Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Marine Minerals and Offshore Energy
USGS Leads Research Expedition to Deep-sea Escanaba Trough
Watch short videos about the expedition, and read deep-dive stories about hydrothermal systems, marine geology, and critical minerals.
Offshore areas hold enormous potential for energy and mineral resources, including oil and gas, wind and wave power, and marine mineral occurrences. The USGS and partners discover, map and assess how these resources can be harnessed sustainably. USGS expertise is also applied to minimize or restore impacts from extraction and spills for the good of the nation.
Each of our nation’s offshore regions host different—yet potentially vast—energy and mineral resources. These resources range from deep-sea minerals, which include elements that are critical to industry and technological applications, to oil, gas, and gas hydrates. Developing offshore resources safely and wisely requires detailed information for each area of interest.
Deep sea minerals
Like minerals on land, deep-sea minerals occur in a wide variety of settings related to Earth’s geologic framework and history. Unlike minerals on land, however, deep-sea minerals are less accessible and sometimes poorly understood. USGS is part of a global effort to shed light on the characterization and distribution of these potentially valuable minerals.
Some deep-sea minerals are of potential economic interest due to their composition, which can include critical minerals such as the rare earth elements needed for manufacturing by the technology sector and beyond. USGS investigates how and where these minerals form, what conditions contribute to their growth, how long it takes for them to accumulate, and identify where other similar minerals might occur.
For example, massive sulfide occurrences, which include many important metallic elements, occur in specific regions of the seafloor, including offshore of northern California and Oregon. These mineral mounds and chimneys form when hot water from beneath the ocean floor vents and mixes with cold seawater, creating precipitates that may have high concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, gold, and silver. Sulfide occurrences are characteristic geologic features of volcanic arcs, back arcs, and spreading centers. Volcanic arcs form as a result of subduction zones, where one tectonic plate slides beneath another under great temperatures and pressures. Learn more about Marine Geology.
Understanding these geothermal and geochemical processes allows scientists to determine where deep sea minerals occur and at what rates they accumulate. By characterizing the benthic environment through tectonic fault mapping, seafloor mapping, and habitat classification, USGS assists in evaluating the structural integrity of proposed energy projects and the environmental impacts to seafloor habitats.
The USGS works with multiple partners responsible for decisions about extracting mineral resources from the seabed and provides the science needed to evaluate these resources and activities related to extracting them safely and sustainably.
Offshore Energy Development
With growing state and national interest in offshore renewable energy development, USGS provides reliable science to inform environmentally sound decisions about managing energy activities, developing mitigation measures, and assessing the potential direct, indirect and cumulative impacts of offshore development on the human, coastal, and marine environments.
There is a critical need for seismic fault mapping, seafloor mapping, understanding of sediment dynamics, and site-characterization information to evaluate the structural integrity of proposed energy projects and the environmental impacts to seafloor habitats. USGS assists other Federal agencies and partners to understand the geology and structure of the seafloor in order to safely install infrastructure to harness offshore energy resources including wind, waves, and oil and gas.
In order to make environmentally sound decisions about managing energy activities and developing mitigation measures, the potential direct, indirect and cumulative impacts of offshore development on the human, coastal, and marine environments must be evaluated. USGS biologists and ecologists work with partners to provide information on potential impacts of offshore energy development on migratory birds, marine mammals, and other offshore species.
Deep-ocean polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the global ocean: New sources for critical metals
California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I, volume 3 — Benthic habitat characterization offshore Morro Bay, California
Primary deposition and early diagenetic effects on the high saturation accumulation of gas hydrate in a silt dominated reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico
Northern Cascadia Margin gas hydrates — Regional geophysical surveying, IODP drilling leg 311, and cabled observatory monitoring
Alaska North Slope terrestrial gas hydrate systems: Insights from scientific drilling
Global Marine Mineral Resources
Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats
Resources: EXPRESS
EXPRESS: Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems
California Sand Resource Assessment Project
Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Deep Dive: Whence Comes the Name “Escanaba”?
Escanaba Trough Expedition: Updates From Sea
Deep Dive: Critical Mineral Resources in Escanaba Trough
Check out publications on offshore renewable energy, deep-ocean minerals, gas hydrates, and more.
Deep-ocean polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the global ocean: New sources for critical metals
California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I, volume 3 — Benthic habitat characterization offshore Morro Bay, California
Primary deposition and early diagenetic effects on the high saturation accumulation of gas hydrate in a silt dominated reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico
Northern Cascadia Margin gas hydrates — Regional geophysical surveying, IODP drilling leg 311, and cabled observatory monitoring
Alaska North Slope terrestrial gas hydrate systems: Insights from scientific drilling
A review of the exploration, discovery, and characterization of highly concentrated gas hydrate accumulations in coarse-grained reservoir systems along the Eastern Continental Margin of India
Estimates of metals contained in abyssal manganese nodules and ferromanganese crusts in the global ocean based on regional variations and genetic types of nodules
Geochemical insights into formation of enigmatic ironstones from Rio Grande rise, South Atlantic Ocean
California deepwater investigations and groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I: Fault and shallow geohazard analysis offshore Morro Bay
The California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I project focuses on the potential seafloor hazards and impacts of alternative energy infrastructure in the outer continental shelf region offshore of south-central California. This is one of three reports covering a single study area located between Monterey and Point Conception, California in federal waters outside of the State
Isolating detrital and diagenetic signals in magnetic susceptibility records from methane-bearing marine sediments
Hydrate formation on marine seep bubbles and the implications for water column methane dissolution
Miocene phosphatization of rocks from the summit of Rio Grande Rise, Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Global Marine Mineral Resources
Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats
Resources: EXPRESS
EXPRESS: Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems
California Sand Resource Assessment Project
Seabird Vulnerability Assessment for Renewable Energy Projects
Critical Mineral Resources in Heavy Mineral Sands of the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain
Large Oil Spills
U.S. Geological Survey Gas Hydrates Project
Gulf Coast Geologic Energy Assessments
Bathymetry, backscatter intensity, and benthic habitat offshore of Morro Bay, California (ver. 1.1, January 2024)
Multibeam echosounder, video observation, and derived benthic habitat data offshore of south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Cal DIG I, offshore alternative energy project
Piston and gravity core data collected during USGS cruise 2019-642-FA offshore of south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG I) alternative energy pro
Gas Hydrate in Nature
This geonarrative combines the text and imagery of USGS Fact Sheet 3080 with additional supporting imagery. Except for headings used to organize the text in the geonarrative and an updated name for the coastal and marine program at the USGS, the text is exactly the same as USGS Fact Sheet 3080, with an updated timeline diagram.
USGS Gas Hydrates Project
This geonarrative combines the text and imagery of USGS Fact Sheet 3079 with additional supporting imagery. Except for (a) headings used to organize the text in the geonarrative, (b) an additional reference to support an image included in the geonarrative, and (c) the updated program name for the coastal and marine component of the USGS, the text is the same as that of USGS Fact Sheet 3079.
High-resolution multi-channel and Chirp seismic-reflection data from USGS cruise 2018-641-FA collected in south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Cal DIG I offshore alternative energy project
Expanding Pacific Exploration and Research: Overview of the EXPRESS research campaign
A multi-agency team is mapping uncharted waters and exploring deep-sea ecosystems off the west coast of the United States.
Oceans cover 71% of the Earth's surface, yet little is known about these vast underwater worlds. Less than 20% have been explored. A global initiative seeks to change that, by pledging to complete detailed mapping of one-hundred percent of the seafloor by the year 2030..
Preliminary global database of known and inferred gas hydrate locations
Marine Geophysical Data Collected to Support Methane Seep Research Along the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf Break and Upper Continental Slope Between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons During U.S. Geological Survey Field Activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002
Post-expedition report for USGS T-3 Ice Island heat flow measurements in the High Arctic Ocean, 1963-1973
Interpretive data release for Oregon OCS Seafloor Mapping: Selected Lease Blocks Relevant to Renewable Energy
Oregon OCS Seafloor Mapping: Selected Lease Blocks Relevant to Renewable Energy
Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Cross section of a seafloor crust (AKA, ferromanganese or cobalt-rich crusts) from the Marshall Islands collected at almost 2,000 meters depth.
Cross section of a seafloor crust (AKA, ferromanganese or cobalt-rich crusts) from the Marshall Islands collected at almost 2,000 meters depth.
Phosphorite rock formed on the seafloor in Southern California.
Phosphorite rock formed on the seafloor in Southern California.
Bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean, with black rectangle delineating the study area. White star marks site where sample in photograph was collected. Its cut surfaces show layers in Fe-Mn crust. Each square in scale beneath sample is 1 centimeter (cm).
Bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean, with black rectangle delineating the study area. White star marks site where sample in photograph was collected. Its cut surfaces show layers in Fe-Mn crust. Each square in scale beneath sample is 1 centimeter (cm).
Cross section of a hydrothermal vent chimney from East Diamante Caldera in the Mariana volcanic arc, west Pacific Ocean, collected during a 2010 research cruise. Most of the sample is zinc sulfide.
Cross section of a hydrothermal vent chimney from East Diamante Caldera in the Mariana volcanic arc, west Pacific Ocean, collected during a 2010 research cruise. Most of the sample is zinc sulfide.
A bed of manganese nodules from deep offshore of the Cook Islands; photo sourced from Hein et al., 2015, taken during a Japanese research cruise in the year 2000. Nodules range from about 2 to 10 centimeters across.
A bed of manganese nodules from deep offshore of the Cook Islands; photo sourced from Hein et al., 2015, taken during a Japanese research cruise in the year 2000. Nodules range from about 2 to 10 centimeters across.
A manganese nodule from the Cook Islands EEZ from Hein et al., 2015.
A manganese nodule from the Cook Islands EEZ from Hein et al., 2015.
Manganese nodules from the Cook Islands EEZ, from Hein et al., 2015. Pictured scale bars for A, B, C, D, F, J, K, and L are in cm, and the grid dimensions for E, G, H, and I are 5 × 5 mm;
Manganese nodules from the Cook Islands EEZ, from Hein et al., 2015. Pictured scale bars for A, B, C, D, F, J, K, and L are in cm, and the grid dimensions for E, G, H, and I are 5 × 5 mm;
What is methane and why is it a safety concern?
Methane (a gas composed of carbon and hydrogen) is produced two ways: Through biologic decomposition of organic matter at shallow depths. Swamps, landfills, and even shallow bedrock are some settings where this occurs. Methane can also be derived over millions of years by high pressure and high temperature processes that produce fossil fuels deep underground. Examples include coal deposits and oil...
How do the USGS and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) divide up which areas to be assessed for Oil and Gas Resources?
The USGS is responsible for oil and gas assessments onshore and in state waters (up to 3 miles offshore), while the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) assesses energy resources in the Federal offshore waters and the outer continental shelf. Learn more: USGS Energy Assessments
Offshore areas hold enormous potential for energy and mineral resources, including oil and gas, wind and wave power, and marine mineral occurrences. The USGS and partners discover, map and assess how these resources can be harnessed sustainably. USGS expertise is also applied to minimize or restore impacts from extraction and spills for the good of the nation.
Each of our nation’s offshore regions host different—yet potentially vast—energy and mineral resources. These resources range from deep-sea minerals, which include elements that are critical to industry and technological applications, to oil, gas, and gas hydrates. Developing offshore resources safely and wisely requires detailed information for each area of interest.
Deep sea minerals
Like minerals on land, deep-sea minerals occur in a wide variety of settings related to Earth’s geologic framework and history. Unlike minerals on land, however, deep-sea minerals are less accessible and sometimes poorly understood. USGS is part of a global effort to shed light on the characterization and distribution of these potentially valuable minerals.
Some deep-sea minerals are of potential economic interest due to their composition, which can include critical minerals such as the rare earth elements needed for manufacturing by the technology sector and beyond. USGS investigates how and where these minerals form, what conditions contribute to their growth, how long it takes for them to accumulate, and identify where other similar minerals might occur.
For example, massive sulfide occurrences, which include many important metallic elements, occur in specific regions of the seafloor, including offshore of northern California and Oregon. These mineral mounds and chimneys form when hot water from beneath the ocean floor vents and mixes with cold seawater, creating precipitates that may have high concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, gold, and silver. Sulfide occurrences are characteristic geologic features of volcanic arcs, back arcs, and spreading centers. Volcanic arcs form as a result of subduction zones, where one tectonic plate slides beneath another under great temperatures and pressures. Learn more about Marine Geology.
Understanding these geothermal and geochemical processes allows scientists to determine where deep sea minerals occur and at what rates they accumulate. By characterizing the benthic environment through tectonic fault mapping, seafloor mapping, and habitat classification, USGS assists in evaluating the structural integrity of proposed energy projects and the environmental impacts to seafloor habitats.
The USGS works with multiple partners responsible for decisions about extracting mineral resources from the seabed and provides the science needed to evaluate these resources and activities related to extracting them safely and sustainably.
Offshore Energy Development
With growing state and national interest in offshore renewable energy development, USGS provides reliable science to inform environmentally sound decisions about managing energy activities, developing mitigation measures, and assessing the potential direct, indirect and cumulative impacts of offshore development on the human, coastal, and marine environments.
There is a critical need for seismic fault mapping, seafloor mapping, understanding of sediment dynamics, and site-characterization information to evaluate the structural integrity of proposed energy projects and the environmental impacts to seafloor habitats. USGS assists other Federal agencies and partners to understand the geology and structure of the seafloor in order to safely install infrastructure to harness offshore energy resources including wind, waves, and oil and gas.
In order to make environmentally sound decisions about managing energy activities and developing mitigation measures, the potential direct, indirect and cumulative impacts of offshore development on the human, coastal, and marine environments must be evaluated. USGS biologists and ecologists work with partners to provide information on potential impacts of offshore energy development on migratory birds, marine mammals, and other offshore species.
Deep-ocean polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the global ocean: New sources for critical metals
California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I, volume 3 — Benthic habitat characterization offshore Morro Bay, California
Primary deposition and early diagenetic effects on the high saturation accumulation of gas hydrate in a silt dominated reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico
Northern Cascadia Margin gas hydrates — Regional geophysical surveying, IODP drilling leg 311, and cabled observatory monitoring
Alaska North Slope terrestrial gas hydrate systems: Insights from scientific drilling
Global Marine Mineral Resources
Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats
Resources: EXPRESS
EXPRESS: Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems
California Sand Resource Assessment Project
Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Deep Dive: Whence Comes the Name “Escanaba”?
Escanaba Trough Expedition: Updates From Sea
Deep Dive: Critical Mineral Resources in Escanaba Trough
Check out publications on offshore renewable energy, deep-ocean minerals, gas hydrates, and more.
Deep-ocean polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the global ocean: New sources for critical metals
California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I, volume 3 — Benthic habitat characterization offshore Morro Bay, California
Primary deposition and early diagenetic effects on the high saturation accumulation of gas hydrate in a silt dominated reservoir in the Gulf of Mexico
Northern Cascadia Margin gas hydrates — Regional geophysical surveying, IODP drilling leg 311, and cabled observatory monitoring
Alaska North Slope terrestrial gas hydrate systems: Insights from scientific drilling
A review of the exploration, discovery, and characterization of highly concentrated gas hydrate accumulations in coarse-grained reservoir systems along the Eastern Continental Margin of India
Estimates of metals contained in abyssal manganese nodules and ferromanganese crusts in the global ocean based on regional variations and genetic types of nodules
Geochemical insights into formation of enigmatic ironstones from Rio Grande rise, South Atlantic Ocean
California deepwater investigations and groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I: Fault and shallow geohazard analysis offshore Morro Bay
The California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I project focuses on the potential seafloor hazards and impacts of alternative energy infrastructure in the outer continental shelf region offshore of south-central California. This is one of three reports covering a single study area located between Monterey and Point Conception, California in federal waters outside of the State
Isolating detrital and diagenetic signals in magnetic susceptibility records from methane-bearing marine sediments
Hydrate formation on marine seep bubbles and the implications for water column methane dissolution
Miocene phosphatization of rocks from the summit of Rio Grande Rise, Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Global Marine Mineral Resources
Marine Geomorphology, Evolution, and Habitats
Resources: EXPRESS
EXPRESS: Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems
California Sand Resource Assessment Project
Seabird Vulnerability Assessment for Renewable Energy Projects
Critical Mineral Resources in Heavy Mineral Sands of the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain
Large Oil Spills
U.S. Geological Survey Gas Hydrates Project
Gulf Coast Geologic Energy Assessments
Bathymetry, backscatter intensity, and benthic habitat offshore of Morro Bay, California (ver. 1.1, January 2024)
Multibeam echosounder, video observation, and derived benthic habitat data offshore of south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Cal DIG I, offshore alternative energy project
Piston and gravity core data collected during USGS cruise 2019-642-FA offshore of south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG I) alternative energy pro
Gas Hydrate in Nature
This geonarrative combines the text and imagery of USGS Fact Sheet 3080 with additional supporting imagery. Except for headings used to organize the text in the geonarrative and an updated name for the coastal and marine program at the USGS, the text is exactly the same as USGS Fact Sheet 3080, with an updated timeline diagram.
USGS Gas Hydrates Project
This geonarrative combines the text and imagery of USGS Fact Sheet 3079 with additional supporting imagery. Except for (a) headings used to organize the text in the geonarrative, (b) an additional reference to support an image included in the geonarrative, and (c) the updated program name for the coastal and marine component of the USGS, the text is the same as that of USGS Fact Sheet 3079.
High-resolution multi-channel and Chirp seismic-reflection data from USGS cruise 2018-641-FA collected in south-central California in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Cal DIG I offshore alternative energy project
Expanding Pacific Exploration and Research: Overview of the EXPRESS research campaign
A multi-agency team is mapping uncharted waters and exploring deep-sea ecosystems off the west coast of the United States.
Oceans cover 71% of the Earth's surface, yet little is known about these vast underwater worlds. Less than 20% have been explored. A global initiative seeks to change that, by pledging to complete detailed mapping of one-hundred percent of the seafloor by the year 2030..
Preliminary global database of known and inferred gas hydrate locations
Marine Geophysical Data Collected to Support Methane Seep Research Along the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf Break and Upper Continental Slope Between the Baltimore and Keller Canyons During U.S. Geological Survey Field Activities 2017-001-FA and 2017-002
Post-expedition report for USGS T-3 Ice Island heat flow measurements in the High Arctic Ocean, 1963-1973
Interpretive data release for Oregon OCS Seafloor Mapping: Selected Lease Blocks Relevant to Renewable Energy
Oregon OCS Seafloor Mapping: Selected Lease Blocks Relevant to Renewable Energy
Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Seafloor features such as sulfide mounds and chimneys are prominent evidence of hydrothermal activity. These features, whether active or dormant, are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak; much of the “plumbing” of hydrothermal systems exists beneath the seafloor surface.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
Critical to scientific operations aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition is the submersible robots Sentry and Jason. Owned and operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), these robots allow researchers to observe seafloor features and collect data from depths seldom visited by humans.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
For scientists aboard the Escanaba Trough expedition, obtaining sediment cores or deep-sea biological and geological samples after a Jason dive is only the beginning.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Embarking on a three-week deep-sea research expedition requires a lot of preparation. For this expedition to Escanaba Trough, U.S. Geological Survey scientists and partners spend the first few days in port, building their laboratory space aboard the research vessel Thomas G. Thompson.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
During a recent dive on the New England Seamount chain off the North Atlantic coast, researchers aboard the NOAA Ocean Exploration Expedition, North Atlantic Stepping Stones, discovered a marine geological feature known as a ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodule field in the saddle between two peaks of Gosnold Seamount.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Join USGS researchers Jason Chaytor and Kira Mizell as they virtually participate in a NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition to the depths of the North Atlantic.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Top of a ferromanganese crust sample collected from 1,896 meters water depth at Necker Ridge in the central north Pacific. The surface of this crust was in contact with ocean water and grew just 2 millimeters per million years.
Cross section of a seafloor crust (AKA, ferromanganese or cobalt-rich crusts) from the Marshall Islands collected at almost 2,000 meters depth.
Cross section of a seafloor crust (AKA, ferromanganese or cobalt-rich crusts) from the Marshall Islands collected at almost 2,000 meters depth.
Phosphorite rock formed on the seafloor in Southern California.
Phosphorite rock formed on the seafloor in Southern California.
Bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean, with black rectangle delineating the study area. White star marks site where sample in photograph was collected. Its cut surfaces show layers in Fe-Mn crust. Each square in scale beneath sample is 1 centimeter (cm).
Bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean, with black rectangle delineating the study area. White star marks site where sample in photograph was collected. Its cut surfaces show layers in Fe-Mn crust. Each square in scale beneath sample is 1 centimeter (cm).
Cross section of a hydrothermal vent chimney from East Diamante Caldera in the Mariana volcanic arc, west Pacific Ocean, collected during a 2010 research cruise. Most of the sample is zinc sulfide.
Cross section of a hydrothermal vent chimney from East Diamante Caldera in the Mariana volcanic arc, west Pacific Ocean, collected during a 2010 research cruise. Most of the sample is zinc sulfide.
A bed of manganese nodules from deep offshore of the Cook Islands; photo sourced from Hein et al., 2015, taken during a Japanese research cruise in the year 2000. Nodules range from about 2 to 10 centimeters across.
A bed of manganese nodules from deep offshore of the Cook Islands; photo sourced from Hein et al., 2015, taken during a Japanese research cruise in the year 2000. Nodules range from about 2 to 10 centimeters across.
A manganese nodule from the Cook Islands EEZ from Hein et al., 2015.
A manganese nodule from the Cook Islands EEZ from Hein et al., 2015.
Manganese nodules from the Cook Islands EEZ, from Hein et al., 2015. Pictured scale bars for A, B, C, D, F, J, K, and L are in cm, and the grid dimensions for E, G, H, and I are 5 × 5 mm;
Manganese nodules from the Cook Islands EEZ, from Hein et al., 2015. Pictured scale bars for A, B, C, D, F, J, K, and L are in cm, and the grid dimensions for E, G, H, and I are 5 × 5 mm;
What is methane and why is it a safety concern?
Methane (a gas composed of carbon and hydrogen) is produced two ways: Through biologic decomposition of organic matter at shallow depths. Swamps, landfills, and even shallow bedrock are some settings where this occurs. Methane can also be derived over millions of years by high pressure and high temperature processes that produce fossil fuels deep underground. Examples include coal deposits and oil...
How do the USGS and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) divide up which areas to be assessed for Oil and Gas Resources?
The USGS is responsible for oil and gas assessments onshore and in state waters (up to 3 miles offshore), while the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) assesses energy resources in the Federal offshore waters and the outer continental shelf. Learn more: USGS Energy Assessments