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Browse more than 160,000 publications authored by our scientists over the past 100+ year history of the USGS.  Publications available are: USGS-authored journal articles, series reports, book chapters, other government publications, and more.

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The copper-bearing rocks of lake Superior

No abstract available.
Roland Duer Irving

The tertiary lake-basin at Florissant, Colorado, between South and Hayden Parks

The following remarks are based upon collections and notes made during a visit to Florissant, in the summer of 1877, in company with Messrs. Arthur Lakes, of Golden, Colo., and F. C. Bowditch, of Boston, Mass. As five days only were spent in the place, most of the time was given up to the collection and care of specimens, so that only a general survey of the locality was possible. Mr...
Samuel H. Scudder

Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories: A report of progress of the exploration in Wyoming and Idaho for the year 1878, Part I: Geology, paleontology, and zoology

This report includes the labors of the corps for the field season of 1878, and the office work until the close of the existence of the Survey by law June 30, 1879. Several of the members have, however, performed very important work since that time in elaborating their individual reports, which has added greatly to their interest and value.A general summary of the work for the season of...
F. V. Hayden

Volume III: The vertebrata of the Tertiary formations of the West

No abstract available.
Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, Edward D. Cope

Volume VIII: Contributions to the fossil flora of the Western Territories, Part III: The Cretaceous and Tertiary flora

No abstract available.
Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, Leo Lesquereux

Atlas to accompany the monograph on the geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe district

No abstract available.
George Ferdinand Becker

Atlas to accompany the Tertiary history of the Grand Canyon district

No abstract available.
Clarence E. Dutton

Contributions to the anatomy of birds

At the present writing we know of but one species of the so-called Burrowing Owls inhabiting America, and this is represented by three existing races, the typical and largest of those being the Athene cunicularia, a species confined to South America, while its two varieties occur with the limits of the United States.
R. W. Shufeldt

Geology of the Comstock lode and the Washoe district, with atlas

The field work for this report was begun in April, 1880, and concluded in March, 1881. In the spring of 1880 the Census of the Mineral Industries West of the Rocky Mountains was placed in my charge in addition to my duties as geologist, and occupied much of my time both during the period of field work in the Washoe District and since.
George Ferdinand Becker
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