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The Landslide Hazards Program produces maps indicating both historical landslide locations and potential future landslide risks. These maps are typically paired with geospatial data products, which help assess hazard levels, and can be useful for risk-reduction and land-use planning.  

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Preliminary photointerpretation map of landslide and other surficial deposits of the Mount Vaca, Vacaville, and parts of Courtland, Davis, Lake Berryessa, and Woodland 15-minute quadrangles, Napa and Solano counties, California

This map presents preliminary information about the distribution and general character of landslides and other surficial deposits. When used in combination with other types of information, such as data on soils, bedrock geology, slopes, seismic response, hydrology, vegetation and climatic variation, it should be easier to arrive at sound decisions regarding the physical aspects of land...

Preliminary map of landslide deposits, Denver 1° by 2° Quadrangle, Colorado

Areas inferred to be underlain by landslide deposits resulting from landsliding, avalanching, block gliding, debris sliding or flowing, earthflows, mudflows, rocksliding, rockfalls, rotational slides, slab or flake sliding, slumping, talus accumulation, and translational sliding. Rock glacier deposits, colluvium, and solifluction deposits are included in some areas. Some till is mapped...
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