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Genome resequencing clarifies phylogeny and reveals patterns of selection in the toxicogenomics model Pimephales promelas

BackgroundThe fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is a model species for toxicological research. A high-quality genome reference sequence is available, and genomic methods are increasingly used in toxicological studies of the species. However, phylogenetic relationships within the genus remain incompletely known and little population-genomic data are available for fathead minnow despite the poten
Katy E. Klymus, Robert A. Hrabik, Nathan Thompson, Robert S. Cornman

Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars

The Perseverance rover landed in Jezero crater, Mars, to investigate ancient lake and river deposits. We report observations of the crater floor, below the crater’s sedimentary delta, finding the floor consists of igneous rocks altered by water. The lowest exposed unit, informally named Séítah, is a coarsely crystalline olivine-rich rock, which accumulated at the base of a magma body. Fe-Mg carbon
K.A. Farley, K.M. Stack, D.L. Shuster, B.H.N. Horgan, J.A. Hurowitz, J. D. Tarnas, J.I. Simon, V.Z. Sun, E.L. Scheller, K.R. Moore, S.M. McLennan, P.M. Vasconcelos, R. C. Wiens, A.H. Treiman, L.E. Mayhew, O. Beyssac, T.V. Kizovski, N. J. Tosca, K.H. Williford, L.S. Crumpler, L.W. Beegle, J.F. Bell III, B.L. Ehlmann, Y. Liu, J.N. Maki, M. E. Schmidt, A.C. Allwood, H.E.F. Amundsen, R. Ghartia, T. Bosak, A.J. Brown, B. C. Clark, A. Cousin, O. Forni, Travis S. J. Gabriel, Y. Goreva, S. Gupta, S.-E. Hamran, C.D.K. Herd, K. Hickman-Lewis, J.R. Johnson, L.C. Kah, P. B. Kelemen, K.B. Kinch, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, C. Quantun-Nataf, M.S. Rice, P.S. Russell, S. Sharma, S. Siljestroem, A. Steele, R. Sullivan, M. Wadhwa, B. P. Weiss, A.J. Williams, B.V. Wogsland, P.A. Willis, T.A. Acosta-Maeda, B. Peck, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, A.S. Burton, E. L. Cardarelli, B. Chide, E. Clave, E.A. Cloutis, A.D. Czaja, V. Debaille, E. Dehouck, A.G. Fairen, D.T. Flannery, S.Z. Fleron, T. Fouchet, J. Frydenvang, B.J. Garczynski, E.F. Gibbons, E. M. Hausrath, A.G. Hayes, J. Henneke, J.L. Jorgensen, E.M. Kelly, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouelic, J. M. Madariaga, S. Maurice, M. Merusi, P. -Y. Meslin, S.M. Milkovich, C.C. Million, R.C. Moeller, J.I. Nunez, A.M. Ollila, G. Paar, D.A. Paige, D.A.K. Pedersen, P. Pilleri, C. Pilorget, P.C. Pinet, J.W. Rice Jr., C. Royer, V. Sautter, M. Schulte, M. A. Sephton, S.K. Sharma, S.F. Sholes, N. Spanovich, M. St. Clair, C.D. Tate, K. Uckert, S.J. VanBommel, A.G. Yanchilina, M. -P. Zorzano

Methods for robust estimates of tree biomass from pollen accumulation rates: Quantifying paleoecological reconstruction uncertainty

Pollen accumulation rates (PAR, grains cm–2 year–1) have been shown to be a reliable but methodologically complex bioproxy for quantitative reconstruction of past tree abundance. In a prior study, we found that the PARs of major tree taxa – Pseudotsuga, Pinus, Notholithocarpus, and the pollen group TC (Taxaceae and Cupressaceae families) – were robust and precise estimators of contemporary tree bi
Clarke Alexandra Knight, John J. Battles, M. Jane Bunting, Marie Rhondelle Champagne, James A. Wanket, David Wahl

Range-wide sources of variation in reproductive rates of northern spotted owls

We conducted a range-wide investigation of the dynamics of site level reproductive rate of northern spotted owls using survey data from 11 study areas across the sub-species geographic range collected during 1993–2018. Our analytical approach accounted for imperfect detection of owl pairs and misclassification of successful reproduction (i.e., at least one young fledged) and contributed further in
Jeremy T. Rockweit, Julianna M Jenkins, James E. Hines, James D. Nichols, Katie Dugger, Alan B. Franklin, Peter C. Carlson, William L. Kendall, Damon B. Lesmeister, Christopher McCafferty, Steven H. Ackers, L. Steven Andrews, Larissa Bailey, Jesse Burgher, Kenneth P. Burnham, Tara E. Chestnut, Mary M Conner, Raymond J. Davis, Krista E. Dilione, Eric D. Forsman, Elizabeth M. Glenn, Scott A. Gremel, Keith A. Hamm, Dale R. Herter, J. Mark Higley, Rob B. Horn, David W Lamphear, Trent L. McDonald, Janice A Reid, Carl J. Schwarz, David C. Simon, Stan G Sovern, James K. Swingle, David Wiens, Heather Wise, Charles B. Yackulic

Incorporating streambank wells in stream mass loading studies to more effectively identify sources of solutes in stream water

Stream synoptic sampling studies that include flow estimates derived from the stream tracer dilution method are now commonly performed to identify sources and processes controlling solute transport to streams. However, a limitation of this mass-loading approach is its inability to identify the side of the stream on which a source is located in the common case where loading is largely from groundwa
Andrew H. Manning, Robert L. Runkel, Jean Morrison, Richard Wanty, Katherine Walton-Day

Stakeholder engagement to guide decision-relevant water data delivery

Water resources management and policy making require access to reliable scientific data. However, water managers may need to overcome various obstacles to accessing data. For example, insufficient technological infrastructures, low data literacy, and data format complexities often inhibit data user access. Thus, it is imperative to include stakeholders in the design of data delivery systems. The U
Diana Restrepo-Osorio, Amanda D. Stoltz, Nicole M. Herman-Mercer

Tracing the sources and depositional history of mercury to coastal northeastern U.S. lakes

Mercury (Hg) deposition was reconstructed in sediment cores from lakes in two coastal U.S. National Parks: Acadia National Park (ANP) and Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS), to fill an important spatial gap in Hg deposition records and to explore changing sources of Hg and processes affecting Hg accumulation in these coastal sites. Recent Hg deposition chronology was assessed using (1) a newly deve
Vivien F. Taylor, Joshua D. Landis, Sarah E. Janssen

Trace elements in olivine fingerprint the source of 2018 magmas and shed light on explosive-effusive eruption cycles at Kīlauea Volcano

Understanding magma genesis and the evolution of intensive parameters (temperature, pressure, composition, degree of melting) in the mantle source of highly active volcanic systems is crucial for interpreting magma supply changes over time and recognizing cyclic behavior to anticipate future volcanic behavior. Major and trace elements in olivine are commonly used to study variations in mantle lith
Adrien Mourey, Thomas Shea, Kendra J. Lynn, Allan Lerner, Sarah Lambart, Fidel Costa, Jeffrey Oalmann, R. Lopaka Lee, Cheryl Gansecki

Variation in within-host replication kinetics among virus genotypes provides evidence of specialist and generalist infection strategies across three salmonid host species

Theory of the evolution of pathogen specialization suggests that a specialist pathogen gains high fitness in one host, but this comes with fitness loss in other hosts. By contrast, a generalist pathogen does not achieve high fitness in any host, but gains ecological fitness by exploiting different hosts, and has higher fitness than specialists in nonspecialized hosts. As a result, specialist patho
David James Páez, Douglas G. McKenney, Maureen K. Purcell, Kerry A. Naish, Gael Kurath

Forecasting and communicating the dispersion and fallout of ash during volcanic eruptions: lessons from the September 20, 2020 eruptive pulse at Sangay volcano, Ecuador

Volcanic ash is a hazard to human health and activities. Accurate and timely forecasts coupled with effective communication about the dispersion and fallout of volcanic ash during explosive events are essential to reduce impacts on local communities and limit economic losses. In this study, we present the first detailed description of an eruptive pulse at Sangay volcano and its eruption source par
Benjamin Bernard, Pablo Samaniego, Larry G. Mastin, Stephen Hernandez, Gerardo Pino, Jamie Kibler, Marjorie Encalada, Silvano Hidalgo, Nicole Vizuete

Recent climate change has driven divergent hydrological shifts in high-latitude peatlands

High-latitude peatlands are changing rapidly in response to climate change, including permafrost thaw. Here, we reconstruct hydrological conditions since the seventeenth century using testate amoeba data from 103 high-latitude peat archives. We show that 54% of the peatlands have been drying and 32% have been wetting over this period, illustrating the complex ecohydrological dynamics of high latit
Hui Zhang, Minna Valiranta, Graeme T. Swindles, Marco Aquino-Lopez, Donal Mullan, Ning Tan, Matthew Amesbury, Kirill Babeshko, Kunshan Bao, Anatoly Bobrov, Viktor Chernyshov, Marissa A. Davies, Andrei-Cosmin Diaconu, Angelica Feurdean, Sarah A. Finkelstein, Michelle Garneau, Zhengtang Guo, Miriam C. Jones, Martin Kay, Eric S. Klein, Maruisz Lamentowicz, Gabriel Magnan, Katarzyna Marcisz, Natalia Mazei, Yuri Mazei, Richard Payne, Nicolas Pelletier, Sanna Piilo, Steve Pratte, Thomas P. Roland, Damir Saldaev, William Shotyk, Thomas G. Sim, Thomas J Sloan, Michał Słowiński, Julie Talbot, Liam Taylor, Andrey N. Tsyganov, Sebastian Wetterich, Wei Xing, Yan Zhao

Democratizing macroecology: Integrating unoccupied aerial systems with the National Ecological Observatory Network

Macroecology research seeks to understand ecological phenomena with causes and consequences that accumulate, interact, and emerge across scales spanning several orders of magnitude. Broad-extent, fine-grain information (i.e., high spatial resolution data over large areas) is needed to adequately capture these cross-scale phenomena, but these data have historically been costly to acquire and proces
Michael J. Koontz, Victoria Mary Scholl, Anna I Spiers, Megan E Cattau, John Adler, Joseph McGlinchy, Tristan Goulden, Brett A Melbourne, Jennifer K. Balch
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