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Manned Lunar Exploration Investigations Semiannual Report

The U. S. Geological Survey's Manned Lunar Exploration Investigations carried out during the second half of Fiscal Year 1965 concept studies for Apollo and for AES exploration, and shirt-sleeve field tests of geologic operations for Apollo exploration. Three Apollo field tests were carried out late in the spring using communications and television systems, a simple LEM mock-up, and other equipment

Memorandum: Cinder Lake Crater Field Seismic Profiles

Enclosed are the seismic profiles and a plan of the seismic lines at the new Cinder Lake Crater Field in Yavapai county. Along the East-West line the upper layer is made up of 3.5 feet of cinders on the top and then becoming mixed with clay t o a depth of 7.5 to 11.0 feet below the surface. Beneath this is a 10 to 20 foot thick layer of denser cinders or some other unconsolidated material. The thi

Schedule and Outline of Courses in Geology Astronaut Training Program

Outline and schedule of geology training courses provided by the USGS Astronaut training program. Training topics include, but are not limited to, lunar and terrestrial geology, the rock cycle, impact processes, rock and mineral identification, lunar and terrestrial geophysics, and geologic mapping. This outline is dated January 8, 1964.

Technical Letter: Astrogeology 27, Apollo Applications Program Field Test 5

Apollo Applications Program Field Test 5 was held March 14-18, 1966, in the Hopi Buttes area, Arizona. The objectives of the test were to 1) evaluate techniques of field checking a moderately complex photogeologic map--techniques potentially useful for lunar geologic exploration; 2) test the feasibility of using a vehicle mounted magnetometer and applying the magnetometer results to real time geol

Technical Letter: Astrogeology 28, Task Analysis Of Shirtsleeve Geologic Methods For The Apollo Applications Program Test AAP-8

A shirtsleeve test of geologic reconnaissance methods applicable to lunar surface exploration was conducted using astronauts as subjects. The task analysis objective was to determine the efficiency of a 2-man traverse. A table summarizes the full-day traverse, and a process chart (time line) is included in the report. It was concluded that two astronauts can complement each other's work with littl

Technical Letter: Astrogeology 6: Manned Lunar Exploration Investigations Report Apollo Field Operations Test II

Systems and shirt-sleeve operations tests were conducted at the Bonito Flow test site from April 5 through April 9. The tests provided the opportunity to evaluate field test logistics, systems compatibility, systems operation, and geological field and control center operations. This report summarizes the evaluations that bear on the potential usefulness of systems and operations.

Technical Letter: Astrogeology-11 Apollo Applications Program Investigations Field Test 3

Apollo Applications Program (AAP) Test 3 was held in Flagstaff, Arizona, as an initial feasibility study of rock thin-section preparation and remote television monitoring of the microscopic image, for possible use on AAP missions. During the 18 hours of actual test operations 38 thin sections were prepared. Of these, 25 were examined with a petrographic microscope with a television link to the Co

Technical Letter: Astrogeology-12, Time and Motions Required to Perform an Active Seismic Experiment Proposed for the First Apollo Landing

At the suggestion of the Planetology Subcommittee of the Space Sciences Steering Committee, an active engineering seismic experiment originally proposed by J. S. Watkins, J. Cl. De Bremaecker, and M. F. Kane was incorporated into the Early Apollo Active Seismic Experiment originally proposed by R. L. Kovach . J. S. Watkins was made co-experimenter for the Early Apollo Active Seismic Experiment wit

Technical Letter: Astrogeology-3 Preliminary Scientific Mission Profiles For The First Seven Apollo Missions

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans to land two astronauts on the Moon as a part of the Apollo Space Program. The questions arise: What should the astronauts do on the surface and what information should they gather? This report proposes answers to these questions by describing a possible series of scientific activities, or mission profiles, to be performed by the astronauts o

Technical Letter: Astrogeology-8 Apollo Extension Systems Field Test I

A field test held in the Hopi Buttes, Arizona, was planned to test geological, geophysical, and analytical operations and instruments that are of potential use in Apollo Extension Systems lunar surface missions. The test was conducted under "shirt-sleeve" conditions, but potentially useful methods of recording and compiling information during lunar exploration were employed. The test showed that b

Technical Letter: Astrogeology-9 Early Apollo Investigations Field Test 5

When the Apollo astronauts land on the Moon, their precise location will not be known. The real-time geologic mapping planned for the first mission could best be done if the exact position of the landing site were determined. The astronauts may have to find their position, with or without assistance from the Earth-based scientific mission center, before leaving the Lunar Module (LM), and the less
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