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Urban tree cover provides consistent mitigation of extreme heat in arid but not humid cities - data release

Urban land cover types influence the urban microclimates. However, recent work indicates the magnitude of land cover’s microclimate influence is affected by aridity. Moreover, this variation in cooling and warming potentials of urban land cover types can substantially alter the exposure of urban areas to extreme heat. Our goal is to understand both the relative influences of urban land cover on lo

Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, 2023

This data release provides digital flight line data for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over the Medicine Bow Mountains in southern Wyoming. The airborne survey was jointly funded by the Earth Mapping Resources Initiative and the Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS). The survey was designed to meet complementary needs related to geologic mapping and characterization of

Delmarva Peninsula Stream Health and Habitat Assessments in Maryland and Delaware (2022)

U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists completed a data collection campaign from the 25th of April to the 10th of June in 2022, using various methods to record geomorphic and habitat indicators throughout 30 streams on the Delmarva Peninsula. Field methods included GNSS surveys, gravelometer-based pebble count readings, visual assessments, and riparian analyses. This metadata record contains al

Datasets for Assessment of Nutrient Load Estimation Approaches for Small Urban Streams in Durham, North Carolina, 2009-2020

In cooperation with the City of Durham Public Works Department Stormwater Division, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a study to evaluate whether alternate monitoring strategies that incorporated samples collected across an increased range of streamflows would improve nutrient load estimates for Ellerbe and Sandy Creeks, two small, highly urbanized streams in the City of Durham, North Ca

Tiltmeter data from Kīlauea’s East Rift Zone station JKA from August 1 to September 15, 2014

Tiltmeter data from station Jonika Flow (JKA) used in the publication "Pre-existing ground cracks as lava flow pathways at Kīlauea in 2014" by Tim R. Orr, Edward W. Llewellin, Kyle R. Anderson, and Matthew R. Patrick. These data were collected in 2014 by Asta Miklius of the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

Lake Ontario April Prey Fish Bottom Trawl Survey, 1978-2024

This data release includes Lake Ontario prey fish data including species captured, relative abundance, spatial distribution, size structure, and age data from the April or spring prey fish bottom trawl survey, 1978 through 2024. Data from 1978 - 2015 are from U.S. waters of Lake Ontario while data from 2016 - 2024 include both U.S. and Canadian waters of Lake Ontario. Details about the vessel and

2022 Organic Matter Research Lab Sacramento, California Vectorized Fluorescence Data

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center (CAWSC) Organic Matter Research Laboratory (OMRL) provides laboratory services and support to regional and national projects in the analysis of organic matter using the latest methods in absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Optical measurements such as absorbance and fluorescence are used to gain insight into dissolved organic

2022 Organic Matter Research Lab Sacramento, California Full Spectra Absorbance Data

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center (CAWSC) Organic Matter Research Laboratory (OMRL) provides laboratory services and support to regional and national projects in the analysis of organic matter using the latest methods in absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Optical measurements such as absorbance and fluorescence are used to gain insight into dissolved organic

Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources-Anadarko and Southern Oklahoma Basins: Chapter R. Spatial Data

This data release provides shapefiles that represent storage assessment units (SAUs) and drilling-density cells in the Anadarko and Southern Oklahoma Basins of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas in the United States. The SAU is the fundamental unit used in the National Assessment of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources project for the assessment of geologic CO2 storage resources. The SAU i

Carbon Isotopes, Total Organic Carbon, Programmed Pyrolysis, Volcanic Zircon U-Pb, and Geochemistry Data from the Hue Shale, Arctic Alaska - 2024

This dataset contains results from a stratigraphic section of the Hue Shale located along the Jago River in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at 69.9099, -143.3947 (WGS84). Sample heights were measured with a tape measure in a continuous succession. Zircon grains from volcanic ashes were analyzed via laser ablation at either the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) or the University of

Geospatial database of the 2022 summit and Northeast Rift Zone eruption of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawai'i

In the late evening of November 27, 2022, an effusive eruption began inside Moku'aweoweo caldera at the summit of Mauna Loa volcano. Within a few hours, lava had covered most of the caldera floor, and several fissures just outside caldera sent short lava flows up to 3 kilometers (2 miles) to the southwest. Later in the morning of November 28, summit effusion ceased and the eruption moved into the

Communication Towers across the Greater Sage-Grouse Range

We compiled and verified a dataset which represents a comprehensive inventory of communication tower infrastructure across the range of the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) from 1990 to 2023. Our dataset is an annual spatial time series product that allows users to visualize, assess, and analyze tower locations and duration (i.e., including date of construction through date of disma
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