This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.
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Delivery of water from Belton Reservoir to the Brazos River gaging station at Richmond, Texas, by way of the Leon, Little, and Brazos River channels, 1956
Beginning November 1, 1956 and ending December 14, 1956, the Corps of Engineers, in cooperation with the Brazos River Authority released 73,000 acre-feet of water (as measured at the gaging station on Leon river near Belton) from the Belton Reservoir for industrial use in the vicinity of Freeport, Tex. (see fig. 1). The need for this water at Freeport came as a result of the prolonged...
D.E. Havelka, E.M. Parten
Ground water in the Pullman area, Whitman county, Washington
No abstract available.
B. L. Foxworthy, R.L. Washburn
Ground-water levels in observation wells in Kansas, 1956
No abstract available.
V.C. Fishel, B.J. Mason
Ground-water resources of the Ladder Creek area in Kansas, with a section on The chemical quality of water, by R.A. Krieger
No abstract available.
Edward Bradley, C. R. Johnson, R. A. Krieger
Development of a balanced stream-gaging program for Kansas
No abstract available.
L.W. Furness
The hydraulic properties of the Ordovician rocks at Pittsburg, Kansas
No abstract available.
G.J. Stramel
Salt water and its relation to fresh ground water in Harris County, Texas
Harris County, in the West Gulf Coastal Plain in southeastern Texas, has one of the heaviest concentrations of ground-water withdrawal in the United States. Large quantities of water are pumped to meet the requirements of the rapidly growing population, for industry, and for rice irrigation. The water is pumped from artesian wells which tap a thick series of sands ranging in age from...
Allen G. Winslow, William Watson Doyel, L.A. Wood
Drainage areas of Iowa streams
The drainage area of a stream at a specified location ordinarily may be defined as that area, measured in a horizontal plane, which is enclosed by a topographic divide such that direct surface runoff from precipitation would drain by gravity into the river basin above the specified point. One of the most important factors in the hydrologic computation for the design of structures on or...
O.J. Larimer
Geology and ground-water resources of Outagamie County, Wisconsin
Outagamie County is in east-central Wisconsin. It has no serious groundwater problem at present, but the county is important as a recharge area for the principal aquifers supplying water to Brown County and industrial Green Bay to the east. The county is covered by glacial drift and lake deposits of the Wisconsin stage of glaciation. In the northwestern quarter of the county these...
E. F. LeRoux
Surface water supply of eastern and central North Carolina
None of the many factors that influence the economic growth of eastern and central North Carolina plays a more important role than water. Adequate water supply for municipal, rural domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses, is a basic need of any region.
Edward B. Rice
Water resources of the Neuse River Basin, North Carolina
No abstract available.
G. A. Billingsley, Robert Eugene Fish, R.G. Schipf
Flame photometric determination of strontium in water
Preliminary search of reported methods of Sr analysis revealed several investigations which have been made for the determination of Sr with the flame photometer, both at relatively low concentrations (0 to 50 ppm Sr) and at higher concentrations. Generally the procedures described involved measurement of Sr emission at either 460.7 mu or at 681 mu. There is disagreement among those...
Marvin W. Skougstad