Explore our active and completed projects to learn more about the scientific investigations we conduct. Use keywords and the available filters to narrow your search scope.
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Filter Total Items: 119
Multi-Resource Integrated Assessments (MRIA) and the Critical-Mineral Potential of Legacy Mine Above-Ground Resources
Interest in revitalizing domestic production of critical minerals and continued interest in reclamation of legacy mine sites have raised the question of whether above-ground materials at mine sites in Alaska may be reprocessed to recover critical minerals. The goal of this study is to implement a multi-resource integrated assessment (MRIA) approach to evaluate benefit and risk scenarios within and...
Geologic Map of Alaska
In January 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey released the first ever digital geologic map of Alaska. This map reflects more than a century of work and provides a visual context for the abundant mineral and energy resources found throughout the state. The map also is available to use in three different formats: a professional GIS database, a public interactive version via a web browser, and an...
Alaska Databases and Information Analysis
We provide GIS and database support for Alaska-based research projects, including database design, data capture, and maintenance, GIS analysis and display, and production of datasets and metadata for publication and data releases.
Alaska Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI)
Our objective is to provide a strategic framework for planning, coordination, and execution of the USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) in Alaska. Earth MRI aims to improve knowledge of the U.S. geologic framework through new geological and geophysical mapping and to identify areas that have the potential to contain undiscovered critical mineral resources.
Alaska Resource Data File
The Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF) site provides descriptions of mines, prospects, and mineral occurrences for individual U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000-scale quadrangles in Alaska.
Alaska Mine Waste
Critical minerals are essential to the U.S. economy and national security, have a supply chain that is vulnerable to disruption, and serve an essential function in the manufacturing of many products. Often, critical minerals are found as co- or by-products in deposits mined for precious or base metals.
Critical Minerals in Alaska Placer Deposits and Southeast Alaska Mineral Systems
Critical minerals have been identified in most Alaskan placers, yet little is known about the concentration of these phases. Historic and active placer mines have typically produced gold and are widespread across Alaska. Activity in the placer districts has resulted in gravel piles and sluice tailings that are products of gold mining. Gold has been the traditional target of placer mining; however...
Ultramafic lands: Sustainability Challenges and Resource Opportunities
Ultramafic lands are geologically and ecologically diverse areas that host naturally elevated concentrations of chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and scandium (Sc). While Cr is a potential carcinogen, Co, Mn, Ni, and Sc are considered critical minerals in the United States owing to their importance in current electric battery formulations. The research conducted...
Geophysical Imaging for Critical Mineral Resources in the Southern Basin and Range
Reliance on imports for many critical mineral commodities (including rare earth elements) puts the U.S. at high risk for supply disruption. Undiscovered deposits of some of these critical and strategic minerals undoubtedly exist in the United States, but a lack of modern geological, geophysical, and topographic data makes exploration challenging. This project plans to improve our knowledge of the...
Persistent Science Challenges in Legacy Mine Land Site Management
The objective of this project is to provide targeted research results to benefit cooperators managing legacy mine land sites in the western U.S. by addressing three persistent scientific challenges: (1) determining the contribution of mining-related metal sources to water quality degradation when substantial natural background metal sources are also present; (2) adequately characterizing key...
Porphyry Copper Systems of the Boulder batholith, Montana
The project seeks to better understand the mineral systems of the Boulder batholith and surrounding region in Montana using new airborne geophysical data in conjunction with geologic mapping.
Materials Flow and Recycling - Minerals
The National Minerals Information Center produces reports on materials flow, recycling, supply chain, and sustainability. These publications describe the flow of materials from source to ultimate disposition to help better understand the economy, manage the use of natural resources, and protect the environment. Commodity Statistics and Information page lists statistical periodicals and special...
USMIN Mineral Deposit Database
Our objective is to develop a national-scale, geospatial database that is the authoritative source of the most important mines, mineral deposits, and mineral districts of the United States.
Mineral Resources Program Projects
Explore our active and completed projects to learn more about the scientific investigations we conduct. Use keywords and the available filters to narrow your search scope.
Mineral Commodity Statistics and Information
The National Minerals Information Center publishes statistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of minerals and materials essential to the U.S. economy, the national security, and protection of the environment. The annual Mineral Commodity Summaries Report contains contains estimates covering nonfuel mineral industry data for over 90 individual minerals and materials...
Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI)
The USGS, in combination with Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Canada, formed the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI) in 2019 to combine expertise and collaboratively conduct research on critical mineral resources.
National assessment of Ni, Co, V, Cr, and PGE associated with mafic/ultramafic magmatic mineral systems
Many minerals critical for modern society are found only in a few places in the world. U.S. reliance on minerals imported from other countries can cause supply chain vulnerabilities. This project aims to evaluate critical commodities associated with mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and highlight areas with mineral potential.
GIS Prospectivity Analysis for Critical Minerals in Ore-Forming Systems in Alaska
Alaska is dominated by a history of tectonic events that foster mobilization and concentration of a wide variety of mineral commodities that are critical to the US economy and are vital to national defense, renewable-energy, and emerging electronics technologies.
Multidisciplinary Investigations of REE Mineralization at Mountain Pass and in the Southeast Mojave Desert, California
In this time of increased focus on renewable energy technologies, rare earth elements (REEs) are of critical importance. For example, neodymium (Nd) is a REE used in the generator and motor magnets of wind turbines and electric vehicles. Reliance on REE imports puts the U.S. at high risk for supply disruption. The project will integrate geology, geophysics, petrology, geochronology, and economic...
Large Magmatic Systems for Minerals
This project continues work on large magmatic systems in the U.S., where critical mineral commodities important to clean energy technologies can be concentrated. Modeling of large mafic intrusion extents will continue, and new geophysical methods will be applied to improve understanding of magmatic systems.
International Integrated Minerals Interpretation
We will publish reports and interpretive papers on existing data from USGS internal mineral resource assessment collaborative work.
International Minerals Statistics and Information
Minerals Yearbook (Volume III. -- Area Reports: International).
Explore our active and completed projects to learn more about the scientific investigations we conduct. Use keywords and the available filters to narrow your search scope.
Explore Our Projects
Explore Our Projects
Filter Total Items: 119
Multi-Resource Integrated Assessments (MRIA) and the Critical-Mineral Potential of Legacy Mine Above-Ground Resources
Interest in revitalizing domestic production of critical minerals and continued interest in reclamation of legacy mine sites have raised the question of whether above-ground materials at mine sites in Alaska may be reprocessed to recover critical minerals. The goal of this study is to implement a multi-resource integrated assessment (MRIA) approach to evaluate benefit and risk scenarios within and...
Geologic Map of Alaska
In January 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey released the first ever digital geologic map of Alaska. This map reflects more than a century of work and provides a visual context for the abundant mineral and energy resources found throughout the state. The map also is available to use in three different formats: a professional GIS database, a public interactive version via a web browser, and an...
Alaska Databases and Information Analysis
We provide GIS and database support for Alaska-based research projects, including database design, data capture, and maintenance, GIS analysis and display, and production of datasets and metadata for publication and data releases.
Alaska Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI)
Our objective is to provide a strategic framework for planning, coordination, and execution of the USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) in Alaska. Earth MRI aims to improve knowledge of the U.S. geologic framework through new geological and geophysical mapping and to identify areas that have the potential to contain undiscovered critical mineral resources.
Alaska Resource Data File
The Alaska Resource Data File (ARDF) site provides descriptions of mines, prospects, and mineral occurrences for individual U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000-scale quadrangles in Alaska.
Alaska Mine Waste
Critical minerals are essential to the U.S. economy and national security, have a supply chain that is vulnerable to disruption, and serve an essential function in the manufacturing of many products. Often, critical minerals are found as co- or by-products in deposits mined for precious or base metals.
Critical Minerals in Alaska Placer Deposits and Southeast Alaska Mineral Systems
Critical minerals have been identified in most Alaskan placers, yet little is known about the concentration of these phases. Historic and active placer mines have typically produced gold and are widespread across Alaska. Activity in the placer districts has resulted in gravel piles and sluice tailings that are products of gold mining. Gold has been the traditional target of placer mining; however...
Ultramafic lands: Sustainability Challenges and Resource Opportunities
Ultramafic lands are geologically and ecologically diverse areas that host naturally elevated concentrations of chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and scandium (Sc). While Cr is a potential carcinogen, Co, Mn, Ni, and Sc are considered critical minerals in the United States owing to their importance in current electric battery formulations. The research conducted...
Geophysical Imaging for Critical Mineral Resources in the Southern Basin and Range
Reliance on imports for many critical mineral commodities (including rare earth elements) puts the U.S. at high risk for supply disruption. Undiscovered deposits of some of these critical and strategic minerals undoubtedly exist in the United States, but a lack of modern geological, geophysical, and topographic data makes exploration challenging. This project plans to improve our knowledge of the...
Persistent Science Challenges in Legacy Mine Land Site Management
The objective of this project is to provide targeted research results to benefit cooperators managing legacy mine land sites in the western U.S. by addressing three persistent scientific challenges: (1) determining the contribution of mining-related metal sources to water quality degradation when substantial natural background metal sources are also present; (2) adequately characterizing key...
Porphyry Copper Systems of the Boulder batholith, Montana
The project seeks to better understand the mineral systems of the Boulder batholith and surrounding region in Montana using new airborne geophysical data in conjunction with geologic mapping.
Materials Flow and Recycling - Minerals
The National Minerals Information Center produces reports on materials flow, recycling, supply chain, and sustainability. These publications describe the flow of materials from source to ultimate disposition to help better understand the economy, manage the use of natural resources, and protect the environment. Commodity Statistics and Information page lists statistical periodicals and special...
USMIN Mineral Deposit Database
Our objective is to develop a national-scale, geospatial database that is the authoritative source of the most important mines, mineral deposits, and mineral districts of the United States.
Mineral Resources Program Projects
Explore our active and completed projects to learn more about the scientific investigations we conduct. Use keywords and the available filters to narrow your search scope.
Mineral Commodity Statistics and Information
The National Minerals Information Center publishes statistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of minerals and materials essential to the U.S. economy, the national security, and protection of the environment. The annual Mineral Commodity Summaries Report contains contains estimates covering nonfuel mineral industry data for over 90 individual minerals and materials...
Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI)
The USGS, in combination with Geoscience Australia and the Geological Survey of Canada, formed the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI) in 2019 to combine expertise and collaboratively conduct research on critical mineral resources.
National assessment of Ni, Co, V, Cr, and PGE associated with mafic/ultramafic magmatic mineral systems
Many minerals critical for modern society are found only in a few places in the world. U.S. reliance on minerals imported from other countries can cause supply chain vulnerabilities. This project aims to evaluate critical commodities associated with mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and highlight areas with mineral potential.
GIS Prospectivity Analysis for Critical Minerals in Ore-Forming Systems in Alaska
Alaska is dominated by a history of tectonic events that foster mobilization and concentration of a wide variety of mineral commodities that are critical to the US economy and are vital to national defense, renewable-energy, and emerging electronics technologies.
Multidisciplinary Investigations of REE Mineralization at Mountain Pass and in the Southeast Mojave Desert, California
In this time of increased focus on renewable energy technologies, rare earth elements (REEs) are of critical importance. For example, neodymium (Nd) is a REE used in the generator and motor magnets of wind turbines and electric vehicles. Reliance on REE imports puts the U.S. at high risk for supply disruption. The project will integrate geology, geophysics, petrology, geochronology, and economic...
Large Magmatic Systems for Minerals
This project continues work on large magmatic systems in the U.S., where critical mineral commodities important to clean energy technologies can be concentrated. Modeling of large mafic intrusion extents will continue, and new geophysical methods will be applied to improve understanding of magmatic systems.
International Integrated Minerals Interpretation
We will publish reports and interpretive papers on existing data from USGS internal mineral resource assessment collaborative work.
International Minerals Statistics and Information
Minerals Yearbook (Volume III. -- Area Reports: International).