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Strontium isotope ratios of lavas from Kilauea, Mauna Loa, and Loihi volcanoes, Hawaii

Strontium isotope ratios of lavas from Hawaii were analyzed by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) at the Southwest Isotope Research Laboratories of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Denver. There were at total of 427 analyses of samples obtained from the field, the collections of the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO), the University of Hawai?i, and the Smithsonian Institution. Th

Virally-vectored vaccine candidates against white-nose syndrome induce anti-fungal immune response in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus)

White-nose syndrome (WNS) caused by the fungus, Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd) has killed millions of North American insect-eating bats. Currently, methods to prevent the disease are limited. We conducted two trials to assess potential WNS vaccine candidates in wild-caught Myotis lucifugus. In a pilot study, we immunized bats with one of four vaccine treatments or PBS as a control and challenge

Spatial Integration of Biological and Social Objectives to Identify Priority Landscapes for Waterfowl Habitat Conservation

The information and data presented herein serve as the supplement to the report, Spatial Integration of Biological and Social Objectives to Identify Priority Landscapes for Waterfowl Habitat Conservation. The purpose of this supplemental material is to encourage exploration of the methods used to develop the spatially explicit products presented in the report. The in depth step-by-step methodology

Erosion Monitoring along the Coosa River, Alabama, using Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging (T-LiDAR) Technology, 2014-2017

These datasets contain XYZ locations and other attributes of points from topographic bank surveys at six sites downstream from three dams on the Coosa River in Alabama, from October 2014 through July 2017. At the four sites downstream from H. Neely Henry and Walter Bouldin Dams, topographic data were collected using a motion-compensated LiDAR (MC-LiDAR) system mounted on a marine survey vessel equ

Modeling barrier island habitats using landscape position information for Dauphin Island, Alabama

Barrier islands provide important ecosystem services, including storm protection and erosion control to the mainland, habitat for fish and wildlife, and tourism (Barbier and others, 2011; Feagin and others, 2010). These islands tend to be dynamic due to their location along the estuarine-marine interface. Besides gradual changes caused by constant forces, such as currents and tides, barrier island

Streamflow and Water-Quality Data for Selected Streams in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Eastern Kentucky, 2015-17

During 2015-17, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USDA FS), carried out a study to characterize the hydrology and water chemistry in the Rock Creek and Cumberland River areas of the Daniel Boone National Forest. The study areas were historically mined for coal and have since been the focus of remediation efforts. The study exa

Stream habitat and geomorphic characteristics above and below culverts at selected sites in South Carolina (2017)

This dataset contains six individual tabular data files. These tabular data files contain measurements of aquatic habitat features and stream channel geomorphology from 20 sites in the Piedmont and Upper Coastal Plain physiographic regions of South Carolina. Specifically, the dataset titled "bedform_slope" contains enumeration of occurrence of bedforms, or macro-habitat features, and streambed and

U-Pb data for: U-Pb geochronology of tin deposits associated with the Cornubian Batholith of southwest England: Direct dating of cassiterite by in situ LA-ICPMS

Cassiterite (SnO2) samples were collected throughout Devon and Cornwall Counties in southwest England, United Kingdom. Samples were prepared and analyzed for direct age dating on a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICPMS) system at the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado in February and April 2018. This data release accompanies the publication, 'U-Pb geochronol

MODFLOW-2000 and MODPATH used to evaluate groundwater-management scenarios in the Brunswick area, Georgia, 2004-2015

A previously published groundwater flow model ( was revised with refined grid spacing and updated hydrogeolgic framework and hydrologic properties ( and used in this study to predict the effects of Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) groundwater pumpage on horizontal hydraulic-head gradients in the upper-water-bearing zone of the

Burmese python environmental DNA data, and environmental covariates, collected from wading bird aggregations and control sites in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem, United States, in 2017

Environmental DNA (eDNA) water samples were collected at 15 tree islands containing wading bird breeding colonies (order Pelecaniformes) and 15 empty control islands in the central Everglades of Florida in spring of 2017 (April through June) and analyzed for the presence of eDNA from invasive Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus). The Burmese python is now established as a breeding population throug

1990s bird and vegetation data from UMR floodplain forest

From 1994-1997 I surveyed breeding birds and sampled vegetation at 391 random points on UMR floodplain forest along a latitudinal gradient to characterize bird assemblages and associations with gradients in forest structure at the local survey point and land cover composition within 200m radius of survey points (landscape scale). We conducted 10 minute 50m fixed radius point counts (Ralph et al. 1

Hydrospatial Framework for the Laurentian Great Lakes

This data release provides the georeferenced boundaries that delimit each spatial unit of the Great Lakes Regional Aquatic Gap Analysis Project (GLGap) Coastal Hydrospatial Framework at each spatial scale from the local 90m cell to the entire Laurentian Great Lakes system and from the shoreline to the deepest offshore waters. The U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service collab
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