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Alaska Mapping Executive Committee

The Alaska Mapping Executive Committee (AMEC) coordinates the modernization of critical Alaska map layers. Executives from multiple federal agencies and the State meet to prioritize and coordinate mapping objectives. AMEC currently promotes acquisition of several digital map layers including Imagery, Elevation, Terrestrial Hydrography, Wetlands, Coastal Shorelines and Bathymetry.

AMEC is co-chaired by executives from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of the Interior (DOI):

  • NOAA co-Chair.
  • DOI co-Chair.

AMEC held its most recent annual meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, on May 16, 2024. The date and location for the next annual meeting are under discussion within AMEC leadership.


AMEC Charter

AMEC Charter

AMEC Tactical Plan

AMEC Tactical Plan

AMEC Meeting Minutes

AMEC Meeting Minutes

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