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Learn more about the Land Management Research Program through the multimedia below.


Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site

Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site in Northern Arizona. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

Claudia Dimartini holds a long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument

USGS Biological Science Technician Claudia Dimartini poses with a long camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum) rhizome (underground root structure from which new plants can propagate that was exposed in a wash at the Deadman Wash Confluence Area. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

USGS Biological Science Technician Claudia Dimartini poses with a long camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum) rhizome (underground root structure from which new plants can propagate that was exposed in a wash at the Deadman Wash Confluence Area. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site
Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site
Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site
Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site

Cattle inside a grazing enclosure at the Bar T Bar Ranch RestoreNet site in Northern Arizona.

RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site

From left to right: RAMPS Ecologist Seth Munson, RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver, RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo, NAU postdoctoral researcher Collin VanBuren, and Diablo Trust Program Manager Corinne LaViolette. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

From left to right: RAMPS Ecologist Seth Munson, RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver, RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo, NAU postdoctoral researcher Collin VanBuren, and Diablo Trust Program Manager Corinne LaViolette. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding

Newly installed RestoreNet Version 2.0 treatment plots at Bar T Bar Ranch in Northern Arizona. Left: a plot that received pitting + seedballs + live topsoil inoculum (in the seedballs), Right: a plot that received live topsoil inoculum (spread across the plot) and direct seeding.

Newly installed RestoreNet Version 2.0 treatment plots at Bar T Bar Ranch in Northern Arizona. Left: a plot that received pitting + seedballs + live topsoil inoculum (in the seedballs), Right: a plot that received live topsoil inoculum (spread across the plot) and direct seeding.

Bike-produced seedballs laying on a tray to try before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation

Seedballs produced by a seedball bike drying before field implementation. The seedball bike was constructed at USGS with help from the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University for RestoreNet restoration experiments.

Seedballs produced by a seedball bike drying before field implementation. The seedball bike was constructed at USGS with help from the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University for RestoreNet restoration experiments.


See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 1

This video is step 1 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 1 is the creation of a new conservation effort.

This video is step 1 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 1 is the creation of a new conservation effort.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Public Lands)

This video is step 2 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on public lands.

This video is step 2 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on public lands.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 2 (Private Lands)

This video is step 2 in a series of five videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on private lands. 

This video is step 2 in a series of five videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry of location information. This video is for data entry of location information for conservation efforts on private lands. 

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 3: Activity Information – Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module

This video is step 3 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry activity information. This video is for data entry of activity information related to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout conservation efforts. 

This video is step 3 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 2 is data entry activity information. This video is for data entry of activity information related to Lahontan Cutthroat Trout conservation efforts. 

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 4

This video is step 4 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 4 is data entry of implementation information.

This video is step 4 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 4 is data entry of implementation information.

See caption. Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5
Conservation Efforts Database — Single Record Data Entry Step 5

This video is step 5 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 5 is data review and error check prior to submission.

This video is step 5 in a series of videos that show you how to enter data into the Conservation Efforts Database using the single record data entry method. Step 5 is data review and error check prior to submission.