Kevin Buhl
Kevin is a Research Fish Biologist at the Columbia Environmental Research Center's Yankton Field Research Station.
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 25
Acute toxicity of fire-retardant and foam-suppressant chemicals to yalella azteca (Saussure)
Acute toxicity tests were conducted with Hyalella azteca Saussure (an amphipod) exposed in soft and hard waters to three fire retardants (Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F) and two foam suppressants (Phos-Chek WD-881 and Silv-Ex). The chemicals were slightly to moderately toxic to amphipods. The most toxic chemical to amphipods in soft and hard water was Phos-Chek WD-881 (96-h
Susan F. McDonald, Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, James F. Heisinger
Relative sensitivity of three endangered fishes, Colorado squawfish, bonytail, and razorback sucker, to selected metal pollutants
The acute toxicity of four metal pollutants to larval and juvenile stages of endangered Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), bonytail (Gila elegans), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) were determined in a water quality representative of that in the Green River, Utah. The rank order of toxicity (96-hr LC50) of the metals to all species and life stages from most toxic to least toxic was
Kevin J. Buhl
Toxicity of fire retardant chemicals to aquatic organisms: Progress report
Fire retardants and suppressants used extensively in North America are often applied in environmentally sensitive areas that may contain endangered, threatened, or economically important plant and animal species. We conducted laboratory acute toxicity tests in both hard and soft waters with five commonly used fire control chemicals (Fire Trol LCG-R, Fire-Trol GTS-R, Phos-Chek D-75-F, Phos-Chek WD
Steven J. Hamilton, Susan F. McDonald, Mark P. Gaikowski, Kevin J. Buhl
Toxicity of inorganic contaminants, individually and in environmental mixtures, to three endangered fishes (Colorado squawfish, bonytail, and razorback sucker)
Two life stages of three federally-listed endangered fishes, Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), bonytail (Gila elegans), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) were exposed to copper, selenate, selenite, and zinc individually, and to mixtures of nine inorganics in a reconstituted water that simulated the water quality of the middle Green River, Utah. The mixtures simulated environmental
Kevin J. Buhl, S. J. Hamilton
Acute toxicity of fire control chemicals to Daphnia magna(Straus) and Selenastrum capricornutum(Printz)
Acute toxicity tests were conducted exposingDaphnia magnaStraus (daphnid) in soft and hard reconstituted waters (hardness 42 and 162 mg/liter as CaCO3, respectively), andSelenastrum capricornutumPrintz (algae) in ASTM algal assay medium (hardness 15 mg/liter as CaCO3) to fire retardants Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F, and foam suppressants Phos-Chek WD-881 and Silv-Ex. The c
Susan F. McDonald, Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, James F. Heisinger
Acute toxicity of three fire-retardant and two fire-suppressant foam formulations to the early life stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Laboratory studies were conducted with five early life stages of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to determine the acute toxicities of five fire-fighting chemical formulations in standardized soft and hard water. Eyed egg, embryo–larvae, swim-up fry, and 60- and 90-d posthatch juveniles were exposed to three fire retardants (Fire-Trol LCG-R, Fire-Trol GTS-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F) and two fire-su
Mark P. Gaikowski, Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, Susan F. McDonald, Cliff H. Summers
Acute toxicity of firefighting chemical formulations to four life stages of fathead minnow
Laboratory studies were conducted with four early life stages of fathead minnow,Pimephales promelas,to determine the acute toxicity of five firefighting chemical formulations in standardized soft and hard water. Egg, fry, 30-day posthatch, and 60-day posthatch life stages were tested with three fire retardants (Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F) and two fire-suppressant foams (
Mark P. Gaikowski, Steve J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, Susan F. McDonald, Cliff H. Summers
Chronic toxicity of the bromoxynil formulation Buctril® to Daphnia magna exposed continuously and intermittently
Two chronic toxicity tests were conducted in which Daphnia magna were either continuously or intermittently exposed to bromoxynil octanoate (BO; as Buctril®) for 28 d. In the intermittent exposure test, daphnids were exposed to daily pulses of BO with 24-h mean concentrations equal to those in the continuous exposure test, and the peak concentrations were three times the 24-h mean values. After 28
Kevin J. Buhl, Steven J. Hamilton, James C. Schmulbach
Acute toxicity of the herbicide bromoxynil to Daphnia magna
The acute toxicities of technical-grade bromoxynil octanoate (BO) and two commercial formulations, Buctril® and Bronate®, to < 24-h-old neonate Daphnia magna (Straus) were determined in soft, hard, and oligosaline water. In addition, effects of life stage, feeding, aging the herbicide, and exposure duration on BO toxicity to daphnids were investigated. Regardless of formulation, life stage, and wa
Kevin J. Buhl, Steven J. Hamilton, James C. Schmulbach
Comparative toxicity of inorganic contaminants released by placer mining to early life stages of salmonids
The acute toxicities of four trace inorganics associated with placer mining were determined, individually and in environmentally relevant mixtures, to early life stages of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) from Alaska and Montana, coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kitsutch) from Alaska and Washington, and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from Montana. The descending rank order of toxicity to all spe
Kevin J. Buhl, Steven J. Hamilton
Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet to chinook salmon
The toxicity of two organoselenium diets was evaluated in 90- to 120-d partial life cycle tests with two life stages of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Walbaum). One of the diets contained fish meal made from high-selenium mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis Baird and Girard) collected from the selenium-laden San Luis Drain, California (here termed SLD diet) and the other contained meal made f
Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, Neil L. Faerber, Fern A. Bullard, Raymond H. Wiedmeyer
Acute toxicity of selected herbicides and surfactants to larvae of the midge Chironomus riparius
The acute toxicities of eight commercial herbicides and two surfactants to early fourth instar larvae of the midgeChironomus riparius were determined under static conditions. The formulated herbicides tested were Eradicane® (EPTC), Fargo® (triallate), Lasso® (alachlor), ME4 Brominal® (bromoxynil), Ramrod® (propachlor), Rodeo® (glyphosate), Sencor®(metribuzin), and Sutan (+)® (butylate); the two su
Kevin J. Buhl, Neil L. Faerber
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 25
Acute toxicity of fire-retardant and foam-suppressant chemicals to yalella azteca (Saussure)
Acute toxicity tests were conducted with Hyalella azteca Saussure (an amphipod) exposed in soft and hard waters to three fire retardants (Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F) and two foam suppressants (Phos-Chek WD-881 and Silv-Ex). The chemicals were slightly to moderately toxic to amphipods. The most toxic chemical to amphipods in soft and hard water was Phos-Chek WD-881 (96-h
Susan F. McDonald, Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, James F. Heisinger
Relative sensitivity of three endangered fishes, Colorado squawfish, bonytail, and razorback sucker, to selected metal pollutants
The acute toxicity of four metal pollutants to larval and juvenile stages of endangered Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), bonytail (Gila elegans), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) were determined in a water quality representative of that in the Green River, Utah. The rank order of toxicity (96-hr LC50) of the metals to all species and life stages from most toxic to least toxic was
Kevin J. Buhl
Toxicity of fire retardant chemicals to aquatic organisms: Progress report
Fire retardants and suppressants used extensively in North America are often applied in environmentally sensitive areas that may contain endangered, threatened, or economically important plant and animal species. We conducted laboratory acute toxicity tests in both hard and soft waters with five commonly used fire control chemicals (Fire Trol LCG-R, Fire-Trol GTS-R, Phos-Chek D-75-F, Phos-Chek WD
Steven J. Hamilton, Susan F. McDonald, Mark P. Gaikowski, Kevin J. Buhl
Toxicity of inorganic contaminants, individually and in environmental mixtures, to three endangered fishes (Colorado squawfish, bonytail, and razorback sucker)
Two life stages of three federally-listed endangered fishes, Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius), bonytail (Gila elegans), and razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) were exposed to copper, selenate, selenite, and zinc individually, and to mixtures of nine inorganics in a reconstituted water that simulated the water quality of the middle Green River, Utah. The mixtures simulated environmental
Kevin J. Buhl, S. J. Hamilton
Acute toxicity of fire control chemicals to Daphnia magna(Straus) and Selenastrum capricornutum(Printz)
Acute toxicity tests were conducted exposingDaphnia magnaStraus (daphnid) in soft and hard reconstituted waters (hardness 42 and 162 mg/liter as CaCO3, respectively), andSelenastrum capricornutumPrintz (algae) in ASTM algal assay medium (hardness 15 mg/liter as CaCO3) to fire retardants Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F, and foam suppressants Phos-Chek WD-881 and Silv-Ex. The c
Susan F. McDonald, Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, James F. Heisinger
Acute toxicity of three fire-retardant and two fire-suppressant foam formulations to the early life stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Laboratory studies were conducted with five early life stages of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to determine the acute toxicities of five fire-fighting chemical formulations in standardized soft and hard water. Eyed egg, embryo–larvae, swim-up fry, and 60- and 90-d posthatch juveniles were exposed to three fire retardants (Fire-Trol LCG-R, Fire-Trol GTS-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F) and two fire-su
Mark P. Gaikowski, Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, Susan F. McDonald, Cliff H. Summers
Acute toxicity of firefighting chemical formulations to four life stages of fathead minnow
Laboratory studies were conducted with four early life stages of fathead minnow,Pimephales promelas,to determine the acute toxicity of five firefighting chemical formulations in standardized soft and hard water. Egg, fry, 30-day posthatch, and 60-day posthatch life stages were tested with three fire retardants (Fire-Trol GTS-R, Fire-Trol LCG-R, and Phos-Chek D75-F) and two fire-suppressant foams (
Mark P. Gaikowski, Steve J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, Susan F. McDonald, Cliff H. Summers
Chronic toxicity of the bromoxynil formulation Buctril® to Daphnia magna exposed continuously and intermittently
Two chronic toxicity tests were conducted in which Daphnia magna were either continuously or intermittently exposed to bromoxynil octanoate (BO; as Buctril®) for 28 d. In the intermittent exposure test, daphnids were exposed to daily pulses of BO with 24-h mean concentrations equal to those in the continuous exposure test, and the peak concentrations were three times the 24-h mean values. After 28
Kevin J. Buhl, Steven J. Hamilton, James C. Schmulbach
Acute toxicity of the herbicide bromoxynil to Daphnia magna
The acute toxicities of technical-grade bromoxynil octanoate (BO) and two commercial formulations, Buctril® and Bronate®, to < 24-h-old neonate Daphnia magna (Straus) were determined in soft, hard, and oligosaline water. In addition, effects of life stage, feeding, aging the herbicide, and exposure duration on BO toxicity to daphnids were investigated. Regardless of formulation, life stage, and wa
Kevin J. Buhl, Steven J. Hamilton, James C. Schmulbach
Comparative toxicity of inorganic contaminants released by placer mining to early life stages of salmonids
The acute toxicities of four trace inorganics associated with placer mining were determined, individually and in environmentally relevant mixtures, to early life stages of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) from Alaska and Montana, coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kitsutch) from Alaska and Washington, and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from Montana. The descending rank order of toxicity to all spe
Kevin J. Buhl, Steven J. Hamilton
Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet to chinook salmon
The toxicity of two organoselenium diets was evaluated in 90- to 120-d partial life cycle tests with two life stages of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Walbaum). One of the diets contained fish meal made from high-selenium mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis Baird and Girard) collected from the selenium-laden San Luis Drain, California (here termed SLD diet) and the other contained meal made f
Steven J. Hamilton, Kevin J. Buhl, Neil L. Faerber, Fern A. Bullard, Raymond H. Wiedmeyer
Acute toxicity of selected herbicides and surfactants to larvae of the midge Chironomus riparius
The acute toxicities of eight commercial herbicides and two surfactants to early fourth instar larvae of the midgeChironomus riparius were determined under static conditions. The formulated herbicides tested were Eradicane® (EPTC), Fargo® (triallate), Lasso® (alachlor), ME4 Brominal® (bromoxynil), Ramrod® (propachlor), Rodeo® (glyphosate), Sencor®(metribuzin), and Sutan (+)® (butylate); the two su
Kevin J. Buhl, Neil L. Faerber