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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Use of landsat thematic mapper data to identify crop types and estimate irrigated acreage, Uvalde and Medina counties, Texas, 1991

Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data were used to estimate that about 51,000 acres of crops were irrigated with water pumped from the Edwards aquifer in Uvalde and Medina Counties, Texas in 1991. Bands 2, 3,4, and 5 from a TM image for August 10,1991, were classified using the maximum-likelihood, unsupervised-classification procedure to identify the areas of crops irrigated in the two counties. Detai
L.H. Raymond, S.I. McFarlane

Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River basin in Washington: major-and minor-element data for sediment, water, and aquatic biota, 1987-91

Major- and minor-element concentrations are presented for streambed and suspended sediment, filtered- and unfiltered-water, and aquatic-biota samples collected during 1987-91 from the Yakima River Basin in south-central Washington. The samples were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-quality Assessment (NAWQA) program which is designed to provide results that are usefu
Gregory J. Fuhrer, Shelley L. Fluter, Stuart W. McKenzie, Joseph F. Rinella, J. Kent Crawford, Daniel J. Cain, Michelle I. Hornberger, Jennifer L. Bridges, Kenneth A. Skach

Hydrogeologic and water-quality data from wells near the Hueco Bolson Recharge Project area, El Paso, Texas, 1990 and 1991

Tertiary-treated wastewater currently (1991) is being injected into the Hueco bolson aquifer at a site in northeastern El Paso, Texas, to supplement the quantity of available freshwater. Hydrologic data were compiled and water-quality and bacterial data were collected from existing wells near the Hueco Bolson Recharge Project (HBRP) in August and September 1990 and 1991. Borehole tracer tests indi
Robert D. Brock, Paul M. Buszka, Edward M. Godsy

Contraction scour at a bridge over the Iowa River

Flooding of the Iowa River during July and August 1993 caused extensive contraction scour at the State Highway 99 bridge over the Iowa River at Wapello, Iowa. At least 3.3 m of piling under the footing of the second pier from the right (west) abutment were exposed. The scoured streambed did not fill in again after the flood receded, and a bathymetric survey in November 1993 showed that the streamb
Edward E. Fischer

Factors affecting accuracy of slope-area discharge determination of the September 1992 flood in Raven Fork, Western North Carolina

For the flood of September 10, 1992, in Raven Fork, Swain County, North Carolina, a peak discharge of 460 cubic meters per second was computed by using the slope-area method. Accuracy of this determination depends on suitability of the selected reach and, in particular, selection of Manning's roughness coefficients, interpretation of the high-water marks, number and placement of cross sections, pr
W. Harold Eddins, Thomas J. Zembrzuski

Estimated withdrawals and use of freshwater in Maine, 1990

No abstract available.
M.C. Loiselle, M.A. Horn, Laura Medalie

Water resources data, North Carolina, water year 1993. Volume 1: Surface-water records

Water-resources data for the 1993 water year for North Carolina consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; and stage and contents of lakes and reservoirs. This report contains discharge records for 159 gaging stations and stage and contents for 56 lakes and reservoirs; water quality for 54 gaging stations and 5 miscellaneous sites; and continuous daily tide stage for 10
R.G. Barker, E.D. George, J.F. Rinehardt, W.H. Eddins

Water quality of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint and Ocmulgee River Basins related to flooding from Tropical Storm Alberto; pesticides in urban and agricultural watersheds; and nitrate and pesticides in ground water, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida

This report presents preliminary water-quality information from three studies that are part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River basin and the adjacent Ocmulgee River basin. During the period July 3-7, 1994, heavy rainfall from tropical storm Alberto caused record flooding on the Ocmulgee and Flint Rivers and several of their
D. J. Hippe, D. J. Wangsness, E. A. Frick, J.W. Garrett

Water Resources Data, South Carolina, Water Year 1993

No abstract available.
C.S. Bennett, T.W. Cooney, K.H. Jones, P.A. Drewes

Seasonal variations of Zn/Cu ratios in acid mine water from Iron Mountain, California

Time-series data on Zn/Cu weight ratios from portal effluent compositions [(Zn/Cu)water] at Iron Mountain, California, show seasonal variations that can be related to the precipitation and dissolution of melanterite [(FeII,Zn,Cu)SO4·7H2O]. Mine water and actively forming melanterite were collected from underground mine workings and chemically analyzed. The temperature-dependent solubility of Zn-Cu
Charles N. Alpers, D. Kirk Nordstrom, J. Michael Thompson

Transport and natural attenuation of Cu, Zn, As, and Fe in the acid mine drainage of Leviathan and Bryant Creeks

The Leviathan and Bryant Creek (LBC) drainage system, on the border of California and Nevada, flows through overburden and waste from a former open-pit sulfur mine. The drainage contains acid mine waters with high concentrations of several trace elements, including Cu, Zn, and As, derived from oxidative weathering of sulfides in the wastes and altered bedrock. In June and October, 1982, the mainst
Jenny G. Webster, D. Kirk Nordstrom, Kathleen S. Smith

Using a Geographic Information System to determine the relation between stream quality and geology in the Roberts Creek watershed, Clayton County, Iowa

A geographic information system (GIS) was used to determine the relation between the stream-water quality and underlying geology in Roberts Creek watershed, Clayton County, Iowa, for base-flow conditions during the spring and summer of 1988–90. Geologic, stream, basin and subbasin boundaries, and water-quality sampling-site coverages were created by digitizing available maps. A contour coverage wa
Stephen J. Kalkhoff
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