Big Southern Butte, a rhyolite dome located in the eastern Snake River Plain of Idaho. Photo by Devin Englestead, BLM (
Multimedia related to Craters of the Moon Volcanic Field.
Big Southern Butte, a rhyolite dome located in the eastern Snake River Plain of Idaho. Photo by Devin Englestead, BLM (
Big Southern Butte, Idaho. The butte is among the largest rhyolite domes in the world and is located in the eastern Snake River Plain. Photo by James Neeley, BLM (
Big Southern Butte, Idaho. The butte is among the largest rhyolite domes in the world and is located in the eastern Snake River Plain. Photo by James Neeley, BLM (
Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from the east. Pioneer Mountain Range along the western border. Image created by NASA EArth Observatory.
Craters of the Moon, Idaho, Landsat 7 true-color image viewed from the east. Pioneer Mountain Range along the western border. Image created by NASA EArth Observatory.