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GAMA-Priority Basin Project Groundwater-Quality Results: Assessment and Trends

This interactive webmap plots water-quality data from domestic and public-supply wells sampled by the USGS for the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program (GAMA) Priority Basin Project, and allows users to download datasets.

Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow nest monitoring data 2011 to 2013

These data include nest-specific information about Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow nests monitored during 2011 to 2013. The data are formatted as we used them in Program MARK to evaluate factors affecting daily nest survival. Data includes information on when the nest was found, when it was last known to be active, nest fate, and nest age. In addition, we provide vegetation data from the nest site its

33 high-resolution scenarios of land use and vegetation change in the Prairie Potholes of the United States

A new version of USGS's FORE-SCE model was used to produce unprecedented landscape projections for four ecoregions in the Prairie Potholes region of Great Plains. The scenarios are consistent with the same scenarios modeled for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative region. The projections are characterized by 1) high spatial resolution (30-meter cells), 2) high thematic resolution (

Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed the PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model, a GIS raster-based empirical model that provides streamflow permanence probabilities (probabilistic predictions) of a stream channel having year-round flow for any unregulated and minimally-impaired stream channel in the Pacific Northwest region, U.S. The model provides annual predictions for

Wetland water-management may influence mercury bioaccumulation in songbirds and ducks at a mercury hotspot data release

We examined the role of wetland water-management on mercury bioaccumulation in songbirds and ducks. This database contains records of mercury concentrations in blood of wetland-foraging songbirds (80 common yellowthroats [Geothlypis trichas] and 14 Nelson's sparrows [Ammospiza nelsoni]) and eggs of upland-nesting ducks (28 gadwall [Mareca strepera], 19 blue-winged teal [Spatula discors], and 13 no

Data analyzed for the preliminary prioritization of California oil and gas fields for regional groundwater monitoring

There are 487 onshore oil and gas fields in California encompassing 3,392 square miles of aggregated area. The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) initiated a Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) in July 2015, intended to determine where and to what degree groundwater quality may be at potential risk to contamination related to oil and gas development activities includi

Chronic toxicity of 4-Nonylphenol to two unionid mussels in water-only exposures-metadata

Chronic (28-d) toxicity of 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) to two commonly tested species of mussels: fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea) and rainbow mussel (Villosa iris).

Dataset of trace dissolved hydrocarbons in surface water and groundwater in North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia between 2014 and 2017

This dataset contains measurements of dissolved hydrocarbons in various water sources, as well as ancillary raw calibration data showing the stability of the gas chromatograph with an atomic emission detector and flame ionization detector (GC-AED-FID) analytical system over time. Across multiple studies, samples from tap water, groundwater, surface water, springs, mine outflows, and blank material

Activity patterns of cave-dwelling bat species during pre-hibernation swarming and post-hibernation emergence in the central Appalachians

Bat activity around known hibernacula in Virginia and West Virginia portion of the central Appalachians during the fall swarm and spring emergence, 2015-2017

Activity patterns in regional and long-distance migrant bat species during the fall and spring along ridgelines in the central Appalachians, 2015-2017

Data contain zero-crossing, frequency acoustic detector locations, date to hour, species of bats recorded and identified and various wind and precipitation values associated with either day or hour for ridges, sideslopes and valleys at 5 locations in western Virginia's Appalachian Mountains.

Supplemental Discharge Data, Discrete Dissolved-solids Data, Quality-control Discrete Dissolved-solids Data, and Computed Mean Dissolved-solids Data used in the Conceptual and Numerical Models of Dissolved Solids in the Colorado River (1990-2016)

This data release contains six different datasets that were used in the report SIR 2018-5108. These datasets contain discharge data, discrete dissolved-solids data, quality-control discrete dissolved data, and computed mean dissolved solids data that were collected at various locations between the Hoover Dam and the Imperial Dam. Study Sites: Site 1: Colorado River below Hoover Dam Site 2: Bill

Influence of land use in the northern Great Plains on honey bee health and pollination service delivery, NPWRC (2015-2017)

Land use within a 4-km radius around 36 apiaries in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota was quantified over two years, 2015-16 and 2016-17. The area (hectares) of Ag (corn, soy, small grains), Grass (pasture, grassland, fallow land, wildflowers, shrub land, and hay land), Wetlands (herbaceous and woody), and Bee crops (alfalfa, canola, sunflower) were quantified around each apiary in each y