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Divers putting shades over experimental Elkhorn corals in Biscayne National Park
Divers putting shades over experimental Elkhorn corals in Biscayne National Park
Divers putting shades over experimental Elkhorn corals in Biscayne National Park
Divers putting shades over experimental Elkhorn corals in Biscayne National Park

Shown here are three SCUBA divers installing shade structures over experimental Elkhorn corals (Acropora palmata) that have become "bleached," that is, lost all their algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The corals are attached to cement blocks as part of the U.S.

Shown here are three SCUBA divers installing shade structures over experimental Elkhorn corals (Acropora palmata) that have become "bleached," that is, lost all their algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The corals are attached to cement blocks as part of the U.S.

Elkhorn coral suffering from bleaching in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal
Elkhorn coral suffering from bleaching in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal
Elkhorn coral suffering from bleaching in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal
Elkhorn coral suffering from bleaching in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has succumbed to "bleaching," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has succumbed to "bleaching," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.

Bleached Elkhorn coral now under shade in Biscayne National Park
Bleached Elkhorn coral now under shade in Biscayne National Park
Bleached Elkhorn coral now under shade in Biscayne National Park
Bleached Elkhorn coral now under shade in Biscayne National Park

Shown here is a small colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.

Shown here is a small colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.

A bleached white Elkhorn coral in Dry Tortugas National Park has died
Bleached Elkhorn coral in Dry Tortugas National Park
Bleached Elkhorn coral in Dry Tortugas National Park
Bleached Elkhorn coral in Dry Tortugas National Park

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, in Dry Tortugas National Park that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave.

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, in Dry Tortugas National Park that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave.

Bleached white Elkhorn coral shown under a shade cover installed to protect it in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal
Bleached Elkhorn coral under a shade in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal
Bleached Elkhorn coral under a shade in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal
Bleached Elkhorn coral under a shade in Dry Tortugas National Park, Pulaski Shoal

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.

Bleached white Elkhorn coral under a shade in Dry Tortugas National Park, Garden Key
Bleached Elkhorn coral under a shade in Dry Tortugas National Park, Garden Key
Bleached Elkhorn coral under a shade in Dry Tortugas National Park, Garden Key
Bleached Elkhorn coral under a shade in Dry Tortugas National Park, Garden Key

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.

Shown here is a colony of the threatened Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, that has become "bleached," that is, lost all its algal symbionts (also called zooxanthellae) because of the summer 2023 ocean-heat wave. The coral is attached to a cement block as part of the U.S.


See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1

This video is step 1 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 1 is the creation of a new conservation effort.

This video is step 1 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 1 is the creation of a new conservation effort.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)

This video is step 2 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on public lands.

This video is step 2 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on public lands.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)

This video is step 2 in a series of five videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on private lands. 

This video is step 2 in a series of five videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on private lands. 

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module

This video is step 3 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry activity information. This video is for data entry of activity information related to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout conservation efforts. 

This video is step 3 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry activity information. This video is for data entry of activity information related to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout conservation efforts. 

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4

This video is step 4 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 4 is data entry of implementation information.

This video is step 4 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 4 is data entry of implementation information.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5

This video is step 5 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 5 is data review and error check prior to submission.

This video is step 5 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 5 is data review and error check prior to submission.