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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Publications

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Exposure and effects of chemical contaminants on tree swallows nesting along the Housatonic River, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA, 1998-2000

Hatching success of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) was assessed for three years in relation to chemical contamination along the Housatonic River, Berkshire County (MA, USA), in 1998, 1999, and 2000. Nest boxes were erected at five sites along the Housatonic River and its tributaries and at one reference location. Concentrations of total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were some of the highes
Christine M. Custer, T. W. Custer, P.M. Dummer, K.L. Munney

Estimating site occupancy, colonization, and local extinction when a species is detected imperfectly

Few species are likely to be so evident that they will always be defected when present: Failing to allow for the possibility that a target species was present, but undetected at a site will lead to biased estimates of site occupancy, colonization,and local extinction probabilities. These population vital rates are often of interest in long-term monitoring programs and metapopulation studies. We pr
D.I. MacKenzie, J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, M. G. Knutson, A.B. Franklin

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) limit food for larval fish (Pimephales promelas) in turbulent systems: a bioenergetics analysis

We conducted a factorial experiment, in outdoor mesocosms, on the effects of zebra mussels and water column mixing (i.e., turbulence) on the diet, growth, and survival of larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Significant (P < 0.05) larval mortality occurred by the end of the experiment with the highest mortality (90%) occurring in the presence of both turbulence and zebra mussels, whereas
L.A. Bartsch, W. B. Richardson, M.B. Sandheinrich

Review of techniques to prevent introduction of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) during native mussel (Unionoidea) conservation activities

Because of the declines in diversity and abundance of native freshwater mussels (superfamily Unionoidea), and the potential decimation of populations of native mussels resulting from the rapid spread of the exotic zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, management options to eliminate or reduce the threat of the zebra mussel are needed. Relocating native mussels to refugia (artificial and natural) has
W.G. Cope, T.J. Newton, C.M. Gatenby

Estimating mortality rates of adult fish from entrainment through the propellers of river towboats

We developed a method to estimate mortality rates of adult fish caused by entrainment through the propellers of commercial towboats operating in river channels. The method combines trawling while following towboats (to recover a fraction of the kills) and application of a hydrodynamic model of diffusion (to estimate the fraction of the total kills collected in the trawls). The sampling problem is
S. Gutreuter, John M. Dettmers, David H. Wahl

Effects of subcutaneous transmitter implants on behavior, growth, energetics, and survival of common loon chicks

High rates of Common Loon (Gavia immer) chick mortality have been documented in Wisconsin, especially on acidic lakes, but causes and timing of chick mortality are poorly understood. We modified and evaluated a subcutaneous transmitter implant technique for Common Loon chicks using wild and captive reared chicks. Results indicated that behavior, growth, energy expenditure, and survival did not dif
K.P. Kenow, M.W. Meyer, F. Fournier, W. H. Karasov, A. Elfessi, S. Gutreuter

Movement and habitat use by radio-tagged paddlefish in the upper Mississippi River and tributaries

We used radio telemetry to evaluate the movement and habitat use of paddlefish Polyodon spathula in the upper Mississippi River and two tributary rivers. Radio transmitters were surgically implanted into 71 paddlefish in Navigation Pools 5A and 8 of the upper Mississippi River, the Chippewa River, and the Wisconsin River during fall 1994 through fall 1996. Radiotagged paddlefish were located throu
S. J. Zigler, M. R. Dewey, B.C. Knights, A.L. Runstrom, M.T. Steingraeber

Evaluation of relocation of unionid mussels to in situ refugia

The aim of this study was to evaluate the recovery and survival of four species of unionid mussles [pimpleback, Quadrula pustulosa pustulosa (I. Lea, 1831); spike, Elliptio dilatata (Rafinesque, 1820); Higgins eye, Lampsilis higginsii (I. Lea, 1857); and pocketbook, Lampsilis cardium (Rafinesque, 1820)] that were experimentally relocated to in situ refugia in the St Croix River of Minnesota and Wi
W.G. Cope, M.C. Hove, D. L. Waller, D.J. Hornbach, M.R. Bartsch, L.A. Cunningham, H.L. Dunn, A.R. Kapuscinski

Effects of methyl mercury exposure on the growth of juvenile common loons

We conducted a dose–response laboratory study to quantify the level of mercury exposure associated with negative effects on the development of common loon chicks reared in captivity from hatch to 105 days. A dose regimen was implemented that provided exposure levels that bracketed relevant exposure levels of methyl mercury found in loon chicks across North America. We observed no overt signs of me
K.P. Kenow, S. Gutreuter, R. K. Hines, M.W. Meyer, F. Fournier, W. H. Karasov

Trace elements in lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) from the Mississippi flyway

Previous research reported that concentrations of selenium in the livers of 88a??95% of lesser scaup from locations in Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and Lake Michigan, USA were either elevated (10a??33 A?g/g dry weight [dw]) or in the potentially harmful range (>33 A?g/g dw). In order to determine the geographic extent of these high selenium concentrations, we collected lesser scaup in Louisiana, Ark
Christine M. Custer, T. W. Custer, M.J. Anteau, A. D. Afton, D.E. Wooten

Environmental fate and effects of the lampricide TFM: a review

Use of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) is limited geographically to the Great Lakes basin where it is the principal agent used in control of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). It is clear from available data that TFM has effects on the environment, but the effects reported are transient. Individual organisms and aquatic communities return to pretreatment conditions after lampricide treatm
T.D. Hubert