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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Occurrence of selected organochlorine compounds in fish tissue from eastern Iowa streams, 1995

Human activities have caused dramatic changes to our Nation's landscape for over a century. Use of synthetic organic compounds in agriculture and industry has resulted in the accumulation and persistence of some of these compounds in natural systems. Concern has arisen over the contamination of our Nation's waters and the organisms that depend on them.
Linda R. Roberts

1997 flood tracking chart for the Red River of the North basin

The flood tracking chart for the Red River of the North Basin can be used by local citizens and emergency response personnel to determine the latest river stage. By comparing the current stage (water-surface elevation above some datum) and predicted flood crest to the recorded peak stages of previous floods, emergency response personnel and residents can make informed decisions concerning the thre
G.J. Wiche, C.R. Martin, L.L. Albright, Geraldine B. Wald

1997 flood tracking chart for the Sheyenne River basin

The "1997 Flood Tracking Chart for the Sheyenne River Basin" can be used by local citizens and emergency response personnel to record the latest river stage and predicted flood-crest information.  By comparing the current state (water-surface elevation above some datum) and predicted flood crest to the recorded peak stages of previous floods, emergency response personnel and residents can make inf
Gregg J. Wiche, Cathy R. Martin, Luverne L. Albright, Geraldine B. Wald

Numerical simulation of ground-water flow through glacial deposits and crystalline bedrock in the Mirror Lake area, Grafton County, New Hampshire

This report documents the development of a computer model to simulate steady-state (long-term average) flow of ground water in the vicinity of Mirror Lake, which lies at the eastern end of the Hubbard Brook valley in central New Hampshire. The 10-km2 study area includes Mirror Lake, the three streams that flow into Mirror Lake, Leeman's Brook, Paradise Brook, and parts of Hubbard Brook and the Pem
Claire R. Tiedeman, Daniel J. Goode, Paul A. Hsieh

Use of particle tracking to improve numerical model calibration and to analyze ground-water flow and contaminant migration, Massachusetts Military Reservation, western Cape Cod, Massachusetts

A steady-state, three-dimensional flow model coupled with a particle-tracking algorithm was developed to assess the complex interaction of hydrogeologic conditions affecting ground-water flow and contaminant transport--including aquifer heterogeneities, hydrologic boundaries such as ponds and streams, ground-water withdrawals, and aquifer recharge to characterize the migration of contaminants eman
John P. Masterson, Donald A. Walter, Jennifer G. Savoie

Summary of surface-water hydrologic data for the Houston metropolitan area, Texas, water years 1964-89

The study area, a metropolitan area in southeast Texas about 45 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico, has been undergoing extensive urban development since the 1950s. The Houston Urban Runoff Program was begun by the U.S. Geological Survey in water year 1964 to define the magnitude and frequency of flood peaks, to determine the impact of continuing urban development on surface-water hydrologic respon
Fred Liscum, D. W. Brown, M. C. Kasmarek

Hydrogeology and water quality of the West Valley Creek Basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania

The West Valley Creek Basin drains 20.9 square miles in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of southeastern Pennsylvania and is partly underlain by carbonate rocks that are highly productive aquifers. The basin is undergoing rapid urbanization that includes changes in land use and increases in demand for public water supply and wastewater disposal. Ground water is the sole source of supply in the
Lisa A. Senior, Ronald A. Sloto, Andrew G. Reif

Water-temperature, specific-conductance, and meteorological data for the Tualatin River basin, Oregon, 1994-95

Water-temperature, air-temperature, specific- conductance, wind-speed, and solar-radiation data are presented from a study conducted in the Tualatin River Basin in northwestern Oregon during 7-month periods from May 1 through November 30, 1994 and May 1 through November 30, 1995. The study was done to assist local and State agencies in understanding temporal and spatial patterns of water temperatu
John C. Risley, Micelis C. Doyle

Evaluation of agricultural best-management practices in the Conestoga River headwaters, Pennsylvania: Hydrology of a small carbonate site near Ephrata, Pennsylvania, prior to implementation of nutrient management

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, investigated the effects of agricultural best-management practices on water quality in the Conestoga River headwaters watershed. This report describes environmental factors and the surface-water and ground-water quality of one 47.5-acre field site, Field-Site
E. H. Koerkle, D. W. Hall, D. W. Risser, P. L. Lietman, D. C. Chichester

Combining digital spatial data with hydrologic measurements to interpret controls of stream chemistry in large watersheds

No abstract available.
Yvonne H. Baevsky, Gregory B. Lawrence, David M. Wolock, Douglas A. Burns, Peter S. Murdoch

Geochemistry of the processes that attenuate acid mine drainage in wetlands

Because conventional treatment of acid-mine drainage (AMD) involves installation and maintenance of water treatment plants, regulators and mine operators have sought lower cost and lower maintenance technologies. One ecological engineering technology that has received increasing research attention is the use of natural and constructed wetlands for remediation of some of the water-quality problems
Katherine Walton-Day
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