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Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (PlioMIP3) Data Distribution

These files provide global coverage data describing boundary conditions for various aspects of the physical world representing several chosen times in Earth's history to be used as input data for climate modeling experiments. The raster data sets are provided in NetCDF format which is standard for climate modelling.

Eelgrass and substrate characteristics in Bellingham Bay, Washington, July 2019 and July-August 2020

Eelgrass (Zostera marina) characteristics, sediment grain size distributions, sediment total organic carbon contents (TOC), carbon isotope ratios of sediment organic matter, and total carbon to total nitrogen ratios were measured at four lower intertidal sites in Bellingham Bay, Washington, July 2-5, 2019, and three subtidal sites (grain-size and TOC only) on July 11, 2019.

SHRIMP U-Pb and LA-ICPMS U-Pb geochronologic data for igneous and metasedimentary rocks in central Idaho mineral province, U.S.A.

These data are for a geochronologic study of emplacement ages for plutons of the Cretaceous Idaho batholith and detrital zircon ages for metasedimentary rocks, west-central Idaho. Zircon from six samples of discrete plutons across a regional transect were dated by sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP). SHRIMP U-Pb ages of igneous rocks connect the igneous activity to structural history

Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1 degree × 2 degrees Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina

The geodatabase for the Charlotte 1 degree × 2 degrees quadrangle by Goldsmith and others (1988) was compiled in the Geologic Map Schema (GeMS). The geologic map extends across four lithotectonic belts of the Piedmont from the Coastal Plain and Wadesboro Triassic basin on the east to the Blue Ridge belt in the vicinity of the Grandfather Mountain window on the west. The Wadesboro Triassic basin co

Mitochondrial and microsatellite genetic data from Cape Sable seaside sparrow feather samples collected 2011-2018

The federally endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow (Ammospiza maritima mirabilis) is endemic to the Greater Everglades ecosystem in southern Florida. The subspecies inhabits the fragmented freshwater marl prairies and contains six subpopulations (A-F), named for management purposes, since genetic information is lacking. To evaluate genetic connectivity and inform management decisions, feather sam

Drilling, construction, geophysical data, and lithologic log for borehole USGS 144

In 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), drilled and constructed borehole USGS 144 (433021112552501) for stratigraphic framework analyses and water quality monitoring at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), located in southeastern Idaho. Borehole USGS 144 was continuously cored from approximately 4 to 639 ft below land surface (BLS). The

Gravity data of southern Washoe County and adjacent areas, Nevada and California

This data release provides principal fact information of gravity data collected and compiled in southern Washoe County, Nevada and adjacent areas in Nevada and California. These data were collected from 1983 to 2011. Data were collected as part of a larger effort by Washoe County, University of Nevada, Reno and the U.S. Geological Survey to investigate the crustal structure of the region as it rel

Application of the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (NHMI-PRMS), 1950-2010, Maurer Calibration

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.1.0 and the USGS National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure (NHMI, Regan and others, 2018). These simulations were developed to provide estimates of the water budget for the period 1950 to 2010. Specific file types in

Model Input and Output for Hydrologic Simulations for the Conterminous United States for Historical and Future Conditions Using the National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure (NHMI) and the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), 1950 - 2100

This data release contains inputs for and outputs from hydrologic simulations for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.1.0 ( and the USGS National Hydrologic Model Infrastructure (NHMI, Regan and others, 2018). These simulations were developed to provide estimat

Pesticide Concentrations Measured in Zooplankton Samples Collected from the Sacramento River and Yolo Bypass, California, 2021

Zooplankton samples were collected at one site upstream of the Yolo Bypass in Northern California, three sites within the Bypass, and at a comparison site on the Sacramento River below the city of Sacramento and analyzed for a large suite of current-use pesticides and degradates. Samples were collected every two weeks from early August 2021 to mid-October 2021. Samples were collected by towing a 1

Puuhonua o Honaunau and Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Parks, carbon dioxide treatment and qPCR eDNA assays for eradicating and monitoring invasive fish in anchialine pools, 2019-2022 (ver. 2.0, July 2023)

This data release includes metadata and tabular data that documents lab and field trials testing the efficacy of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas diffused into water to manage invasive fish in anchialine pools. The data release also includes information documenting sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays to detect environmental DNA (eDNA) from tilapia

Bathymetry and Velocity Data from Surveys at Highway Bridges Crossing the Missouri River between Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri, May 19–26, 2021 (ver. 2.0, August 2023)

These data are high-resolution bathymetry (riverbed elevation) and depth-averaged velocities in comma-delimited table format, generated from hydrographic and velocimetric surveys near highway bridge structures over the Missouri River between Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri, May 19–26, 2021. Hydrographic data were collected using a high-resolution multibeam echosounder mapping system (MBMS), wh
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