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The USGS collects multiple types of data in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The Data Catalog contains a list and links of all the types of Chesapeake information from USGS. Some of the most relevant data related to streams and rivers is highlighted in the “tracking status and trends indicators of stream health”. Land cover, use, and change data are also highlighted.

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Telemetry data of a Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) positive for Highly Pathogenic H5N1

Wild lesser scaup from the Chesapeake Bay, captured and implanted with satellite transmitters for a separate ecology study, were opportunistically sampled for avian influenza. These data detail the virological sampling results, obtained post release, which include a single positive for clade H5N1 virus of the A/goose/Guangdong/1/1996 (Gs/GD) H5N1 lineage of highly pathogenic IAV. These dat

CAST Data Input Disaggregation from County and Land-River Segment Scale to National Hydrography Dataset Plus, Version 1.1

The detrimental effects of excess nutrients and sediment entering the Chesapeake Bay estuary from its watersheds have necessitated regulatory actions. Federally-mandated reductions are apportioned to bay jurisdictions based on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay Time-Variable Watershed Model (CBPM). The Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST version CAST-19; cast.chesapeak

Chesapeake Bay Region Virginia River Bluff and Wetland Extent Mapping

The Chesapeake Bay Estuary is the largest estuary in the United States and provides habitats for diverse wildlife and aquatic species, protects communities against flooding, reduces pollution to waterways, and supports local economies through commercial and recreational activities. In the Spring of 2018, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) Applications Pro

An Unvegetated to Vegetated Ratio (UVVR) for coastal wetlands of the Conterminous United States (2014-2018)

This USGS Data Release represents geospatial data sets which were created to produce an Unvegetated to Vegetated Ratio (UVVR) for coastal wetlands of the conterminous United States (2014-2018). The following listed image products were generated 1) Annual spatial datasets (rasters) from 2014 to 2018 each containing 4 bands (Band 1: Unvegetated land fraction; Band 2: Vegetated land fraction; Band 3:

Attribution of Chessie BIBI and fish sampling data to NHDPlusV2 Catchments within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

This data release links fish survey data from a suite of programs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed as well the benthic macroinvertebrate sites included in the Chesapeake Bay Basin-wide Index of Biotic Integrity (Chessie BIBI) developed by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and available from the Chesapeake Bay Program. The data set contains site name, survey program, coord

Great Blue Heron collection at Poplar Island Complex and Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex

In the fall of 2005, dead and dying great blue herons (Ardea herodias) exhibiting emaciation, lethargy, inability to fly and a hard abdomen (steatitis confirmed at necropsy) were observed at Poplar Island and nearby Coaches Island (Rattner et al. 2006). Birds were hand captured at or near impoundments (cells) and ponds that contained large algal blooms, and because of poor prognosis were euthanize

SPARROW model input datasets and predictions for predicting near-term effects of climate change on nitrogen transport to Chesapeake Bay

This data release includes 5 files containing model inputs and resulting model predictions. A previously-calibrated spatially referenced regression (SPARROW) model was used to estimate effects of climate change on in-stream nitrogen (TN) loads in the Chesapeake Bay watershed between 1995 and 2025. Model scenarios were run using data for nitrogen sources and landscape characteristics from 2012, cha

Fish community and species distribution predictions for streams and rivers of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

This data release contains predictions of selected fish community metrics and fish species occurrence using Random Forest models with landscape data for inland reaches across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW). Predictions were made at four time intervals (2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016) according to changes in landcover using the National Land Cover Database (NLCD). The fish sampling data used to com

Chesapeake Bay Nontidal Network 1985 - 2018: Daily High-Flow and Low-Flow Concentration and Load Estimates

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads, and changes in loads, in rivers across the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been calculated using monitoring data from the Chesapeake Bay Nontidal Network (NTN) stations for the period 1985 through 2018. Nutrient and suspended-sediment loads and changes in loads were determined by applying a weighted regression approach called WRTDS (Weighted Regres

Stream cross-section, benthic macroinvertebrate and fish taxa counts and abundance, and water chemistry data for the Clarksburg study area in Montgomery County, Maryland, 1992 - 2020

Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Environmental Protection has collected datasets to assess the health of streams since the early 1990s. Datasets include geomorphic stream cross-sectional surveys, fish and benthic macroinvertebrate counts and taxa abundance, and water chemistry data collected at the time of benthic and fish sampling (dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, air temperat

Nitrogen sources to and export from the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 1950 to 2050

This U.S. Geological Survey data release contains datasets that combine past data with future projections of nitrogen sources and nitrogen export to the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the years 1950-2050. To help understand the effect of human and environmental changes over this time period, data for nitrogen sources from wastewater, agricultural fertilizer and manure, and atmospheric deposition are

Estimates of atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposition to the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 1950-2050

Reactive nitrogen is transported from the atmosphere to the landscape as wet and dry deposition that contributes to annual nitrogen loads to the Chesapeake Bay. Estimates of atmospheric inorganic nitrogen deposition to the Chesapeake Bay watershed during 1950 to 2050 are presented, and are based on field measurements, model simulations, statistical relations, and surrogate constituents used for es
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