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Temperature data collected in the Indian River Lagoon to evaluate groundwater seepage, Brevard County, Florida

The data set includes temperature data from the base of the water column and below the bottom of the Indian River Lagoon, Brevard County, Florida. Data were collected near Eau Gallie, Melbourne, Florida and Riverwalk Park, Rockledge, Florida, on the western shore of the Lagoon. These data will ultimately be used to evaluate groundwater seepage. Data collection includes, temperature profiling using

Variability of mercury concentrations among whole bird feathers, feather homogenates, and feather components quantified in California in 2017-2018

These data are the raw total mercury (THg) concentrations in whole feathers, feather homogenates, and feather components (i.e., rachis, vane, calamus) that are presented in the Journal Article "Mercury concentrations vary within and among individual bird feathers: A critical evaluation and guidelines for feather use in mercury monitoring programs" in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry by Peter

Spatially Explicit Modeling of Annual and Seasonal Habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Northeastern California

Successful adaptive management hinges largely upon integrating new and improved sources of information as they become available. Updating management tools for greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus, hereafter referred to as "sage-grouse") populations, which are indicators for the large-scale health of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) ecosystems in the Great Basin of North America, provide a time

Hydrographic surveys collected to monitor fish spawning reef placements, Detroit River, Michigan, June 23-24, 2015

The U.S. Geological Survey conducted hydrographic surveys from June 23-24, 2015, to monitor fish spawning substrate placements (reefs) in the Detroit River, Michigan. An interferrometric multibeam echosounder was used from the Great Lakes Science Center research vessel Mayfly to collect maps of river bottom topography in locations where spawning substrates have been placed. In addition, baseline t

Bathymetric survey of the Green River near Jensen, Utah, March 26-29, 2018

A topographic and bathymetric survey was collected along a reach of the Green River downstream of Dinosaur National Monument. The surveyed reach extends approximately 16 kilometers upstream and 6 kilometers downstream of the U.S. Route 40 bridge near Jensen, Utah. The topographic and bathymetric data include survey point data for 382 cross sections over 22 kilometers and are provided as a text fil

Water-surface elevations derived from submersible pressure transducers deployed along the Green River near Jensen, Utah, February-September, 2018

Twenty one submersible pressure transducers were deployed along the Green River near Jensen Utah in late February 2018. At some locations two transducers were deployed at different elevations to capture the expected range of water level fluctuations, an "upper" and "lower" transducer. Two additional transducers were left out of the water to correct for barometric pressure fluctuations. At the time

Bathymetry of the Hong and Luoc River Junction, Red River Delta, Vietnam, 2010

The U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Water Resources University in Hanoi, Vietnam, conducted a bathymetric survey of the junction of the Hong and Luoc Rivers. The survey was carried out in December 2010 using a boat-mounted multibeam echo sounder integrated with a global positioning system. A bathymetric map of the Hong and Luoc River junction was produced which was referenced to

Salt marsh phenology and sexual reproductive characteristics at reference and restored sites in Louisiana, USA (2016)

This dataset provides information on plant sexual reproduction of a clonally-spreading perennial species, Spartina alterniflora. We investigated flowering phenology, potential seed and seedling production, and flower damage in reference and restored sites in southeastern Louisiana. Additional covariates of elevation and soil parameters were used to investigate underlying mechanisms of differences.

Water Quality Profile and Phytoplankton Community Data for Four Central Louisiana Oxbow Lakes, 2013-2015

Nutrient and phytoplankton data indicate poor environmental health in four oxbow lakes in central Louisiana suggesting that long-term agriculture practices and increases in shoreline development have accelerated eutrophication. Surface-water quality and phytoplankton indicators of eutrophication were examined at Lake Bruin, Lake St. John, Lake St. Joseph, and False River Lake along an eutrophicati

Russian-thistle field and seed bank data at Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, 2015-2016

These data were compiled as part of a field and growth chamber study of the establishment of Salsola tragus (Russian thistle), an invasive non-native annual plant in North America. Field work was conducted at Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona in 2015 and 2016 and the growth chamber study was conducted in 2016. The data represent field measurements of Salsola germination and growth (cover) an

Predictive maps of 2D and 3D surface soil properties and associated uncertainty for the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA

The raster datasets in this data release are maps of soil surface properties that were used in analyzing different approaches for digital soil mapping. They include maps of soil pH, electrical conductivity, soil organic matter, and soil summed fine and very fine sand contents that were created using both 2D and 3D modeling strategies. For each property a map was created using both 2D and 3D approa

Droplet digital PCR data from method testing to improve eDNA yield and reduce inhibitors from environmental water samples

Data files for manuscript "Improving eDNA yield and inhibitor reduction through increased water volumes and modified multi-filter isolation techniques". These include the results of different treatments for inhibitor removal from a water sample and DNA yield quantities from such tests. Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods detect genetic material that is shed into the environment through skin cells
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