This list of Upper Midwest Water Science Center publications spans from 1899 to present. It includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. To access the full, searchable catalog of USGS publications, please visit the USGS Publications Warehouse.
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Flood-frequency analysis in the Midwest: Addressing potential nonstationarity of annual peak-flow records
Flood-frequency analysis is essential in numerous water-resource management applications, including critical structure design and flood-plain mapping. A basic assumption within Bulletin 17C [1], the standardized guidelines for conducting flood-frequency analysis, is that basins without major hydrologic alterations, such as regulation or urbanization, exhibit stationary statistical properties of th
Mackenzie K. Marti, Karen R. Ryberg, Sara B. Levin
Simulation of monthly mean and monthly base flow of streamflow using random forests for the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain, 1901 to 2018
Improved simulations of streamflow and base flow for selected sites within and adjacent to the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain area are important for modeling groundwater flow because surface-water flows have a substantial effect on groundwater levels. One method for simulating streamflow and base flow, random forest (RF) models, was developed from the data at gaged sites and, in turn, was used t
Benjamin J. Dietsch, William H. Asquith, Brian K. Breaker, Stephen M. Westenbroek, Wade H. Kress
The benefits of big-team science for conservation: Lessons learned from trinational monarch butterfly collaborations
Many pressing conservation issues are complex problems caused by multiple social and environmental drivers; their resolution is aided by interdisciplinary teams of scientists, decision makers, and stakeholders working together. In these situations, how do we generate science to effectively guide conservation (resource management and policy) decisions? This paper describes elements of successful bi
James E. Diffendorfer, Ryan G. Drum, Greg W. Mitchell, Eduardo Rendón-Salinas, Victor Sánchez-Cordero, Darius J. Semmens, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Ignacio J. March
Data summary report: Unregulated contaminants monitoring project
The Drinking Water Protection Section of the Minnesota Department of Health conducted reconnaissance monitoring of selected public water systems in Minnesota. Funding was obtained primarily from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. Sampling was conducted in 2019 and 2021. Laboratory analysis of samples was conducted for a variety of different contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), i
Jane de Lambert, Alycia Overbo, Steve Robertson, Sarah M. Elliott
The water cycle
An illustrated diagram of the water cycle. This is a modern, updated version of the widely used diagram featured on the USGS Water Science School. Notably, this new water cycle diagram depicts humans and major categories of human water use as key components of the water cycle, in addition to the key pools and fluxes of the hydrologic cycle. This product targets an 8th grade audience and is designe
Hayley Corson-Dosch, Cee Nell, Rachel E. Volentine, Althea A. Archer, Ellen Bechtel, Jennifer L. Bruce, Nicole Felts, Tara A. Gross, Dianne Lopez-Trujillo, Charlotte E. Riggs, Emily K. Read
Building a library of source samples for sediment fingerprinting – Potential and proof of concept
PurposeSediment fingerprinting of fluvial targets has proven useful to guide conservation management and prioritize sediment sources for Federal and State supported programs in the United States. However, the collection and analysis of source samples can make these studies unaffordable, especially when needed for multiple drainage basins. We investigate the potential use of source samples from a b
Tanja N. Williamson, Faith A. Fitzpatrick, Rebecca Kreiling
A framework for prioritizing contaminants in retrospective ecological assessments: Application in the Milwaukee Estuary (Milwaukee, WI)
Watersheds are subjected to diverse anthropogenic inputs, exposing aquatic biota to a wide range of chemicals. Detection of multiple, different chemicals can challenge natural resource managers who often have to determine where to allocate potentially limited resources. Here, we describe a weight-of-evidence framework for retrospectively prioritizing aquatic contaminants. To demonstrate framework
Erin M Maloney, Daniel L. Villeneuve, Brett R Blackewell, Kelsey Vitense, Steven R. Corsi, Matthew A. Pronschinske, Kathleen Jensen, Gerald T. Ankley
Hydrodynamics structure plankton communities and interactions in a freshwater tidal estuary
Drivers of phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics vary spatially and temporally in estuaries due to variation in hydrodynamic exchange and residence time, complicating efforts to understand controls on food web productivity. We conducted approximately monthly (2012–2019; n = 74) longitudinal sampling at 10 fixed stations along a freshwater tidal terminal channel in the San Francisco Estuary, Calif
Adrianne P Smits, Luke C. Loken, Erwin E Van Nieuwenhuyse, Matthew J. Young, Paul Stumpner, Leah Kammel, Jon R. Burau, Randy A Dahlgren, Tiffany Brown, April Hennessey, Steven Sadro
Creek and quarry water quality at Pipestone National Monument and pilot study of pathogen detection methods in waterfall mist at Winnewissa Falls, Pipestone, Minnesota, 2018–19
Pipestone National Monument is a 301-acre site sacred to many Native American Tribes, providing cultural exhibits and walking trails to Pipestone Creek, Winnewissa Falls, and historical pipestone quarries for numerous visitors each year. However, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has determined turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria occur in Pipestone Creek in high enough numbers to be a poten
Aliesha L. Krall, Kerensa A. King, Victoria G. Christensen, Joel P. Stokdyk, Barbara C. Scudder Eikenberry, S. A. Stevenson
Agricultural conservation practices could help offset climate change impacts on cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a recurring problem in many temperate large lake and coastal marine ecosystems, caused mainly by anthropogenic eutrophication. Implementation of agricultural conservation practices (ACPs) offers a means to reduce non-point source nutrient runoff and mitigate HABs. However, the effectiveness of ACPs in a changing climate remains uncertain. We used an integrated bioph
Michael E. Fraker, Noel R Aloysius, Jay F. Martin, S. Conor Keitzer, David A Dippold, Haw Yen, Jeffrey G. Arnold, Prasad Daggupati, Mari-Vaughn Virginia Johnson, Dale M. Robertson, Scott P. Sowa, Michael J. White, Stuart A. Ludsin
Can hydrological models benefit from using global soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and runoff products as calibration targets?
Hydrological models are usually calibrated to in-situ streamflow observations with reasonably long and uninterrupted records. This is challenging for poorly gage or ungaged basins where such information is not available. Even for gaged basins, the single-objective calibration to gaged streamflow cannot guarantee reliable forecasts because, as has been documented elsewhere, the inverse problem is m
Yiwen Mei, Juliane Mai, Hong Xuan Do, Andrew Gronewold, Howard W. Reeves, Sandra M. Eberts, Richard G. Niswonger, R. Steve Regan, Randall J. Hunt
Hydrologic change in the St. Louis River Basin from iron mining on the Mesabi Iron Range, northeastern Minnesota
This study compares the results of two regional steady-state U.S. Geological Survey Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow (MODFLOW) models constructed to quantify the hydrologic changes in the St. Louis River Basin from iron mining on the Mesabi Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota. The U.S. Geological Survey collaborated in this study with bands of the Minnesota Chippewa T
Timothy K. Cowdery, Anna C. Baker, Megan J. Haserodt, Daniel T. Feinstein, Randall J. Hunt