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Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

Scientists from the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center capitalize on their diverse expertise to answer scientific questions shaped by the environments of the western United States. We collaborate with each other and with partners to provide rigorous, objective, and timely information and guidance to support management, conservation, and restoration of the Nation's natural resources.


Long-term drought assessment:  hydrologic, ecological, and social impacts

Long-term drought assessment:  hydrologic, ecological, and social impacts

American Bullfrog Acoustics and High-Performance Computing

American Bullfrog Acoustics and High-Performance Computing

Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA February 2025 Seminar

Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA February 2025 Seminar


Invasion of perennial sagebrush steppe by shallow-rooted exotic cheatgrass reduces stable forms of soil carbon in a warmer but not cooler ecoregion

Soil organic carbon ('SOC') in drylands comprises nearly a third of the global SOC pool and has relatively rapid turnover and thus is a key driver of variability in the global carbon cycle. SOC is also a sensitive indicator of longer-term directional change and disturbance-responses of ecosystem C storage. Biome-scale disruption of the dryland carbon cycle by exotic annual grass...
Sydney Maya Katz, Toby Matthew Maxwell, Marie-Anne de Graaff, Matthew Germino

Cytotype and local adaptation drive phenotypic variation in two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)

Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) is a widespread and locally dominant shrub throughout many ecosystems in western North America. A. tridentata ssps. tridentata and wyomingensis are two subspecies whose populations occupy the warm-arid regions of the species range and whose trailing edge is threatened by climate change. Previous studies have presented conflicting results in relation...
Spencer R. Roop, Keith Reinhardt, Ken A. Aho, Matthew Germino, Bryce A. Richardson

Contrasting magnitude and timing of pulsed aqueous methylmercury bioaccumulation across a reservoir food web

Water column hypoxia is a key process influencing methylmercury (MeHg) production and availability in waterbodies worldwide. During seasonal destratification, large, short-lived pulses of aqueous MeHg may be released into the subsequently mixed water column, but little is known about the fate of these pulses, particularly whether there are concomitant increases in MeHg uptake into...
James Willacker, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Austin K. Baldwin, Michael T. Tate, Brett A. Poulin, Jesse Naymik, David P. Krabbenhoft, Ralph Myers, James A. Chandler


Land Treatment Digital Library and Land Treatment Exploration Tool Team (FRESC)

The Land Treatment Digital Library (LTDL) and The Land Treatment Exploration Tool (LTET) are practical resources for land managers planning restoration and rehabilitation projects on public lands. 

Land Treatment Digital Library and Land Treatment Exploration Tool Team (FRESC)

The Land Treatment Digital Library (LTDL) and The Land Treatment Exploration Tool (LTET) are practical resources for land managers planning restoration and rehabilitation projects on public lands. 
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Predicting Burn Risk to Land Management Investments

Land management treatments in sagebrush steppe are an important opportunity to break the annual-grass fire cycle, provided they offer long-lasting resistance to annual-grass invasion and do not burn. However, for areas seeded as part of the Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation (ESR) program-- one of the largest programs for land management treatments-- about 1/4 have at least partially...

Predicting Burn Risk to Land Management Investments

Land management treatments in sagebrush steppe are an important opportunity to break the annual-grass fire cycle, provided they offer long-lasting resistance to annual-grass invasion and do not burn. However, for areas seeded as part of the Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation (ESR) program-- one of the largest programs for land management treatments-- about 1/4 have at least partially...
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Conservation Efforts Database

The Conservation Efforts Database (CED) is a secure online data repository that collects, stores, and retrieves spatially explicit, spatially obscure, and non-spatial information on species and habitat conservation and management actions. The CED is designed to allow data collection from all interested partners including federal, state, local, non-government organizations, universities, private...

Conservation Efforts Database

The Conservation Efforts Database (CED) is a secure online data repository that collects, stores, and retrieves spatially explicit, spatially obscure, and non-spatial information on species and habitat conservation and management actions. The CED is designed to allow data collection from all interested partners including federal, state, local, non-government organizations, universities, private...
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