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Estimating shaking-induced casualties and building damage for global earthquake events: a proposed modelling approach

Recent earthquakes such as the Haiti earthquake of 12 January 2010 and the Qinghai earthquake on 14 April 2010 have highlighted the importance of rapid estimation of casualties after the event for humanitarian response. Both of these events resulted in surprisingly high death tolls, casualties and survivors made homeless. In the Mw = 7.0 Haiti earthquake, over 200,000 people perished with more tha
Emily So, Robin Spence

Candidate cave entrances on Mars

This paper presents newly discovered candidate cave entrances into Martian near-surface lava tubes, volcano-tectonic fracture systems, and pit craters and describes their characteristics and exploration possibilities. These candidates are all collapse features that occur either intermittently along laterally continuous trench-like depressions or in the floors of sheer-walled atypical pit craters.
Glen E. Cushing

Lahar hazard zones for eruption-generated lahars in the Lassen Volcanic Center, California

Lahar deposits are found in drainages that head on or near Lassen Peak in northern California, demonstrating that these valleys are susceptible to future lahars. In general, lahars are uncommon in the Lassen region. Lassen Peak's lack of large perennial snowfields and glaciers limits its potential for lahar development, with the winter snowpack being the largest source of water for lahar generatio
Joel E. Robinson, Michael A. Clynne

Eruption probabilities for the Lassen Volcanic Center and regional volcanism, northern California, and probabilities for large explosive eruptions in the Cascade Range

Chronologies for eruptive activity of the Lassen Volcanic Center and for eruptions from the regional mafic vents in the surrounding area of the Lassen segment of the Cascade Range are here used to estimate probabilities of future eruptions. For the regional mafic volcanism, the ages of many vents are known only within broad ranges, and two models are developed that should bracket the actual erupti
Manuel Nathenson, Michael A. Clynne, L. J. Patrick Muffler

Volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, northern California

The Lassen region of the southernmost Cascade Range is an active volcanic area. At least 70 eruptions have occurred in the past 100,000 years, including 3 in the past 1,000 years, most recently in 1915. The record of past eruptions and the present state of the underlying magmatic and hydrothermal systems make it clear that future eruptions within the Lassen Volcanic Center are very likely. Althoug
Michael A. Clynne, Joel E. Robinson, Manuel Nathenson, L. J. Patrick Muffler

Fault healing promotes high-frequency earthquakes in laboratory experiments and on natural faults

Faults strengthen or heal with time in stationary contact and this healing may be an essential ingredient for the generation of earthquakes. In the laboratory, healing is thought to be the result of thermally activated mechanisms that weld together micrometre-sized asperity contacts on the fault surface, but the relationship between laboratory measures of fault healing and the seismically observa
Gregory C. McLaskey, Amanda M. Thomas, Steven D. Glaser, Robert M. Nadeau

Rapid acceleration leads to rapid weakening in earthquake-like laboratory experiments

After nucleation, a large earthquake propagates as an expanding rupture front along a fault. This front activates countless fault patches that slip by consuming energy stored in Earth’s crust. We simulated the slip of a fault patch by rapidly loading an experimental fault with energy stored in a spinning flywheel. The spontaneous evolution of strength, acceleration, and velocity indicates that our
Jefferson C. Chang, David A. Lockner, Z. Reches

Uncovering the nonadiabatic response of geosynchronous electrons to geomagnetic disturbance

We describe an energy spectrum method for scaling electron integral flux, which is measured at a constant energy, to phase space density at a constant value of the first adiabatic invariant which removes much of the variation due to reversible adiabatic effects. Applying this method to nearly a solar cycle (1995 - 2006) of geosynchronous electron integral flux (E>2.0MeV) from the GOES satellites,
Jennifer Gannon, Scot R. Elkington, Terrance G. Onsager

Real-time forecasting of the April 11, 2012 Sumatra tsunami

The April 11, 2012, magnitude 8.6 earthquake off the northern coast of Sumatra generated a tsunami that was recorded at sea-level stations as far as 4800 km from the epicenter and at four ocean bottom pressure sensors (DARTs) in the Indian Ocean. The governments of India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Maldives issued tsunami warnings for their coastlines. The United States' Pacific Tsunami W
Dailin Wang, Nathan C. Becker, David Walsh, Gerard J. Fryer, Stuart A. Weinstein, Charles S. McCreery

Directivity models produced for the Next Generation Attenuation West 2 (NGA-West 2) project

Five new directivity models are being developed for the NGA-West 2 project. All are based on the NGA-West 2 data base, which is considerably expanded from the original NGA-West data base, containing about 3,000 more records from earthquakes having finite-fault rupture models. All of the new directivity models have parameters based on fault dimension in km, not normalized fault dimension. This feat
Paul A. Spudich, Jennie Watson-Lamprey, Paul G. Somerville, Jeff Bayless, Shrey Shahi, Jack W. Baker, Badie Rowshandel, Brian Chiou

Design and implementation of a structural health monitoring and alerting system for hospital buildings in the United States

This paper describes the current progress in the development of a structural health monitoring and alerting system to meet the needs of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to monitor hospital buildings instrumented in high and very high seismic hazard regions in the U.S. The system, using the measured vibration data, is primarily designed for post-earthquake condition assessment of the buildin
Hasan S. Ulusoy, Erol Kalkan, Jon Peter B. Fletcher, Paul A. Friberg, W. K. Leith, Krishna Banga

An Automated Cropland Classification Algorithm (ACCA) for Tajikistan by combining Landsat, MODIS, and secondary data

The overarching goal of this research was to develop and demonstrate an automated Cropland Classification Algorithm (ACCA) that will rapidly, routinely, and accurately classify agricultural cropland extent, areas, and characteristics (e.g., irrigated vs. rainfed) over large areas such as a country or a region through combination of multi-sensor remote sensing and secondary data. In this research,
Prasad S. Thenkabail, Zhuoting Wu
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