there are substantial age offsets due to hard-water effects in the aquatic plants that were dated and that radiocarbon ages of pollen may be anomalously old due to reworking. In their view, the luminescence ages are likely to be maximum ages because
Jeffrey S. Pigati, Kathleen B. Springer, Harrison J. Gray, Matthew R. Bennett, David Bustos

Peri-Gondwanan sediment in the Arkoma Basin derived from the north: The detrital zircon record of a uniquely concentrated non-Laurentian source signal in the late Paleozoic

During the assembly of Pangea, peri-Gondwanan terranes collided with the eastern and southern margins of Laurentia and brought with them unique detrital zircon U-Pb signatures. Discriminating between individual peri-Gondwanan terranes in the detrital record is difficult due to their similar geologic histories. However, characterization of this provenance is critical for understanding late Paleozoi
Tyson Michael Smith, Marieke Dechesne, Jaime Ann Megumi Hirtz, Glenn R. Sharman, Mark R. Hudson, Brandon Michael Lutz, Neil Patrick Griffis

Permafrost history in the sporadic zone as context for recent carbon loss using acryostratigraphy, plant macrofossil, and stable isotope approach

Permafrost and landscape history, in addition to ground ice content, are increasingly identified as important components in predicting permafrost thaw trajectories. Together with cryostratigraphy, plant remains and stable isotopes can provide useful information about past permafrost aggradation and thaw. We applied these methods with radiocarbon dating on peat and permafrost cores in the sporadic
Miriam C. Jones, Lesleigh Anderson, Eva Anne Stephani, Benjamin M. Jones

Urban tree cover provides consistent mitigation of extreme heat in arid but not humid cities

Urban land cover types influence the urban microclimates. However, recent work indicates the magnitude of land cover's microclimate influence is affected by aridity. Moreover, this variation in cooling and warming potentials of urban land cover types can substantially alter the exposure of urban areas to extreme heat. Our goal is to understand both the relative influences of urban land cover on lo
Peter Christian Ibsen, Benjamin R Crawford, Lucila Marie Corro, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Brandon E McNellis, G. Darrel Jenerette, James E. Diffendorfer

Unified 200 kyr paleohydrologic history of the Southern Great Basin: Death Valley, Searles Valley, Owens Valley and the Devils Hole cave

We present a hydroclimate synthesis of the southern Great Basin over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles focused on paleolakes in Death Valley (core DV93-1), Searles Valley (core SLAPP-SRLS17), Owens Valley (core OL92), and the Devils Hole cave. There is close agreement between the occurrence of lakes in Death Valley and the height of the water table in the Devils Hole (50 km east of Death Va
Tim Lowenstein, Kristian Olson, Brian W. Stewart, David McGee, Justin Stroup, Adam M. Hudson, Kathleen Wendt, Mark Peaple, Sarah Feakins, Ronald Spencer, Tripti Bhattacharya, Steven P. Lundblad, Ronald Litwin
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