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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Characteristics of fish assemblages and related environmental variables for streams of the upper Snake River basin, Idaho and western Wyoming, 1993-95

Fish assemblages and environmental variables were evaluated for 30 first- through seventh-order streams in the upper Snake River Basin, Idaho and western Wyoming. Data were collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program to characterize aquatic biota and associated habitats in surface water. Sampling sites represented major stream types in the basin large river, agricult
Terry R. Maret

Water-quality assessment of the Trinity River Basin, Texas — Nutrients and pesticides in the watersheds of Richland and Chambers Creeks, 1993-95

A study of nutrients and pesticides was conducted during February-August 1995 in the west-central part of the Trinity River Basin, where land commonly is used for growing crops. Water and bed-sediment samples were collected at 8 small reservoir sites in the headwaters (known as Natural Resources Conservation Service reservoirs), at 5 stream sites, and at 3 Richland-Chambers Reservoir sites. The an
L. F. Land

Characterization of fill deposits in the Calumet region of northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois

In October 1993, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, began a study of the fill deposits in the Calumet region of northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois. Fill in this area is a mixture of steel-industry wastes, other industrial waste, municipal solid waste, dredging spoil, construction debris, ash, cinders, natural materials, and biologi
Robert T. Kay, Theodore K. Greeman, Richard F. Duwelius, Robin B. King, John E. Nazimek, David M. Petrovski

Techniques for estimating peak flow on small streams in Minnesota

Two statistically-derived techniques, regional regression equation and region of influence regression, that estimate peak flow on small, ungaged streams in Minnesota were developed. Both techniques relate physical and climatic characteristics to peak flow for 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year recurrence intervals. Regional regression equations were developed for each recurrence interval in each
D. L. Lorenz, G.H. Carlson, C. A. Sanocki

Organochlorine compounds and trace elements in streambed sediment and fish tissue, South Platte River Basin; Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming

Concentration data for organochlorine compounds and trace elements in streambed sediment and fish tissue collected throughout the South Platte River Basin as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National WaterQuality Assessment (NAWQA) Program were evaluated to determine the following: (1) which organochlorine compounds and trace elements occurred most frequently, (2) whether detection frequencies
Janet S. Heiny

Results of quality-control sampling of water, bed sediment, and tissue in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages study unit of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program

This report contains the quality control results of the Western Lake Michigan Drainages study unit of the National Water Quality Assessment Program. Quality control samples were collected in the same manner and contemporaneously with environmental samples during the first highintensity study phase in the unit (1992 through 1995) and amounted to approximately 15 percent of all samples collected. Th
S.A. Fitzgerald

Mesocosm experiments to assess factors affecting phosphorus retention and release in an extended Wisconsin wetland

Phosphorus retention by wetland sediments and vegetation was investigated in Jackson Creek wetland, an extension of an existing prairie marsh in southeastern Wisconsin. The extended wetland construction was undertaken in 1992-93 to help reduce the phosphorus loading to a downstream eutrophic lake. Two approaches were used to study potential and actual phosphorus retention in the system. Mesocosm e
J. F. Elder, B.J. Manion, G. L. Goddard

Environmental setting and implications for water quality in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages

In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey began to implement its National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program. The Western Lake Michigan Drainages was one of 20 study units selected for investigation to begin in 1991. The study-unit investigation will include an assessment of surface- and ground-water quality. The quality of water in a study unit is intrinsically related to the natural and anthropo

Integrity of production wells and confining unit at the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant, Dallas, Texas, 1995

Ground water in the shallow alluvial aquifer is contaminated at the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant, Dallas, Texas. Five production wells at the site are cased through the alluvial aquifer and underlying units and are screened in either the Paluxy or Twin Mountains aquifers. Three abandoned wells, originally completed in the Twin Mountains aquifer but filled with drilling mud in 1958, also
Sonya A. Jones, Frederick L. Paillet

Chemical evolution and estimated flow velocity of water in the Trinity Aquifer, south-central Texas

Three permeable zones with varying lithology and water chemistry compose the Trinity aquifer, a principal source of water in the 5,500- square-mile study area in south-central Texas. The upper permeable zone locally yields small quantities of water to wells and was not included in this study. The middle permeable zone primarily is composed of limestone with minor amounts of dolostone. Terrigenous
Sonya A. Jones, Roger W. Lee, John F. Busby
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