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Browse more than 160,000 publications authored by our scientists over the past 100+ year history of the USGS.  Publications available are: USGS-authored journal articles, series reports, book chapters, other government publications, and more.

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On Marine Eocene, fresh-water Miocene, and other fossil Mollusca of western North America

No abstract available.
Charles A. White

On new Cretaceous fossils from California

No abstract available.
Charles A. White

On the development of crystallization in the igneous rocks of Washoe, Nevada, with notes on the Geology of the district

No abstract available.
Arnold Hague, Joseph Paxton Iddings

On the higher Devonian faunas of Ontario county, New York

The materials and the conclusions presented in this paper are the partial results of studies of the Devonian of Western New York, which have been of several years duration. Since the summer of 1877 much attention has been given to the finer subdivision of the Devonian on strictly paleontological evidence, the rich development of Devonian faunas within Ontario County, and in its vicinity...
John Mason Clarke

On the Mesozoic and Cenozoic paleontology of California

No abstract available.
Charles A. White

Sketch of paleobotany

To understand the true force of the facts of paleobotany as arguments for geology it is essential that their full biologic significance be grasped. It has therefore been deemed proper, in this introduction to the several tabular and systematic statements which will make up the bulk of the volume and bear chiefly upon the geological aspect of the subject, to consider certain of the more...
Lester Frank Ward

Tables of geographic positions, azimuths, and distances, together with lists of barometric altituudes, magnetic declinations, and itineraries of important routes, from data gathered by parties of the United States Geographical Surveys west of the 100th me

Through the following tables there are presented, in accessible form, such portions of the more important numerical results of this Survey, from the year 1873 to 1879, inclusive, as it has been found neeessar, to compute pari passu with the plottings made from the field notes, together with such additional determinations as may have been required in the construction of the final atlas...
Montgomery Meigs Macomb, George Montague Wheeler

The electrical and magnetic properties of the iron-carburets

No abstract available.
Carl Barus, Vincent Strouhal

The present technical condition of the steel industry of the United States

No abstract available.
Phineas Barnes
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