The CMHRP Decadal Science Strategy 2020-2030
This geonarrative constitutes the Decadal Science Strategy of the USGS's Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program for 2020 to 2030.
The Decadal Science Strategy of the Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program (CMHRP) describes the CMHRP's vision and mission and the strategic framework needed to support key program goals: Conduct research and develop science-based tools that lead to safer, more productive coastal communities and improved stewardship of natural resources.
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Strategic Framework
The CMHRP uses four overarching approaches to develop our research program
The CMHRP's high quality reputation is built on scientific integrity, expertise, and collaboration with partners
CMHRP invests in diverse capabilities to achieve our mission.
The CMHRP creates a bridge between the research community and decision makers
Explore examples of our science that are featured in the Plan.
Cape Canaveral Dune Vulnerability-Coastal Process and Hazard
Seafloor Minerals
Gas Hydrate Resources
Sediment Resources
Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge
Use of Lidar in Coastal Studies
Standards, Services, and Science
Communications at the CMHRP
Marine Seismic Imaging
CMHRP Links with Other Mission Areas
Explore examples of our science that are featured in the Plan.