Canada Geese using a small retention pond near a commercial poultry facility.
Diann Prosser, Ph.D.
Diann is a research wildlife ecologist at the Eastern Ecological Science Center located in Laurel, MD
Productivity of Species of Concern – Least Tern and Common Tern on Poplar Island Restoration Site
This project aims to understand the factors driving breeding success of multiple waterbird species, with special emphasis on Least and Common Terns (two species of concern) on Poplar Island Environmental Restoration Project.
She began working at Patuxent in 1999. Her background is in wetland ecology and ornithology and her research interests include using spatial modeling techniques to help answer questions related to wildlife and stressors such as climate change and disease.
Recently Hosted Visiting Scientists from Chinese Academy of Sciences (2012-2013)
Professional Experience
2012 - present Research Wildlife Biologist, USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center, Laurel, MD
2004 - 2012 Wildlife Biologist, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD
1998 - 2004 Biological Scientist, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD
1993 - 1998 Research Associate, Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center, State College, PA
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science (1995) from the Pennsylvania State University
M.S. in Ecology (1998) from the Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D. (2012) from the University of Maryland’s Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences interdisciplinary ecology program
Honors and Awards
2017 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
University of Maryland Goldhaber Travel Grant
2011 NSF SGER Grant
2007 NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
2005 University of Maryland Nagel Travel Grant
2005 USGS, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Star Award 2000
Science and Products
Understanding wild waterfowl use of retention ponds at commercial poultry farms – a potential route for avian influenza virus transmission
Avian Influenza Prevalence Correlated to Mercury Concentrations in Wild Waterfowl
Disease Decision Analysis and Research
COVID-19 Pathways and Wildlife Dynamics
Advancing Risk Modeling for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Asian Flyways Collaborative for Waterbirds (AFCoW)
Blue-winged Teal and Cross Continental Avian Influenza Transmission
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Seaduck Challenge Study
Avian Influenza Surveillance in Waterfowl in the Atlantic Flyway
Pathogens in the Aquatic Environment – Waterfowl, Avian Influenza
USGS Wild Bird Avian Influenza Program – Studies from Endemic Regions of Eurasia
Productivity of Species of Concern – Least Tern and Common Tern on Poplar Island
Data describing the lack of Avian influenza infection and antibodies in Eastern Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) sampled in Delmarva, USA
Data exploring the impact of road watering on dust accumulation and monarch distribution on Poplar Island
Data describing the use of a newly identified staging area on Patuxent River Naval Air Station by banded Common Terns
Results of Virus Isolation and Serology testing on Influenza A Virus Samples from Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) and Greater Scaup (Aythya Marila)
Estimates of avian influenza transmission risk across the wild waterfowl - domestic poultry interface (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
Data describing highly pathogenic H5N1 in Double-crested Cormorants of the Chesapeake Bay (ver. 2.0, December 2024)
Timing of Occurrence of Waterfowl in U.S. Counties and Canadian Counties, Boroughs, Census Districts, and Other Populated Area Designations with Modeled Exposure Status to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in 2021-2022
Database collating previous laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild avifauna of North America (ver. 2.0, August 2024)
Data describing the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry facilities on Delmarva by wild waterfowl
Data describing habitat use and availability for wild waterfowl in California, USA
Data showing similar movement ecology between mallards infected and not infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1
Summary data on the forage base and critical forage taxa for Chesapeake waterbirds
Canada Geese using a small retention pond near a commercial poultry facility.
Spring migration departure date (a–e) and duration of first stopover (f–j) by species and infection status across 84 individuals with paired influenza and telemetry data. Partially transparent points show raw data; large points and error bars show means and 95% confidence intervals estimated from linear models.
Spring migration departure date (a–e) and duration of first stopover (f–j) by species and infection status across 84 individuals with paired influenza and telemetry data. Partially transparent points show raw data; large points and error bars show means and 95% confidence intervals estimated from linear models.
This conceptual diagram explains how the research involved in the NSF PIPP project will be broken down into specific components.
This conceptual diagram explains how the research involved in the NSF PIPP project will be broken down into specific components.
This bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) was marked with a satellite transmitter at Qinghai Lake, China, in an effort to understand the role that wild birds play in avian influenza.
This bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) was marked with a satellite transmitter at Qinghai Lake, China, in an effort to understand the role that wild birds play in avian influenza.
Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways
Antibodies to influenza A virus in Lesser (Aythya affinis) and Greater Scaup (Aythya marila) in the USA
Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways
A systematic review of laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild avifauna of North America
Mitigating risk: Predicting H5N1 avian influenza spread with an empirical model of bird movement
Using an adaptive modeling framework to identify avian influenza spillover risk at the wild-domestic interface
Identifying the forage base and critical forage taxa for Chesapeake waterbirds
Reframing wildlife disease management problems with decision analysis
Identifying an understudied interface: Preliminary evaluation of the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry farms by wild waterfowl
Potential use of poultry farms by wild waterfowl in California's Central Valley varies across space, times of day, and species: implications for influenza transmission risk
Usurpation and brooding of Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) chicks by Common Terns (Sterna hirundo)
Climate change impacts on bird migration and highly pathogenic avian influenza
Visualizing Models for Avian Influenza Viruses
Emergence of avian influenza viruses with the potential to be highly pathogenic to poultry, wild birds, & humans, such as the highly pathogenic H5N1 and H7N9 cause serious concern for the global economic & public health sectors. Visual representations of model data can be effective in helping to discover how the spread of the virus is influenced by environmental & human
Science and Products
Understanding wild waterfowl use of retention ponds at commercial poultry farms – a potential route for avian influenza virus transmission
Avian Influenza Prevalence Correlated to Mercury Concentrations in Wild Waterfowl
Disease Decision Analysis and Research
COVID-19 Pathways and Wildlife Dynamics
Advancing Risk Modeling for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Asian Flyways Collaborative for Waterbirds (AFCoW)
Blue-winged Teal and Cross Continental Avian Influenza Transmission
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Seaduck Challenge Study
Avian Influenza Surveillance in Waterfowl in the Atlantic Flyway
Pathogens in the Aquatic Environment – Waterfowl, Avian Influenza
USGS Wild Bird Avian Influenza Program – Studies from Endemic Regions of Eurasia
Productivity of Species of Concern – Least Tern and Common Tern on Poplar Island
Data describing the lack of Avian influenza infection and antibodies in Eastern Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) sampled in Delmarva, USA
Data exploring the impact of road watering on dust accumulation and monarch distribution on Poplar Island
Data describing the use of a newly identified staging area on Patuxent River Naval Air Station by banded Common Terns
Results of Virus Isolation and Serology testing on Influenza A Virus Samples from Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) and Greater Scaup (Aythya Marila)
Estimates of avian influenza transmission risk across the wild waterfowl - domestic poultry interface (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
Data describing highly pathogenic H5N1 in Double-crested Cormorants of the Chesapeake Bay (ver. 2.0, December 2024)
Timing of Occurrence of Waterfowl in U.S. Counties and Canadian Counties, Boroughs, Census Districts, and Other Populated Area Designations with Modeled Exposure Status to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in 2021-2022
Database collating previous laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild avifauna of North America (ver. 2.0, August 2024)
Data describing the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry facilities on Delmarva by wild waterfowl
Data describing habitat use and availability for wild waterfowl in California, USA
Data showing similar movement ecology between mallards infected and not infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1
Summary data on the forage base and critical forage taxa for Chesapeake waterbirds
Canada Geese using a small retention pond near a commercial poultry facility.
Canada Geese using a small retention pond near a commercial poultry facility.
Spring migration departure date (a–e) and duration of first stopover (f–j) by species and infection status across 84 individuals with paired influenza and telemetry data. Partially transparent points show raw data; large points and error bars show means and 95% confidence intervals estimated from linear models.
Spring migration departure date (a–e) and duration of first stopover (f–j) by species and infection status across 84 individuals with paired influenza and telemetry data. Partially transparent points show raw data; large points and error bars show means and 95% confidence intervals estimated from linear models.
This conceptual diagram explains how the research involved in the NSF PIPP project will be broken down into specific components.
This conceptual diagram explains how the research involved in the NSF PIPP project will be broken down into specific components.
This bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) was marked with a satellite transmitter at Qinghai Lake, China, in an effort to understand the role that wild birds play in avian influenza.
This bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) was marked with a satellite transmitter at Qinghai Lake, China, in an effort to understand the role that wild birds play in avian influenza.
Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways
Antibodies to influenza A virus in Lesser (Aythya affinis) and Greater Scaup (Aythya marila) in the USA
Examining inter-regional and intra-seasonal differences in wintering waterfowl landscape associations among Pacific and Atlantic flyways
A systematic review of laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild avifauna of North America
Mitigating risk: Predicting H5N1 avian influenza spread with an empirical model of bird movement
Using an adaptive modeling framework to identify avian influenza spillover risk at the wild-domestic interface
Identifying the forage base and critical forage taxa for Chesapeake waterbirds
Reframing wildlife disease management problems with decision analysis
Identifying an understudied interface: Preliminary evaluation of the use of retention ponds on commercial poultry farms by wild waterfowl
Potential use of poultry farms by wild waterfowl in California's Central Valley varies across space, times of day, and species: implications for influenza transmission risk
Usurpation and brooding of Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) chicks by Common Terns (Sterna hirundo)
Climate change impacts on bird migration and highly pathogenic avian influenza
Visualizing Models for Avian Influenza Viruses
Emergence of avian influenza viruses with the potential to be highly pathogenic to poultry, wild birds, & humans, such as the highly pathogenic H5N1 and H7N9 cause serious concern for the global economic & public health sectors. Visual representations of model data can be effective in helping to discover how the spread of the virus is influenced by environmental & human