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Red-bellied Newt (Taricha rivularis) aRBNEx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Taricha rivularis (Red-bellied Newt). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) bGUSGx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Gunnison Sage-grouse. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) mSNHAx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Lepus americanus (Snowshoe Hare). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri) bBRSPx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Spizella breweri (Brewer's Sparrow). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) bETSPx_CONUS_2001v1 Habitat Map

This dataset represents a species habitat distribution model for Eurasian Tree Sparrow. These habitat maps are created by applying a deductive habitat model to remotely-sensed data layers within a species' range.

Mangrove Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger avicennia) mEFSQa_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Sciurus niger avicennia (Mangrove Fox Squirrel). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) rKRSTx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Lepidochelys kempii (Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Texas Deermouse (Peromyscus attwateri) mTXDEx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Peromyscus attwateri (Texas Deermouse). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) bACWOx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Melanerpes formicivorus (Acorn Woodpecker). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

USGS Gap Analysis Project Additional Data: Hydrography

Water and its location on the landscape are important aspects of a species distribution. A number of water related data layers were used to refine these USGS Gap Analysis Project species models. These include water type (i.e. flowing, open/standing), distance to and from water, and stream flow and underlying gradient. The source for this data was the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)(USGS 20

Arizona Toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) aAZTOx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Anaxyrus microscaphus (Arizona Toad). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.

Prairie Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus campestris) bSTGRa_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map

This dataset represents a species known range extent for Tympanuchus phasianellus campestris (Prarie Sharp-tailed Grouse). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use.