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Lori Pigue, Ph.D.


I’m a Physical Scientist with Astrogeology, focusing mostly in Lunar Volcanology and in situ resource utilization. I’m passionate about inclusion and accessibility and making science more approachable. I work daily to create a more equitable working environment for current and future community members.

I started my USGS career as a Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) Employee at the Central Midwest Water Science Center Field Office in Missouri. As a Hydrologic Technician, I worked on water quality monitoring activities, suspended sediment modeling projects, and participated in a wide variety of field, lab, and computer work. I graduated college with a Bachelor of Science in Geology and a Bachelor of Science in Education in Biology. After graduating, I was employed as an Environmental Scientist for a law firm and oversaw thousands of surface and subsurface site assessments. Returning to my roots in volcanology, I decided to pursue my PhD in Astronomy & Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University to study lunar volcanology. During this time, I became an Affiliate with the USGS Astrogeology Science Center to conduct my PhD research and have been able to participate in research projects with Advisors Moses Milazzo, Lisa Gaddis, and Kristen Bennett. I became a Pathways Intern at the USGS Astrogeology Science Center during the second half of my PhD, after which I transitioned into a career Physical Scientist. I participate in a wide variety of activities at Astro, including the DEIA Council, outreach activities, public communications, and the Planetary Learning Advancing the Nexus in Engineering, Technology, and Science (PLANETS) educational curriculum development program. Outside of my research, I also help write children’s books with Meteor Crater Enterprises and engage in a variety of community engagement activities to encourage youth to see science for the fun and curious field it can be!


*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government

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