USGS national estimates of the probability for PFAS in groundwater at the depth of private drinking water supply. Read the associated USGS study at
Where can I get my well water tested?
Some counties offer free well water testing, so check with your county first. If they don't, use this EPA website to find a list of state-certified laboratories in your area that do water testing, or contact your county or state health department or your State Certification Officer for assistance. Prices will vary depending on the laboratory and the test(s), but most people consider the cost to be reasonable.
Also try using your browser's search engine to do a search on "well owner resources".
How can I find the depth to the water table in a specific location?
What determines if a well will go dry?
How frequently are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detected in groundwater?
Where can I find detailed sampling methods for surface water and groundwater?
If the ground filters water, is groundwater always clean?
What is groundwater?
How important is groundwater?
What is the Ground Water Atlas of the United States?

USGS national estimates of the probability for PFAS in groundwater at the depth of private drinking water supply. Read the associated USGS study at

Zach Harrison collects a water quality sample at Willow Spring, AZ. Photo courtesy of Kat Cooney, AZ Water Science Center.
Zach Harrison collects a water quality sample at Willow Spring, AZ. Photo courtesy of Kat Cooney, AZ Water Science Center.

A USGS scientist collects water quality samples in the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
A USGS scientist collects water quality samples in the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

- Corrosive groundwater, if untreated, can dissolve lead and other metals from pipes.
- National maps have been prepared to identify the occurrence of potentially corrosive groundwater in the U.S.
- These findings have the greatest implication for the 44 million people dependent on domestic wells for drinking water.
- Corrosive groundwater, if untreated, can dissolve lead and other metals from pipes.
- National maps have been prepared to identify the occurrence of potentially corrosive groundwater in the U.S.
- These findings have the greatest implication for the 44 million people dependent on domestic wells for drinking water.
The quality of the water we drink can potentially impact our health. The USGS has several programs and cooperative projects that characterize the quality of selected rivers and aquifers used as sources of drinking water to community water systems in the United States.
The quality of the water we drink can potentially impact our health. The USGS has several programs and cooperative projects that characterize the quality of selected rivers and aquifers used as sources of drinking water to community water systems in the United States.

A PhD fellow from the University of York measuring pharmaceutical concentrations in samples collected from the Rivers Foss and Ouse, United Kingdom, during her work at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Laboratory.
A PhD fellow from the University of York measuring pharmaceutical concentrations in samples collected from the Rivers Foss and Ouse, United Kingdom, during her work at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Laboratory.
Sample collected from Madison Springs Hut in the White Mountains (~ 5,000 ft above sea level).
Sample collected from Madison Springs Hut in the White Mountains (~ 5,000 ft above sea level).
Water Quality of groundwater used for public supply in principal aquifers of the western United States
The quality of our Nation's waters: Water quality in principal aquifers of the United States, 1991-2010
The quality of our Nation's waters: factors affecting public-supply-well vulnerability to contamination: understanding observed water quality and anticipating future water quality
Tracking and forecasting the Nation’s water quality - Priorities and strategies for 2013-2023
The quality of our nation's waters: Nutrients in the nation's streams and groundwater, 1992-2004
Pesticides in the nation's streams and ground water, 1992-2001 - a summary
Ground water and the rural homeowner
How can I find the depth to the water table in a specific location?
What determines if a well will go dry?
How frequently are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) detected in groundwater?
Where can I find detailed sampling methods for surface water and groundwater?
If the ground filters water, is groundwater always clean?
What is groundwater?
How important is groundwater?
What is the Ground Water Atlas of the United States?

USGS national estimates of the probability for PFAS in groundwater at the depth of private drinking water supply. Read the associated USGS study at
USGS national estimates of the probability for PFAS in groundwater at the depth of private drinking water supply. Read the associated USGS study at

Zach Harrison collects a water quality sample at Willow Spring, AZ. Photo courtesy of Kat Cooney, AZ Water Science Center.
Zach Harrison collects a water quality sample at Willow Spring, AZ. Photo courtesy of Kat Cooney, AZ Water Science Center.

A USGS scientist collects water quality samples in the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
A USGS scientist collects water quality samples in the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

- Corrosive groundwater, if untreated, can dissolve lead and other metals from pipes.
- National maps have been prepared to identify the occurrence of potentially corrosive groundwater in the U.S.
- These findings have the greatest implication for the 44 million people dependent on domestic wells for drinking water.
- Corrosive groundwater, if untreated, can dissolve lead and other metals from pipes.
- National maps have been prepared to identify the occurrence of potentially corrosive groundwater in the U.S.
- These findings have the greatest implication for the 44 million people dependent on domestic wells for drinking water.
The quality of the water we drink can potentially impact our health. The USGS has several programs and cooperative projects that characterize the quality of selected rivers and aquifers used as sources of drinking water to community water systems in the United States.
The quality of the water we drink can potentially impact our health. The USGS has several programs and cooperative projects that characterize the quality of selected rivers and aquifers used as sources of drinking water to community water systems in the United States.

A PhD fellow from the University of York measuring pharmaceutical concentrations in samples collected from the Rivers Foss and Ouse, United Kingdom, during her work at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Laboratory.
A PhD fellow from the University of York measuring pharmaceutical concentrations in samples collected from the Rivers Foss and Ouse, United Kingdom, during her work at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Laboratory.
Sample collected from Madison Springs Hut in the White Mountains (~ 5,000 ft above sea level).
Sample collected from Madison Springs Hut in the White Mountains (~ 5,000 ft above sea level).