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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Geochemistry and hydrology of a calcareous fen within the Savage Fen wetlands complex, Minnesota, USA

Savage Fen is a wetlands complex at the base of north-facing bluffs in the Minnesota River Valley. The complex includes 27.8 hectares of calcareous fen that host rare calciphile plants whose populations are declining in Minnesota. Water and sediment compositions in the calcareous fen were studied to gain a better understanding of the hydrologie System that sustains the rare vegetation. Groundwater
S.C. Komor

Particulate carbonate matter in snow from selected sites in the south-central Rocky Mountains

Trends in snow acidity reflect the balance between strong acid inputs and reactions with neutralizing materials. Carbonate dust can be an important contributor of buffering capacity to snow however, its concentration in snow is difficult to quantify because it dissolves rapidly in snowmelt. In snow with neutral or acidic pH, most calcite would dissolve during sample melting if snow samples were pr
David W. Clow, George P. Ingersoll

The geochemical cycling of trace elements in a biogenic meromictic lake

The geochemical processes affecting the behavior and speciation of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn in Hall Lake, Washington, USA, are assessed by examining dissolved and acid soluble particulate profiles of the elements and utilizing results from thermodynamic calculations. The water column of this meromictic lake is highly stratified and contains distinctive oxic, suboxic, and anoxi
Laurie S. Balistrieri, J.W. Murray, B. Paul

Rapid geomorphic change caused by glacial outburst floods and debris flows along Tahoma Creek, Mount Rainier, Washington, USA

As part of a hazards-assessment study, we examined the nature and rate of geomorphic change caused by outburst floods and debris flows along Tahoma Creek. Mount Rainier, since 1967. Archival aerial photographs of the area proved to be a rich source of qualitative geomorphic information. On the basis of limited direct evidence and considerations of stream hydrology, we conclude that nearly all of t
J. S. Walder, C. L. Driedger

Use of long-term tritium records from the Colorado River to determine timescales for hydrologic processes associated with irrigation in the Imperial Valley, California

Tritium records were used to study hydrologic processes associated with irrigation and drainage in the Imperial Valley, a 2000-km2 agricultural area in the southeastern California desert. Tritium was analyzed in surface water, ground water, soil-pore water and drain water, and the results were compared to the historical record of tritium in the Colorado River. The Colorado River record was reconst
Robert L. Michel, R.A. Schoeder

Frequency of the 1993 flood in the upper Mississippi River Basin

The frequency of the 1993 flood in the upper Mississippi River Basin is characterized by applying Bulletin 17B and L-moment methods to 111 unregulated watersheds in the basin. The analysis indicated that the 1993 flood was primarily a 10- to 50-year event on unregulated watersheds less than about 50,000 square kilometers. Of the 111 stations analyzed, the L-moment and Bulletin 17B methods were use
W.O. Thomas, D. A. Eash

Determination of chlorinated insecticides in bottom sediment using an electron-capture gas chromatography screening method, Austin, Texas, 1991 and 1992

Twenty-two bottom-sediment samples were collected from Town Lake in Austin, Texas, in 1991 and 1992 and analyzed for chlorinated insecticides by a reconnaissance-quality, electron-capture gas chromatography screening method developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Four different chlorinated insecticides (aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, and p,p'-DDT) and two degradation products of p,p'-DDT (p,
Robert D. Brock, Lucinda K. Murtagh

Hydrogeologic and water-quality data used to characterize the Management Systems Evaluation Area near Princeton, Minnesota, 1991

The Minnesota Management Systems Evaluation Area project is part of a multi-scale, inter-agency initiative to evaluate the effects of agricultural management systems on water quality in the midwest corn belt. The research area is located in the Anoka Sand Plain about 5 kilometers southwest of Princeton, Minnesota. The ground-water-quality monitoring network within and immediately surrounding the r
G. N. Delin, M.K. Landon, J.A. Lamb, J. L. Anderson

Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey water-resources reports for Utah

This bibliography contains a complete listing of reports prepared by personnel of the U.S. Geological Survey from 1886 through December 31, 1993, that discuss the water resources of Utah. The reports were prepared primarily by personnel of the Water Resources Division, Utah District, in cooperation with State, other Federal, and local agencies. Several reports were prepared as a part of studies di

Estimated withdrawals and use of freshwater in New Hampshire, 1990

Estimated freshwater withdrawals during 1990 in New Hampshire totaled about 422 million gallons per day from ground-water and surface-water sources. The largest withdrawals were for thermoelectric-power generation (60 percent), public supply (23 percent), and industrial use (9 percent). Most withdrawals, 358 million gallons per day, were made from surface- water sources, as compared to 63.7 millio
Laura Medalie, M.A. Horn

Potentiometric surface of the Magothy Aquifer in southern Maryland, September 1993

No abstract available.
Stephen E. Curtin, Frederick K. Mack, D. C. Andreasen
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