David C Lampe
David attended University of Ilinois (B.S. Geology, 2001) and Indiana University (M.S. Geology, 2004) and has been employed as a hydrologist with the USGS Indiana Water Science Center since 2003. Scientific interests include borehole geophysics, horizontal borehole flowmeters, and three-dimensional data visualization techniques.
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 14
Stormwater reduction and water budget for a rain garden on sandy soil, Gary, Indiana, 2016–18
Stormwater reduction measures, or green infrastructure, were implemented in the parking area at Gary City Hall, Gary, Indiana, with the intention of reducing stormwater discharge to the sewers. A study area, including a centrally located rain garden and the surrounding paved surfaces and green space, was instrumented during both a preconstruction and a postconstruction period to (1)...
David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless, Danielle D. Follette
Green infrastructure in the Great Lakes—Assessment of performance, barriers, and unintended consequences
The Great Lakes Basin covers around 536,393 square kilometers, and the Great Lakes hold more than 5,400 cubic miles of water, accounting for more than 20 percent of the world’s fresh surface water supply. The Great Lakes provide a source of drinking water to tens of millions of people in Canada and the United States and support one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Increasing...
Nancy T. Baker, Daniel J. Sullivan, William R. Selbig, Ralph J. Haefner, David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless, Michael R. McHale
Comparison of groundwater-model construction methods, representations of glacial geology, model designs, and groundwater-model flow simulations within Elkhart County, Indiana
Automated data-processing methods allow hydrologists to efficiently incorporate digital well-record datasets into the construction of hydrostratigraphic frameworks for groundwater-flow models. The method selected to construct the hydrostratigraphic framework can affect the extent of geologic heterogeneity that can be included in the model. The detail generated from a hydrostratigraphic...
Leslie D. Arihood, David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless, Steven E. Brown
Geochemistry and microbiology of groundwater and solids from extraction and monitoring wells and their relation to well efficiency at a Federally operated confined disposal facility, East Chicago, Indiana
In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, the U.S. Geological Survey investigated the processes affecting water quality, geochemistry, and microbiology in representative extraction and monitoring wells at a confined disposal facility (CDF) in East Chicago, Indiana. The CDF is a 140-acre Federally-managed facility that was the former location of an oil...
Randall E. Bayless, Travis R. Cole, David C. Lampe, R.E. Travis, Marjorie S. Schulz, Paul M. Buszka
Performance evaluation testing of wells in the gradient control system at a federally operated Confined Disposal Facility using single well aquifer tests, East Chicago, Indiana
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) performed tests to evaluate the hydrologic connection between the open interval of the well and the surrounding Calumet aquifer in response to fouling of extraction well pumps onsite. Two rounds of air slug testing were performed on seven monitoring wells and step drawdown and subsequent recovery tests on three extraction wells on a U.S. Army Corps of...
David C. Lampe, Michael D. Unthank
Hydrologic data and groundwater-flow simulations in the Brown Ditch Watershed, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, near Beverly Shores and Town of Pines, Indiana
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected data and simulated groundwater flow to increase understanding of the hydrology and the effects of drainage alterations on the water table in the vicinity of Great Marsh, near Beverly Shores and Town of Pines, Indiana. Prior land-management practices have modified drainage and caused changes in the distribution of open water, streams and ditches...
David C. Lampe
Geophysical-log and hydraulic-test analyses of groundwater-production wells at the Hannahville Indian Community, Menominee County, Michigan
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Hannahville Indian Community, evaluated the geohydrology of the bedrock formations and hydraulic properties of groundwater-production wells at the Hannahville Indian Community in Menominee County, Michigan. Geophysical logs were collected from five wells at two sites during September 2012. The logs were analyzed to characterize the...
E. Randall Bayless, J. Alton Anderson, David C. Lampe, John H. Williams
Hydrologic data and groundwater flow simulations in the vicinity of Long Lake, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, near Gary, Indiana
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected data and simulated groundwater flow to increase understanding of the hydrology and the effects of drainage alterations to the water table in the vicinity of Long Lake, near Gary, Indiana. East Long Lake and West Long Lake (collectively known as Long Lake) make up one of the largest interdunal lakes within the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore...
David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless
Relation of hydrologic processes to groundwater and surface-water levels and flow directions in a dune-beach complex at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Beverly Shores, Indiana
The potential for high groundwater levels to cause wet basements (groundwater flooding) is of concern to residents of communities in northwestern Indiana. Changes in recharge from precipitation increases during 2006-9, water-level changes from restoration of nearby wetlands in the Great Marsh in 1998-2002, and changes in recharge due to the end of groundwater withdrawals for water supply...
Paul M. Buszka, David A. Cohen, David C. Lampe, Noel B. Pavlovic
Discrete and continuous water-quality data and hydrologic parameters from seven agricultural watersheds in the United States, 2002-09
Field and analytical methods; discrete organic and non-organic water-quality data and associated quality-control data; and continuous hydrologic and water-quality parameters are reported for sites in California, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Washington. The sites were sampled as part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program?s...
Kathleen A. McCarthy, David C. Lampe, Paul D. Capel
Mercury in Indiana watersheds: Retrospective for 2001–2006
Information about total mercury and methylmercury concentrations in water samples and mercury concentrations in fish-tissue samples was summarized for 26 watersheds in Indiana that drain most of the land area of the State. Mercury levels were interpreted with information on streamflow, atmospheric mercury deposition, mercury emissions to the atmosphere, mercury in wastewater, and...
Martin R. Risch, Nancy T. Baker, Kathleen K. Fowler, Amanda L. Egler, David C. Lampe
Estimates of groundwater age from till and carbonate bedrock hydrogeologic units at Jefferson Proving Ground, Southeastern Indiana, 2007-08
During 2007-08, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Army, conducted a study to evaluate the relative age of groundwater in Pre-Wisconsinan till and underlying shallow and deep carbonate bedrock units in and near an area at Jefferson Proving Ground (JPG), southeastern Indiana, which was used during 1984-94 to test fire depleted uranium (DU)...
Paul M. Buszka, David C. Lampe, Amanda L. Egler
Non-USGS Publications**
Lampe, D.C., and Olyphant, G.A., 2003, Geostatistical characterization of apparent hydraulic conductivity distributions within three highly heterogeneous glacial terrains of Indiana: Abstract presented at Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, November 2–5, 2003
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Groundwater Age Estimates, Groundwater Quality, and Hydrogeologic Characteristics of Chase Street Flowing Well and Similar Confined Wells, Little Calumet River Basin, Indiana
In cooperation with The Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission and the Urban Waters Federal Partnership The Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission (LCRBDC) is developing a park around a local cultural landmark, known locally as the Chase Street flowing well, in Gary, Indiana, a community in the Urban Waters Federal Partnership--Northwest Indiana Area. Groundwater from the...
Assessing stormwater reduction using green infrastructure: Gary City Hall (Gary, Ind.)
The effectiveness of green infrastructure (rain gardens and decreased impervious surface) at reducing stormwater runoff and capturing dissolved chloride is being assessed at a redevelopment project at Gary City Hall (Gary, Indiana). This study will evaluate pre- and post-construction hydrologic conditions using data collected by monitoring storm-sewer flow, groundwater levels, soil moisture, and...
Water Quality Monitoring and Algal Community Composition Analysis in Support of Eutrophication Beneficial Use Impairment Evaluation in the Grand Calumet River Area of Concern, Northwest Indiana
In cooperation with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Hydrogeologic Mapping, Data Collection, and Geologic Framework of Glacial Deposits in a Multi-county Area of Northwest Ohio, Northeast Indiana, and South Michigan
In cooperation with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Groundwater resources in northwestern Ohio, northeastern Indiana and southern Michigan have been a recurring subject of interest related to sources of public, irrigation, and other water supplies and the potential of glacial deposits to supply water to adjacent parts of Ohio. The glacial deposits that are part of the aquifer system...
Indiana Volunteer Groundwater Monitoring Network
The USGS Indiana Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, have developed a quality assured volunteer groundwater data collection system to enhance the existing groundwater-level network for the state and provide usable data to the public. Individuals interested in providing data to the Indiana Volunteer groundwater monitoring network can find more...
Indiana-Kentucky Climate Response Network
Do you recall the drought of 2012? Precipitation deficits during July 2012 were widespread. Morse Reservoir was a prominent sight that was highly visible in the news. Photos showed million dollar mansions with boats stranded on the lakebed. This drought took many by surprise, however, there were hydrologic signs during 2011. Events like this (and California) have brought some welcome attention to...
Indiana Discrete Measurement Groundwater Networks
Discrete groundwater measurements are made at 159 wells located in Lake, Hamilton, and St. Joseph Counties.
Kankakee River at Davis, IN Mega Gage: Monitoring Groundwater/Surface-Water Interactions
What is the groundwater contribution to nitrates in surface water? That's the question we are trying to answer by looking at surface-water and groundwater interaction and the role each play in the movement of nitrates. We have added additional monitoring equipment to the USGS super gage Kankakee River at Davis, IN, which will allow us to calculate the nitrate load in groundwater using flow...
Episodic Master Recession Model Output used for Recharge Estimation in a Rain Garden on Sandy Soil, Gary, Indiana, 2016-18
A rain garden and other stormwater control measures (SCM) were installed at Gary City Hall in Gary, Indiana to retain water, increase infiltration, and divert stormwater from city sewers. In order to investigate the impacts of the installed SCMs, hydrologic data were collected prior to and following the installation to estimate site water budgets (Lampe and others, 2022). The Episodic...
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 14
Stormwater reduction and water budget for a rain garden on sandy soil, Gary, Indiana, 2016–18
Stormwater reduction measures, or green infrastructure, were implemented in the parking area at Gary City Hall, Gary, Indiana, with the intention of reducing stormwater discharge to the sewers. A study area, including a centrally located rain garden and the surrounding paved surfaces and green space, was instrumented during both a preconstruction and a postconstruction period to (1)...
David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless, Danielle D. Follette
Green infrastructure in the Great Lakes—Assessment of performance, barriers, and unintended consequences
The Great Lakes Basin covers around 536,393 square kilometers, and the Great Lakes hold more than 5,400 cubic miles of water, accounting for more than 20 percent of the world’s fresh surface water supply. The Great Lakes provide a source of drinking water to tens of millions of people in Canada and the United States and support one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Increasing...
Nancy T. Baker, Daniel J. Sullivan, William R. Selbig, Ralph J. Haefner, David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless, Michael R. McHale
Comparison of groundwater-model construction methods, representations of glacial geology, model designs, and groundwater-model flow simulations within Elkhart County, Indiana
Automated data-processing methods allow hydrologists to efficiently incorporate digital well-record datasets into the construction of hydrostratigraphic frameworks for groundwater-flow models. The method selected to construct the hydrostratigraphic framework can affect the extent of geologic heterogeneity that can be included in the model. The detail generated from a hydrostratigraphic...
Leslie D. Arihood, David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless, Steven E. Brown
Geochemistry and microbiology of groundwater and solids from extraction and monitoring wells and their relation to well efficiency at a Federally operated confined disposal facility, East Chicago, Indiana
In cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, the U.S. Geological Survey investigated the processes affecting water quality, geochemistry, and microbiology in representative extraction and monitoring wells at a confined disposal facility (CDF) in East Chicago, Indiana. The CDF is a 140-acre Federally-managed facility that was the former location of an oil...
Randall E. Bayless, Travis R. Cole, David C. Lampe, R.E. Travis, Marjorie S. Schulz, Paul M. Buszka
Performance evaluation testing of wells in the gradient control system at a federally operated Confined Disposal Facility using single well aquifer tests, East Chicago, Indiana
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) performed tests to evaluate the hydrologic connection between the open interval of the well and the surrounding Calumet aquifer in response to fouling of extraction well pumps onsite. Two rounds of air slug testing were performed on seven monitoring wells and step drawdown and subsequent recovery tests on three extraction wells on a U.S. Army Corps of...
David C. Lampe, Michael D. Unthank
Hydrologic data and groundwater-flow simulations in the Brown Ditch Watershed, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, near Beverly Shores and Town of Pines, Indiana
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected data and simulated groundwater flow to increase understanding of the hydrology and the effects of drainage alterations on the water table in the vicinity of Great Marsh, near Beverly Shores and Town of Pines, Indiana. Prior land-management practices have modified drainage and caused changes in the distribution of open water, streams and ditches...
David C. Lampe
Geophysical-log and hydraulic-test analyses of groundwater-production wells at the Hannahville Indian Community, Menominee County, Michigan
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Hannahville Indian Community, evaluated the geohydrology of the bedrock formations and hydraulic properties of groundwater-production wells at the Hannahville Indian Community in Menominee County, Michigan. Geophysical logs were collected from five wells at two sites during September 2012. The logs were analyzed to characterize the...
E. Randall Bayless, J. Alton Anderson, David C. Lampe, John H. Williams
Hydrologic data and groundwater flow simulations in the vicinity of Long Lake, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, near Gary, Indiana
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected data and simulated groundwater flow to increase understanding of the hydrology and the effects of drainage alterations to the water table in the vicinity of Long Lake, near Gary, Indiana. East Long Lake and West Long Lake (collectively known as Long Lake) make up one of the largest interdunal lakes within the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore...
David C. Lampe, E. Randall Bayless
Relation of hydrologic processes to groundwater and surface-water levels and flow directions in a dune-beach complex at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Beverly Shores, Indiana
The potential for high groundwater levels to cause wet basements (groundwater flooding) is of concern to residents of communities in northwestern Indiana. Changes in recharge from precipitation increases during 2006-9, water-level changes from restoration of nearby wetlands in the Great Marsh in 1998-2002, and changes in recharge due to the end of groundwater withdrawals for water supply...
Paul M. Buszka, David A. Cohen, David C. Lampe, Noel B. Pavlovic
Discrete and continuous water-quality data and hydrologic parameters from seven agricultural watersheds in the United States, 2002-09
Field and analytical methods; discrete organic and non-organic water-quality data and associated quality-control data; and continuous hydrologic and water-quality parameters are reported for sites in California, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Washington. The sites were sampled as part of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program?s...
Kathleen A. McCarthy, David C. Lampe, Paul D. Capel
Mercury in Indiana watersheds: Retrospective for 2001–2006
Information about total mercury and methylmercury concentrations in water samples and mercury concentrations in fish-tissue samples was summarized for 26 watersheds in Indiana that drain most of the land area of the State. Mercury levels were interpreted with information on streamflow, atmospheric mercury deposition, mercury emissions to the atmosphere, mercury in wastewater, and...
Martin R. Risch, Nancy T. Baker, Kathleen K. Fowler, Amanda L. Egler, David C. Lampe
Estimates of groundwater age from till and carbonate bedrock hydrogeologic units at Jefferson Proving Ground, Southeastern Indiana, 2007-08
During 2007-08, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Army, conducted a study to evaluate the relative age of groundwater in Pre-Wisconsinan till and underlying shallow and deep carbonate bedrock units in and near an area at Jefferson Proving Ground (JPG), southeastern Indiana, which was used during 1984-94 to test fire depleted uranium (DU)...
Paul M. Buszka, David C. Lampe, Amanda L. Egler
Non-USGS Publications**
Lampe, D.C., and Olyphant, G.A., 2003, Geostatistical characterization of apparent hydraulic conductivity distributions within three highly heterogeneous glacial terrains of Indiana: Abstract presented at Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, November 2–5, 2003
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Groundwater Age Estimates, Groundwater Quality, and Hydrogeologic Characteristics of Chase Street Flowing Well and Similar Confined Wells, Little Calumet River Basin, Indiana
In cooperation with The Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission and the Urban Waters Federal Partnership The Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission (LCRBDC) is developing a park around a local cultural landmark, known locally as the Chase Street flowing well, in Gary, Indiana, a community in the Urban Waters Federal Partnership--Northwest Indiana Area. Groundwater from the...
Assessing stormwater reduction using green infrastructure: Gary City Hall (Gary, Ind.)
The effectiveness of green infrastructure (rain gardens and decreased impervious surface) at reducing stormwater runoff and capturing dissolved chloride is being assessed at a redevelopment project at Gary City Hall (Gary, Indiana). This study will evaluate pre- and post-construction hydrologic conditions using data collected by monitoring storm-sewer flow, groundwater levels, soil moisture, and...
Water Quality Monitoring and Algal Community Composition Analysis in Support of Eutrophication Beneficial Use Impairment Evaluation in the Grand Calumet River Area of Concern, Northwest Indiana
In cooperation with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Hydrogeologic Mapping, Data Collection, and Geologic Framework of Glacial Deposits in a Multi-county Area of Northwest Ohio, Northeast Indiana, and South Michigan
In cooperation with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Groundwater resources in northwestern Ohio, northeastern Indiana and southern Michigan have been a recurring subject of interest related to sources of public, irrigation, and other water supplies and the potential of glacial deposits to supply water to adjacent parts of Ohio. The glacial deposits that are part of the aquifer system...
Indiana Volunteer Groundwater Monitoring Network
The USGS Indiana Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, have developed a quality assured volunteer groundwater data collection system to enhance the existing groundwater-level network for the state and provide usable data to the public. Individuals interested in providing data to the Indiana Volunteer groundwater monitoring network can find more...
Indiana-Kentucky Climate Response Network
Do you recall the drought of 2012? Precipitation deficits during July 2012 were widespread. Morse Reservoir was a prominent sight that was highly visible in the news. Photos showed million dollar mansions with boats stranded on the lakebed. This drought took many by surprise, however, there were hydrologic signs during 2011. Events like this (and California) have brought some welcome attention to...
Indiana Discrete Measurement Groundwater Networks
Discrete groundwater measurements are made at 159 wells located in Lake, Hamilton, and St. Joseph Counties.
Kankakee River at Davis, IN Mega Gage: Monitoring Groundwater/Surface-Water Interactions
What is the groundwater contribution to nitrates in surface water? That's the question we are trying to answer by looking at surface-water and groundwater interaction and the role each play in the movement of nitrates. We have added additional monitoring equipment to the USGS super gage Kankakee River at Davis, IN, which will allow us to calculate the nitrate load in groundwater using flow...
Episodic Master Recession Model Output used for Recharge Estimation in a Rain Garden on Sandy Soil, Gary, Indiana, 2016-18
A rain garden and other stormwater control measures (SCM) were installed at Gary City Hall in Gary, Indiana to retain water, increase infiltration, and divert stormwater from city sewers. In order to investigate the impacts of the installed SCMs, hydrologic data were collected prior to and following the installation to estimate site water budgets (Lampe and others, 2022). The Episodic...