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What is a debris flow?

Debris flows are fast-moving landslides that are particularly dangerous to life and property because they move quickly, destroy objects in their paths, and often strike without warning. They occur in a wide variety of environments throughout the world, including all 50 states and U.S. Territories. Debris flows generally occur during periods of intense rainfall or rapid snowmelt and usually start on hillsides or mountains. Debris flows can travel at speeds up to and exceeding 35 mph and can carry large items such as boulders, trees, and cars. If a debris flows enters a steep stream channel, they can travel for several miles, impacting areas unaware of the hazard. Areas recently burned by a forest fire are especially susceptible to debris flows, including the areas downslope and outside of the burned area. Debris flows are a type of landslide and are sometimes referred to as mudslides, mudflows, lahars, or debris avalanche.

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Updated Date: February 24, 2025
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