Pre-2013 Bibliography of USGS publications - Chester County, Pennsylvania (Archive)
This is an Archive.
A bibliography of USGS publications for Chester County, Pennsylvania, Pre-2013.
Pre-2013 Publications available from the USGS Publications Warehouse are on the "Publications" tab.
Other publications listed below are not, or in some cases are only partially available at the Publications Warehouse.
USGS has Cooperated with the Chester County Water Resources Authority
Since 1969, USGS has cooperated with Chester County to measure and describe water resources. Cooperation has been primarily with the Chester County Water Resources Authority, with participation of the Chester County Health Department.
USGS Reports Published by Our Cooperators
Some USGS-authored reports about Chester County were published by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey or by the Chester County Water Resources Authority. One GIS data report is only available from the Delaware River Basin Commission.
Bibliography of USGS-approved reports and abstracts NOT available from the Publications Warehouse
Biesecker, J .E., Lescinsky, J.B., and Wood, C.R., 1968, Water resources of the Schuylkill River basin: Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters Water Resources Bulletin 3, 198 p.
Bromery, R.W., Zandle, G.L., and others, 1959-1960, Aeromagnetic maps of various quandrangles in Chester County: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Maps 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 209, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 234, 1 map each.
Cecil, L.D., Smith, R.C. II, Reilly, M.A., and Rose, A.W., 1987, Radium-228 and radium-226 in ground water of the Chickies Formation, southeastern Pennsylvania in Graves, Barbara, ed., Radon, radium, and other radioactivity in ground water: Chelsea, Michigan, Lewis Publishers, p. 437-447.
Hall, G.M., 1934, Ground water in southeastern Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 2, 255 p.
McGreevy, L.J., and Sloto, R.A., 1976, Selected hydrologic data, Chester County, Pennsylvania: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 138 p.
Poth, C.W., 1968, Hydrology of the metamorphic and igneous rocks of central Chester County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 25, 84 p.
Rima, D.R., Meisler, Harold, and Longwill, S.M., 1962, Geology and hydrology of the Stockton Formation in southeastern Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 14, 111 p.
Senior, L.A., and Sloto, R.A., 2000, Radium-224 and its relation to gross-alpha-particle, radium-226, and radium-228 activities in ground water from rocks of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, southeastern Pennsylvania [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeastern Section, v. 32, no. 1, p. A-73.
Senior, L.A., and Vogel, K.V., 1992, Geochemistry of radium-226 and radium-228, and radon-222 in ground water in the Chickies Quartzite, Southeastern Pennsylvania, in Daniel, C.C. III, White, R.K., and Stone, P.A., eds., Ground water in the piedmont--Proceedings of a conference on ground water in the piedmont of the eastern United States, October 16-18, 1989; Clemson, South Carolina, Clemson University, p. 547-565.
Sloto, R.A., 1982, Digital computer simulation of proposed flood-control structures in the West Branch Brandywine Creek basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania [abstract]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 63, no. 18, p. 320.
Sloto, R.A., 1985, Effects of flood controls proposed for the Sucker Run basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania: Chester County Water-Resources Report 1, 30 p.
Sloto, R.A., 1991, Drought management based on water-level data, Chester County, Pennsylvania [abstract]: Proceedings 27th Annual Conference on Water Management of River Systems and Symposium on Resource Development of the Lower Mississippi River, American Water Resources Association, p. 439-440.
Sloto, R.A., 1994, Geology, hydrology, and ground-water quality of Chester County, Pennsylvania: Chester County Water Resources Authority Water Resources Report 2, 127 p.
Sloto, R.A., and Senior, L.A., 2000, Radon-222 activities in the ground water of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, southeastern Pennsylvania [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeastern Section, v. 32, no. 1, p. A-75.
U.S. Geological Survey, 1998, Southeastern Pennsylvania Ground Water Protected Area: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-571, 1 CD. [ data at Delaware River Basin Commission ]
Wood, C.R., 1980, Groundwater resources of the Gettysburg and Hammer Creek Formations, southeastern Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 49, 87 p.
Related science
Below are publications associated with this project.
Ground-water-quality data in Pennsylvania: A compilation of computerized [electronic] databases, 1979-2004
Arsenic, Boron, and Fluoride Concentrations in Ground Water in and Near Diabase Intrusions, Newark Basin, Southeastern Pennsylvania
Organic Compounds and Trace Elements in Fish Tissue and Bed Sediment in the Delaware River Basin, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware, 1998-2000
Development of regional curves relating bankfull-channel geometry and discharge to drainage area for streams in Pennsylvania and selected areas of Maryland
Effects of spray-irrigated municipal wastewater on a small watershed in Chester County, Pennsylvania
Estimates of ground-water recharge based on streamflow-hydrograph methods: Pennsylvania
Effects of spray-irrigated treated effluent on water quantity and quality, and the fate and transport of nitrogen in a small watershed, New Garden Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Drought-sensitive aquifer settings in southeastern Pennsylvania
Environmental setting, water budget, and stream assessment for the Broad Run watershed, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Water budgets for selected watersheds in the Delaware River basin, eastern Pennsylvania and western New Jersey
Occurrence of fecal-indicator bacteria and protocols for identification of fecal-contamination sources in selected reaches of the West Branch Brandywine Creek, Chester County, Pennsylvania
A checklist of the aquatic invertebrates of the Delaware River Basin, 1990-2000
This is an Archive.
A bibliography of USGS publications for Chester County, Pennsylvania, Pre-2013.
Pre-2013 Publications available from the USGS Publications Warehouse are on the "Publications" tab.
Other publications listed below are not, or in some cases are only partially available at the Publications Warehouse.
USGS has Cooperated with the Chester County Water Resources Authority
Since 1969, USGS has cooperated with Chester County to measure and describe water resources. Cooperation has been primarily with the Chester County Water Resources Authority, with participation of the Chester County Health Department.
USGS Reports Published by Our Cooperators
Some USGS-authored reports about Chester County were published by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey or by the Chester County Water Resources Authority. One GIS data report is only available from the Delaware River Basin Commission.
Bibliography of USGS-approved reports and abstracts NOT available from the Publications Warehouse
Biesecker, J .E., Lescinsky, J.B., and Wood, C.R., 1968, Water resources of the Schuylkill River basin: Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters Water Resources Bulletin 3, 198 p.
Bromery, R.W., Zandle, G.L., and others, 1959-1960, Aeromagnetic maps of various quandrangles in Chester County: U.S. Geological Survey Geophysical Investigations Maps 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 209, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 234, 1 map each.
Cecil, L.D., Smith, R.C. II, Reilly, M.A., and Rose, A.W., 1987, Radium-228 and radium-226 in ground water of the Chickies Formation, southeastern Pennsylvania in Graves, Barbara, ed., Radon, radium, and other radioactivity in ground water: Chelsea, Michigan, Lewis Publishers, p. 437-447.
Hall, G.M., 1934, Ground water in southeastern Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 2, 255 p.
McGreevy, L.J., and Sloto, R.A., 1976, Selected hydrologic data, Chester County, Pennsylvania: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 138 p.
Poth, C.W., 1968, Hydrology of the metamorphic and igneous rocks of central Chester County, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 25, 84 p.
Rima, D.R., Meisler, Harold, and Longwill, S.M., 1962, Geology and hydrology of the Stockton Formation in southeastern Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 14, 111 p.
Senior, L.A., and Sloto, R.A., 2000, Radium-224 and its relation to gross-alpha-particle, radium-226, and radium-228 activities in ground water from rocks of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, southeastern Pennsylvania [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeastern Section, v. 32, no. 1, p. A-73.
Senior, L.A., and Vogel, K.V., 1992, Geochemistry of radium-226 and radium-228, and radon-222 in ground water in the Chickies Quartzite, Southeastern Pennsylvania, in Daniel, C.C. III, White, R.K., and Stone, P.A., eds., Ground water in the piedmont--Proceedings of a conference on ground water in the piedmont of the eastern United States, October 16-18, 1989; Clemson, South Carolina, Clemson University, p. 547-565.
Sloto, R.A., 1982, Digital computer simulation of proposed flood-control structures in the West Branch Brandywine Creek basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania [abstract]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 63, no. 18, p. 320.
Sloto, R.A., 1985, Effects of flood controls proposed for the Sucker Run basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania: Chester County Water-Resources Report 1, 30 p.
Sloto, R.A., 1991, Drought management based on water-level data, Chester County, Pennsylvania [abstract]: Proceedings 27th Annual Conference on Water Management of River Systems and Symposium on Resource Development of the Lower Mississippi River, American Water Resources Association, p. 439-440.
Sloto, R.A., 1994, Geology, hydrology, and ground-water quality of Chester County, Pennsylvania: Chester County Water Resources Authority Water Resources Report 2, 127 p.
Sloto, R.A., and Senior, L.A., 2000, Radon-222 activities in the ground water of the Piedmont Physiographic Province, southeastern Pennsylvania [abstract]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeastern Section, v. 32, no. 1, p. A-75.
U.S. Geological Survey, 1998, Southeastern Pennsylvania Ground Water Protected Area: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-571, 1 CD. [ data at Delaware River Basin Commission ]
Wood, C.R., 1980, Groundwater resources of the Gettysburg and Hammer Creek Formations, southeastern Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, 4th ser., Water Resources Report 49, 87 p.
Related science
Below are publications associated with this project.