USGS and INGEOMINAS colleagues at an lahar-detection (Acoustic Flow Monitor or AFM) station on the west flank of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia. View is up the glacial valley toward the summit area.
Andrew Best Lockhart (Former Employee)
Science and Products

USGS and INGEOMINAS colleagues at an lahar-detection (Acoustic Flow...
USGS and INGEOMINAS colleagues at an lahar-detection (Acoustic Flow Monitor or AFM) station on the west flank of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia. View is up the glacial valley toward the summit area.
Seismometer records of ground tilt induced by debris flows
A change in surface loading causes the Earth’s surface to deform. Mass movements, such as debris flows, can cause a tilt large enough to be recorded by nearby instruments, but the signal is strongly dependent on the mass loading and subsurface parameters. Specifically designed sensors for such measurements (tiltmeters) are cumbersome to install. Alternatively, broadband seismometers...
Michaela Wenner, Kate E. Allstadt, Weston Thelen, Andrew Lockhart, Jacob Hirschberg, Brian W. McArdell, Fabian Walter
Strengthening local volcano observatories through global collaborations
We consider the future of volcano observatories in a world where new satellite technologies and global data initiatives have greatly expanded over the last two decades. Observatories remain the critical tie between the decision-making authorities and monitoring data. In the coming decade, the global scientific community needs to continue to collaborate in a manner that will strengthen...
Jacob B. Lowenstern, John W. Ewert, Andrew Lockhart
Capturing, preserving and digitizing legacy seismic data from the Montserrat Volcano Observatory analog seismic network, July 1995 – December 2004
An eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano (SHV) on the eastern Caribbean island of Montserrat began on 18 July 1995 and continued until February 2010. Within nine days of the eruption onset, an existing four‐station analog seismic network (ASN) was expanded to 10 sites. Telemetered data from this network were recorded, processed, and archived locally using a system developed by...
Glenn Thompson, John Power, Jochen Braunmiller, Andrew Lockhart, Lloyd Lynch, Wendy McCausland, Charlotte Rowe, Thomas Shea, Randall A. White, Charles Breithaupt
Overcoming barriers to progress in seismic monitoring and characterization of debris flows and lahars
Debris flows generate seismic signals that contain valuable information about events as they unfold. Though seismic waves have been used for along-channel debris-flow and lahar monitoring systems for decades, it has proven difficult to move beyond detection to more quantitative characterizations of flow parameters and event size. This is for two primary reasons: (1) our limited...
Kate E. Allstadt, Maxime Farin, Andrew Lockhart, Sara McBride, Jason W. Kean, Richard M. Iverson, Matthew Logan, Joel B. Smith, Victor C. Tsai, David L. George
Seismic and acoustic signatures of surficial mass movements at volcanoes
Surficial mass movements, such as debris avalanches, rock falls, lahars, pyroclastic flows, and outburst floods, are a dominant hazard at many volcanoes worldwide. Understanding these processes, cataloging their spatio-temporal occurrence, and detecting, tracking, and characterizing these events would advance the science of volcano monitoring and help mitigate hazards. Seismic and...
Kate E. Allstadt, Robin S Matoza, Andrew Lockhart, Seth C. Moran, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, Matthew M. Haney, Weston Thelen, Stephen D. Malone
Science and Products

USGS and INGEOMINAS colleagues at an lahar-detection (Acoustic Flow...
USGS and INGEOMINAS colleagues at an lahar-detection (Acoustic Flow...
USGS and INGEOMINAS colleagues at an lahar-detection (Acoustic Flow Monitor or AFM) station on the west flank of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia. View is up the glacial valley toward the summit area.
USGS and INGEOMINAS colleagues at an lahar-detection (Acoustic Flow Monitor or AFM) station on the west flank of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia. View is up the glacial valley toward the summit area.
Seismometer records of ground tilt induced by debris flows
A change in surface loading causes the Earth’s surface to deform. Mass movements, such as debris flows, can cause a tilt large enough to be recorded by nearby instruments, but the signal is strongly dependent on the mass loading and subsurface parameters. Specifically designed sensors for such measurements (tiltmeters) are cumbersome to install. Alternatively, broadband seismometers...
Michaela Wenner, Kate E. Allstadt, Weston Thelen, Andrew Lockhart, Jacob Hirschberg, Brian W. McArdell, Fabian Walter
Strengthening local volcano observatories through global collaborations
We consider the future of volcano observatories in a world where new satellite technologies and global data initiatives have greatly expanded over the last two decades. Observatories remain the critical tie between the decision-making authorities and monitoring data. In the coming decade, the global scientific community needs to continue to collaborate in a manner that will strengthen...
Jacob B. Lowenstern, John W. Ewert, Andrew Lockhart
Capturing, preserving and digitizing legacy seismic data from the Montserrat Volcano Observatory analog seismic network, July 1995 – December 2004
An eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano (SHV) on the eastern Caribbean island of Montserrat began on 18 July 1995 and continued until February 2010. Within nine days of the eruption onset, an existing four‐station analog seismic network (ASN) was expanded to 10 sites. Telemetered data from this network were recorded, processed, and archived locally using a system developed by...
Glenn Thompson, John Power, Jochen Braunmiller, Andrew Lockhart, Lloyd Lynch, Wendy McCausland, Charlotte Rowe, Thomas Shea, Randall A. White, Charles Breithaupt
Overcoming barriers to progress in seismic monitoring and characterization of debris flows and lahars
Debris flows generate seismic signals that contain valuable information about events as they unfold. Though seismic waves have been used for along-channel debris-flow and lahar monitoring systems for decades, it has proven difficult to move beyond detection to more quantitative characterizations of flow parameters and event size. This is for two primary reasons: (1) our limited...
Kate E. Allstadt, Maxime Farin, Andrew Lockhart, Sara McBride, Jason W. Kean, Richard M. Iverson, Matthew Logan, Joel B. Smith, Victor C. Tsai, David L. George
Seismic and acoustic signatures of surficial mass movements at volcanoes
Surficial mass movements, such as debris avalanches, rock falls, lahars, pyroclastic flows, and outburst floods, are a dominant hazard at many volcanoes worldwide. Understanding these processes, cataloging their spatio-temporal occurrence, and detecting, tracking, and characterizing these events would advance the science of volcano monitoring and help mitigate hazards. Seismic and...
Kate E. Allstadt, Robin S Matoza, Andrew Lockhart, Seth C. Moran, Jacqueline Caplan-Auerbach, Matthew M. Haney, Weston Thelen, Stephen D. Malone