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Staff of USGS Science Centers in Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin collect a wide variety of natural resource data types including spatial, geologic, hydrologic, and biologic. Data included in USGS-series publications that are not publicly available in USGS databases are published in Data Releases. Short descriptions and links to Data Releases produced by Region 7 Science Centers are shown below.

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Sample collection information and microsatellite data for Gunnison sage-grouse pre and post translocation

Maintenance of genetic diversity is important for conserving species, especially those with fragmented habitats and/or ranges. In the absence of natural dispersal, translocation can be used to achieve this goal. However, the long-term impacts from translocation can be expensive and difficult to evaluate. This dataset is used to evaluate genetic change as a result of translocation and represents sa

Influences of Potential Oil and Gas Development and Future Climate on Sage-Grouse Declines and Redistribution

This project represents the data used in "Influences of potential oil and gas development and future climate on sage-grouse declines and redistribution." The data sets describe greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population change, summarized in different boundaries within the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative (WLCI; southwestern Wyoming). Population changes were based on diff

Taxonomic composition of environmental DNA acquired by filtration from the St. Regis River, New York

Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys have become important tools for monitoring aquatic biodiversity. Barcode sequencing of eDNA generates community profiles that, while potentially biased in both capture and amplification, can nonetheless yield high information content per unit cost. While factors affecting eDNA capture and amplification have been heavily studied, watershed-scale assessments of fish

Landscape inputs and simulation output for the LANDIS-II model in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

This data release provides inputs needed to run the LANDIS-II landscape change model, NECN and Base Fire extensions for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), USA, and simulation results that underlie figures and analysis in the accompanying publication. We ran LANDIS-II simulations for 112 years, from 1988-2100, using interpolated weather station data for 1988-2015 and downscaled output from 5

State-and-Transition Simulation Models of Buffelgrass in Saguaro National Park (2014-2044) to explore ecological uncertainties

This is a spatially-explicit state-and-transition simulation model of buffelgrass dynamics in Saguaro National Park, AZ. Buffelgrass is an invasive grass spreading in the park. The model represents uninvaded and invaded parts of the desert ecosystem and includes a connection to a fire behavior model. The model was built using the ST-Sim software platform linked to the FARSITE fire behavior model.

Terrestrial Development Index for the Western United States: 1-kilometer moving window

The Terrestrial Development Index (TDI) quantifies the level of development (urban, agriculture, energy and mineral extraction and transmission, and transportation) based on the surface disturbance footprint. TDI values range from 0 to 100% and represent the total percentage of land surface occupied by the development footprint within a 1-kilometer (km) radius moving window.

Mineralogical analyses of drill core samples from the Canyon uranium-copper deposit, a solution-collapse breccia pipe, Grand Canyon area, Coconino County, Arizona, USA

This data release compiles the X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy analyses of drill core samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey that were selected to typify the uranium-copper ore bodies of the Canyon deposit. The deposit is hosted by a solution-collapse breccia pipe, in which mineralization exists from about 650 to 2,100 ft (200 to 640 m) below the surface (Mathisen and others, 20

Melt inclusion and mineral geochemical analyses supporting the evaluation of petrogenesis, degassing, and metallogenic potential of mid-Cenozoic rhyolite magmas in northern Nevada, USA

This data release presents geochemical analyses of silicate melt inclusions, host quartz phenocrysts, and biotite phenocrysts in samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from mid-Cenozoic rhyolitic rocks from northern Nevada. Igneous intrusions and volcanic rocks in this study encompass nineteen rhyolitic samples from five magmatic centers across northeastern Nevada. Rhyolites were e

Dataset from 2015-2016 thermal and behavior monitoring of Argentine giant tegus in Everglades, Florida

Thermal data collected from iButton temperature loggers implanted into research animals (Argentine giant tegus) and in their surrounding environment. Tegus undergo winter dormancy (hibernation) to cope with colder temperatures, and we studied the thermal habits of wild tegus within their invaded range in southern Florida, USA. We used radiotelemetry and trail cameras to verify dates of above-groun

Potential productivity and change estimates for eight grassland species to evaluate vulnerability to climate change in the southern Great Plains

This data set includes the relative production scenarios for eight (8) grass species based on linear models from Epstein, et al. (1998). We selected two indicator species for each community: shortgrass prairie: blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis; BOGR) and buffalo grass (Bouteloua dactyloides; BODA); mixedgrass prairie: sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula; BOCU) and little bluestem (Schizachyrium s

Compilation and Assessment of Resource Values and Hazards to Inform Transportation and Associated Land-use Planning

Management of transportation networks is affected by, and has effects on, natural and cultural resources through direct and indirect interactions. Until recently, the availability of such spatially explicit information has been limited; however, the data released here to the public will prove valuable for comparing existing networks and planning options with respect to potential impact to, or from

Elevation of top of Precambrian rocks from previous USGS studies of the Colorado Plateau

For use as part of a regional petroleum assessment, the USGS in the early 1990's developed a dataset reporting elevation on the surface of the Precambrian basement of the central and southern Colorado Plateau and vicinity (Butler, 1991). This dataset was released as paper report that included a table of basement elevations at more than 3,700 control points, including outcrop data of Precambrian ro
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