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Native Mussels

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Native Freshwater Mussel Health

Native freshwater mussels are a keystone species and are considered both ecosystem engineers, improving habitat for other species, and indicator species important in assessing the health of the ecosystem.

Native Freshwater Mussel Health

Native freshwater mussels are a keystone species and are considered both ecosystem engineers, improving habitat for other species, and indicator species important in assessing the health of the ecosystem.
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Using Molecular Tools to Recalibrate Freshwater Mussel Taxonomy with a Focus on Imperiled Species

Freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae, also known as naiads, pearly mussels, freshwater clams, or unionids, are a diverse group of bivalve mollusks that are distributed on every continent except Antarctica. Approximately 300 species are known from the United States, with most of this diversity residing in rivers of the Southeast where many endemic taxa have evolved.

Using Molecular Tools to Recalibrate Freshwater Mussel Taxonomy with a Focus on Imperiled Species

Freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae, also known as naiads, pearly mussels, freshwater clams, or unionids, are a diverse group of bivalve mollusks that are distributed on every continent except Antarctica. Approximately 300 species are known from the United States, with most of this diversity residing in rivers of the Southeast where many endemic taxa have evolved.
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An Evaluation the Chronic Toxicity of Metals in Water and Sediment to the Unionid Mussel, Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea), in Exposures Representing Conditions in the Tri-States Mining District

The Tri-State Mining District (TSMD) is a large (about 500 sq. mi.) historical lead and zinc mining area that includes portions of Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. The TSMD yielded about 460 million tons of ore between 1885 and 1970, resulting in contamination of surface water, groundwater, sediments, and soils in the Spring River and Neosho River basins by lead, zinc, and other heavy metals.

An Evaluation the Chronic Toxicity of Metals in Water and Sediment to the Unionid Mussel, Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea), in Exposures Representing Conditions in the Tri-States Mining District

The Tri-State Mining District (TSMD) is a large (about 500 sq. mi.) historical lead and zinc mining area that includes portions of Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. The TSMD yielded about 460 million tons of ore between 1885 and 1970, resulting in contamination of surface water, groundwater, sediments, and soils in the Spring River and Neosho River basins by lead, zinc, and other heavy metals.
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An assessment of Deep Fork River Effluent Toxicity to the Unionid Mussel Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea)

Nearly 70% of the 300 mussel species in North America are endangered, threatened, of special concern, or extinct. Environmental contaminants have been identified as a contributing factor to the decline of mussel populations.

An assessment of Deep Fork River Effluent Toxicity to the Unionid Mussel Fatmucket (Lampsilis siliquoidea)

Nearly 70% of the 300 mussel species in North America are endangered, threatened, of special concern, or extinct. Environmental contaminants have been identified as a contributing factor to the decline of mussel populations.
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Development and validation of wetland-connectivity indicators in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region

We are working in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to (1) quantify cumulative effects of prairie-pothole wetlands on stream communities; (2) explore relationships between aquatic-system connectivity and genetic-, species-, and ecosystem-scale biological diversity at watershed and landscape scales; (3) develop mapping unit descriptors based on biotic community traits for...

Development and validation of wetland-connectivity indicators in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region

We are working in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to (1) quantify cumulative effects of prairie-pothole wetlands on stream communities; (2) explore relationships between aquatic-system connectivity and genetic-, species-, and ecosystem-scale biological diversity at watershed and landscape scales; (3) develop mapping unit descriptors based on biotic community traits for...
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Spatial Patterns of Native Freshwater Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River

Impact of UMESC Science This research aims to quantify spatial patterns of adult and juvenile (≤5 y of age) freshwater mussels across multiple scales based on systematic survey data from 4 reaches of the Upper Mississippi River (Navigation Pools 3, 5, 6, and 18). Resource managers can use this critical information about spatial structure to make informed river management decisions.

Spatial Patterns of Native Freshwater Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River

Impact of UMESC Science This research aims to quantify spatial patterns of adult and juvenile (≤5 y of age) freshwater mussels across multiple scales based on systematic survey data from 4 reaches of the Upper Mississippi River (Navigation Pools 3, 5, 6, and 18). Resource managers can use this critical information about spatial structure to make informed river management decisions.
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Movement Patterns of Native Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River: Response to Water Level Management

Impact of UMESC Science This research aims to estimate the fraction of mussels that are able to avoid short-term mortality during a water level drawdown by burrowing or moving horizontally into deeper water. Resource managers can use this critical information about mussel behavior and survival to make informed river management decisions.

Movement Patterns of Native Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River: Response to Water Level Management

Impact of UMESC Science This research aims to estimate the fraction of mussels that are able to avoid short-term mortality during a water level drawdown by burrowing or moving horizontally into deeper water. Resource managers can use this critical information about mussel behavior and survival to make informed river management decisions.
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Population Assessment and Potential Functional Roles of Native Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River

Impact of UMESC Science The results of this study suggest that native mussels play an integral role in this ecosystem by sequestering large volumes of suspended materials that can be used by other benthic organisms. Managers now have critical data on population size, distribution, and relative health—these data are being used to guide habitat restoration activities to benefit native mussel...

Population Assessment and Potential Functional Roles of Native Mussels in the Upper Mississippi River

Impact of UMESC Science The results of this study suggest that native mussels play an integral role in this ecosystem by sequestering large volumes of suspended materials that can be used by other benthic organisms. Managers now have critical data on population size, distribution, and relative health—these data are being used to guide habitat restoration activities to benefit native mussel...
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Comparison of Native Mussel Assemblages Among Three Reaches of the Upper Mississippi River

In the past century about 20 mussel species have become extinct from the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) basin, and at least 28 species are state or federally listed. The species composition appears to have changed considerably from pre-European settlement times toward communities dominated by mussels that are tolerant of pollution and can utilize many different types of habitats. River managers...

Comparison of Native Mussel Assemblages Among Three Reaches of the Upper Mississippi River

In the past century about 20 mussel species have become extinct from the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) basin, and at least 28 species are state or federally listed. The species composition appears to have changed considerably from pre-European settlement times toward communities dominated by mussels that are tolerant of pollution and can utilize many different types of habitats. River managers...
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Modeling the Response of Imperiled Freshwater Mussels to Anthropogenically Induced Changes in Water Temperature, Habitat, and Flow in Streams of the Southeastern and Central United States

Freshwater mussels are in serious global decline and urgently need protection and conservation. Declines in the abundance and diversity of North American mussels have been attributed to a wide array of human activities that cause pollution, water-quality degradation, and habitat destruction. Recent findings suggest that many mussel species are already living close to their upper thermal tolerances...

Modeling the Response of Imperiled Freshwater Mussels to Anthropogenically Induced Changes in Water Temperature, Habitat, and Flow in Streams of the Southeastern and Central United States

Freshwater mussels are in serious global decline and urgently need protection and conservation. Declines in the abundance and diversity of North American mussels have been attributed to a wide array of human activities that cause pollution, water-quality degradation, and habitat destruction. Recent findings suggest that many mussel species are already living close to their upper thermal tolerances...
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Transformation methods for the glochidia of the spectaclecase mussel Cumberlandia monodonta

The spectaclecase mussel, Cumberlandia monodonta, was effectively listed as federally endangered in April 2012 ( It is endemic to the Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri River basins and historically inhabited 44 streams in these basins (USFWS 2014). Currently, the species is known to inhabit 20 of the historical streams, five of which are represented by one or...

Transformation methods for the glochidia of the spectaclecase mussel Cumberlandia monodonta

The spectaclecase mussel, Cumberlandia monodonta, was effectively listed as federally endangered in April 2012 ( It is endemic to the Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri River basins and historically inhabited 44 streams in these basins (USFWS 2014). Currently, the species is known to inhabit 20 of the historical streams, five of which are represented by one or...
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Life History Characterization and Host Fish Identification for Federally Listed and Imperiled Freshwater Mussel Species in the Suwannee River Basin in Georgia and Florida

Freshwater mussels are considered the most imperiled group of animals in the United States. These animals provide valuable ecological services by filtering water, sequestering nutrients, and providing forage for migratory birds, small mammals, and turtles. They also have a unique and complex life cycle that makes them especially vulnerable to human disturbances. It includes a parasitic larval...

Life History Characterization and Host Fish Identification for Federally Listed and Imperiled Freshwater Mussel Species in the Suwannee River Basin in Georgia and Florida

Freshwater mussels are considered the most imperiled group of animals in the United States. These animals provide valuable ecological services by filtering water, sequestering nutrients, and providing forage for migratory birds, small mammals, and turtles. They also have a unique and complex life cycle that makes them especially vulnerable to human disturbances. It includes a parasitic larval...
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