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SPARROW model simulated nutrient loads in streams of the Midcontinental Region of Canada and the United States, 2002 Base Year

The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model was developed to aid in the interpretation of monitoring data and simulate water-quality conditions in streams across the Midcontinental Region of Canada and the Unites States. SPARROW is a hybrid empirical⁄process-based mass balance model that can be used to estimate the major sources and e

Geochemical analysis of seeps along the Queen Charlotte Fault

Geochemical analyses of authigenic carbonates, bivalves, and pore fluids were performed on samples collected from seep fields along the Queen Charlotte Fault, a right lateral transform boundary that separates the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. Samples were collected using grab samplers and piston cores, and were collected during three different research cruises in 2011, 2015, and 2017

Waiakane, Molokai, HI, 2018 Coral Reef Circulation and Sediment Dynamics Experiment

Coral reefs generate significant volumes of carbonate sediment that becomes the primary source of beach material along many low-latitude shorelines that protect hundreds of millions of people globally. Despite this fact, there is little understanding of the specific processes that transport the carbonate sediment produced on the outer portions of coral reefs to the shoreline, let alone how those p

Observations of coral reef oceanographic and groundwater properties off Makua, Kauai, HI, USA, August 2016

Pervasive and sustained coral diseases contribute to the systemic degradation of reef ecosystems, however, an understanding of the physicochemical controls on a coral disease event is still largely lacking. Water circulation and residence times and submarine groundwater discharge all determine the degree to which reef organisms are exposed to the variable chemistry of overlying waters; understandi

Tunicate survey on eelgrass in 2017 northwest Atlantic coast New Jersey to Newfoundland

This dataset consists of one data file (Carman_Et_al_Tunicate_2017_survey_on_eelgrass_quad_data_final) and one definitions file (Carman_Et_al_Tunicate_2017_survey_on_eelgrass_quad_data_final_definitions). The data file consists of species and abundance of tunicates found growing on eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in a survey of 33 northwest Atlantic eelgrass meadows in summer 2017. Eelgrass meadows r

Time Series of expected Nebraska Sandhills livestock forage (2000 - 2016)

Management and disturbances have significant effects on grassland forage production. When using satellite remote sensing to monitor climate impacts such as drought stress on annual forage production, minimizing these effects provides a clearer climate signal in the productivity data. The research objectives are to (1) estimate biomass expected at a certain location under specific weather condition

Data and analytical type-curve match for selected hydraulic tests at an earthen dam site in Southern Westchester County, New York

This data release contains water level displacement data and analytical type-curve matches for selected hydraulic tests that support USGS Open-File Report 2019-1102, "Slug-test analysis of selected wells at an earthen dam site in southern Westchester County, New York." In 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey began a cooperative study with New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP

Data Release for the Susceptibility of Oklahoma's Basement to Seismic Reactivation Published in NGEO 2019

Recent widespread seismicity in Oklahoma is attributed to the reactivation of pre existing, critically-stressed, and seismically unstable faults due to decades of wastewater injection. However, the structure and properties of the reactivated faults remain concealed by the sedimentary cover. Here, we explore the major ingredients needed to induce earthquakes in Oklahoma by characterizing basement f

Data Release for Shear Failure of a Granite Pin Traversing a Sawcut Fault published in IJRMMS

Fault heterogeneities such as bumps, bends, and stepovers are commonly observed on natural faults but challenging to recreate under controlled laboratory conditions. We study deformation and microseismicity of a 76 mm-diameter Westerly granite cylinder with a sawcut fault with known frictional properties. An idealized asperity is added by emplacing a precision-ground 21 mm-diameter solid granite d

Sedimentary data from the lower Pascagoula River, Mississippi, USA

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center investigated the sedimentary and geochemical properties of the lower reaches of the Pascagoula River along the Mississippi coast of the Gulf of Mexico by collecting estuarine, riverine and marsh sediments. This was done in order to increase understanding of the region's environmental history, describ

Abundance of wetland-dependent birds at Breeding Bird Survey routes and associated land cover and climate information

Estimation and validation data for site by species matrices used in the publication 'Clustering and ensembling approaches to support surrogate-based species management' by H.R. Sofaer et al. 2019 Diversity and Distributions

Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey, Shellmound, Mississippi, March 2018 (ver. 2.0, March 2024)

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic, and radiometric data were acquired in late February to early March 2018 along 2,364 line-kilometers in the Shellmound, Mississippi study area. Data were acquired by CGG Canada Services, Ltd. with three different helicopter-borne sensors: the CGG Canada Services, Ltd. RESOLVE frequency-domain AEM instrument that is used to map subsurface geologic structure
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