Benjamin C Rivers
Benjamin Rivers is a Physical Scientist with the USGS, Central Midwest Water Science Center in Rolla, Missouri.
I started with the USGS Missouri Water Science Center in the summer of 2006. I worked as a student as part of the SCEP (student career exploration program) until 2008, when I was brought on full-time as a hydrologic technician in the Networks section. During this time, I worked primarily on the Missouri Stream gaging network, and was Hydroacoustic Specialist for our Center. In 2019 I transferred to the Science Section of the Central Midwest Water Science Center as a Physical Scientist working with the Fluvial Mechanics and Geomorphology Group. Since then, I have been primarily focusing on working with Multibeam Echosounders for bathymetry in Rivers and Lakes around the Central Midwest Region.
Professional Experience
Hydrologic Technician at U.S. Geological Survey.
Physical Scientist at U.S. Geological Survey.
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Earth Science from the University of Central Missouri
Science and Products
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Selected Water Supply Lakes in Missouri, 2023
Bathymetry of Bubbly Creek and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Sidings in Cook County, Illinois, July 2023
North Branch Chicago River and North Shore Channel Bathymetry in Cook County, Illinois, July 2023
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Selected Water Supply Lakes in Missouri, 2022 (ver. 1.1, July 2024)
Bathymetry and Velocity Data from Surveys at Highway Bridges Crossing the Missouri River between Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri, May 19–26, 2021 (ver. 2.0, August 2023)
Chicago River and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Bathymetry in Cook County, Illinois, August 2022
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Various Water Supply Lakes in North-Central and West-Central Missouri, 2020
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for 12 Water Supply Lakes in Northeastern Missouri, 2021
Bathymetry and Velocity Data from Surveys at Highway Bridges crossing the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers on the Periphery of Missouri, June 13–22, 2022
Bathymetry and Velocity Data from Surveys at Highway Bridges Crossing the Missouri River between Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri, May 19-26, 2021
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri, 2020
Use of High-Resolution Topo-Bathymetry to Assess Shoreline Topography and Future Development of a Slackwater Harbor near Dardanelle, Arkansas, October 2021
Bathymetric map and surface area and capacity table for Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri, 2020
Use of high-resolution topobathymetry to assess shoreline topography and potential future development of a slack water harbor near Dardanelle, Arkansas, October 2021
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Southwestern Division, Little Rock District Civil Works program has a mission to maintain cohesion between physical and naturally developed environments. The USACE authorized the development of an off-channel harbor (hereinafter referred to as the “proposed slack water harbor”) along the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System at river mile 202.6,
Bathymetric contour maps, surface area and capacity tables, and bathymetric change maps for selected water-supply lakes in northwestern Missouri, 2019 and 2020
Bathymetric contour maps, surface area and capacity tables, and bathymetric change maps for selected water-supply lakes in northeastern Missouri, 2021
Bathymetric contour maps, surface area and capacity tables, and bathymetric change maps for selected water-supply lakes in north-central and west-central Missouri, 2020
Science and Products
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Selected Water Supply Lakes in Missouri, 2023
Bathymetry of Bubbly Creek and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Sidings in Cook County, Illinois, July 2023
North Branch Chicago River and North Shore Channel Bathymetry in Cook County, Illinois, July 2023
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Selected Water Supply Lakes in Missouri, 2022 (ver. 1.1, July 2024)
Bathymetry and Velocity Data from Surveys at Highway Bridges Crossing the Missouri River between Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri, May 19–26, 2021 (ver. 2.0, August 2023)
Chicago River and Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Bathymetry in Cook County, Illinois, August 2022
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Various Water Supply Lakes in North-Central and West-Central Missouri, 2020
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for 12 Water Supply Lakes in Northeastern Missouri, 2021
Bathymetry and Velocity Data from Surveys at Highway Bridges crossing the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers on the Periphery of Missouri, June 13–22, 2022
Bathymetry and Velocity Data from Surveys at Highway Bridges Crossing the Missouri River between Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri, May 19-26, 2021
Bathymetric and Supporting Data for Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri, 2020
Use of High-Resolution Topo-Bathymetry to Assess Shoreline Topography and Future Development of a Slackwater Harbor near Dardanelle, Arkansas, October 2021
Bathymetric map and surface area and capacity table for Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri, 2020
Use of high-resolution topobathymetry to assess shoreline topography and potential future development of a slack water harbor near Dardanelle, Arkansas, October 2021
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Southwestern Division, Little Rock District Civil Works program has a mission to maintain cohesion between physical and naturally developed environments. The USACE authorized the development of an off-channel harbor (hereinafter referred to as the “proposed slack water harbor”) along the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System at river mile 202.6,