This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.
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Geologic correlation of logs of wells in Kings County, New York
No abstract available.
Wallace De Laguna
Geology and ground-water resources of Kiowa County, Kansas
No abstract available.
B.F. Latta
Ground-water supplies at Hays, Victoria, Walker, Gorham, and Russell, Kansas, with special reference to future needs
No abstract available.
B.F. Latta
Contamination of deep water wells in southeastern Kansas
No abstract available.
Charles C. Williams
Preliminary report on the ground-water resources of Labette County, Kansas
No abstract available.
G.C. Prescott
Geology and ground-water resources of Republic County and northern Cloud County, Kansas
No abstract available.
V.C. Fishel
Geology and ground-water resources of Seward County, Kansas
No abstract available.
F.E. Byrne, Thad G. McLaughlin
Flood of September 1946 at San Antonio, Texas
A flood occurred in the streams in and near San Antonio, Teat., during the early morning hours of September 27, 1946, as a result of heavy rains falling during the previous night. Much property damage occurred in San Antonio and below, and four lives were lost. . It is the purpose of the present report to describe this flood and its relation to the flood of September 10, 1921 the greatest of recor
Seth D. Breeding
Discharge and runoff in the Missouri River basin
Within the Missouri River Basin the precipitation and temperature vary greatly with both time and geographical location. Differences in weather and climate combine with differences in topography and geology to produce large differences in runoff from time to time and from place to place in the basin. The average annual runoff ranges from a fraction of an inch for some drainage areas to more than 4
Bruce R. Colby, Roy E. Oltman
Public water supplies in eastern Texas
This report gives a summarized description of the public water supplies in 77 counties of eastern Texas, extending from the Louisiana boundary to a northsouth line approximately along the ninety-seventh meridian. It gives the available data as follows for each of 323 communities: The population of the community; the name of the official from whom the information was obtained; the ownership of the
Raymond W. Sundstrom, W.W. Hastings, W. L. Broadhurst
Discharge and sediment loads in the Boise River drainage basin, Idaho 1939-40
The Boise River project is a highly developed agricultural area comprising some
520 square miles of valley and bench lands in southwestern Idaho. Water for
irrigation is obtained from the Boise River and its tributaries which are regulated
by storage in Arrow Rock and Deer Flat reservoirs. Distribution of water to the
farms is effected by 27 principal canals and several small farm laterals whi
S. K. Love, Paul Charles Benedict