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Impacts of extreme environmental disturbances on survival of piping plovers breeding in the Great Plains, and wintering along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts, 2012-2019

We present one tabular data file to evaluate piping plover (Charadrius melodus) seasonal (breeding and nonbreeding) adult survival. These data were part of a study to examine adult (n = 3474) survival during 2012-2019 at breeding regions within the Northern Great Plains and nonbreeding regions in the Gulf and southern Atlantic Coasts of North America. This file includes USGS-funded data and not th

Piping plover hatch-year survival and natal dispersal probabilities in the Northern Great Plains, USA 2014-2019

We present a tabular data set representing values to estimate apparent hatch-year survival to adulthood and natal dispersal probabilities between two breeding groups of the Northern Great Plains piping plover (Charadrius melodus) used in a multievent capture-mark-resight model from 2014-2019. Focusing on the Northern Missouri River and U.S. Alkali Wetlands breeding groups. In addition, several cov

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in remnant and reconstructed prairies in Minnesota and Iowa, 2019 (ver. 2.0, April 2022)

This data record contains arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) operational taxonomic unit (OTU) occurrences with native prairie plant species roots collected from paired remnant and reconstructed prairies, as well as soil physical and chemical property data from these field sites in Minnesota and Iowa.

Evaluating bias in roadside surveys of secretive marsh birds in the Prairie Pothole Region, MN, ND, and SD 2008-2009

The data set consists of data to evaluate bias in roadside surveys of secretive marsh birds in 2008 and 2009 in wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota during three survey periods (survey number). The data set includes detection values (species heard, species seen, species seen and heard) of seven focal marsh bird species (four-letter alpha codes and sci

Dissolved oxygen concentrations, light penetration, and temperature along the water-depth profile of wetlands P1 and P8 of the Cottonwood Lake Study area in North Dakota, USA, 2019

This data release presents data that were collected as part of a larger effort to assess factors that regulate metabolism in global lakes, via an international collaboration with the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON). From May to August 2019, dissolved oxygen and light penetration were measured throughout the water-depth profile of two small inland wetlands at Cottonwood Lake Stud

Mercury source identification in the Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers

This dataset details mercury concentrations and mercury stable isotope values collected as part of an environmental mercury assessment encompassing the Mobile and Tombigbee Rivers as well as two U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites. The Tensaw River was also sampled as part of this study as a reference site, absent of mercury contamination. As a part of this survey, sediments, wate

Chemical characterization of water and suspended sediment of the Snake River and Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon) (ver. 3.0, November 2023)

This dataset includes laboratory analyses of surface water samples and sediment trap material collected from (1) locations upstream, downstream, and within the Hells Canyon Complex (Idaho, Oregon) of the Snake River, (2) tributaries of the Snake River, and (3) two reservoirs near Boise, Idaho, from 2014 to 2021. The study area spans approximately 232 river miles of the Snake River and includes: tw

Eriogonum visheri (Visher's buckwheat) seed, pollen, and insects at Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA, 2014-2015, 2017

This data record contains fitness data for Visher's buckwheat (Eriogonum visheri) for the years 2014, 2015 and 2017 at Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA. These data include insect visitation, pollen deposited on stigmas, achene size and germination over three field seasons (two field seasons for germination: 2015 and 2017) in four populations (two populations in 2017).

Mercury concentrations and isotopic compositions in biota and sediments from the Hannibal Pool of the Ohio River

The Hannibal Pool of the Ohio River is heavily industrialized and receives direct effluent discharges from coal power plants, chlor-alkali plants, and sewage treatment facilities. Mercury (Hg) is a contaminant of concern due to the risk of bioaccumulation at wildlife refuges also located within this region. Mercury concentrations and isotopes compositions were measured to assess the levels and sou

Bird Behavior and Mortality in Relation to Power Lines in Prairie Habitats, North Dakota, 1981to1982

A biologist and field crew from Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center observed bird flights at 7study sites, twice weekly during two spring and two fall migration periods between April 3, 1981 and May 20, 1982. Study sites were located in south-central North Dakota in Barnes, Kidder, and Stutsman counties. The database includes flight observation's of bird species in the vicinity of power line

Whooping crane migration habitat selection data and distance to wind-energy infrastructure, 2010-2016

These data were developed to support an effort to understand how whooping cranes select stopover habitat in the presence of wind-energy infrastructure. Location and associated data came from whooping cranes from the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population, 2010-2016. We marked a sample of 57 whooping cranes with leg-mounted transmitters that acquired locations via the global positioning system (GPS) netwo
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