Biogeographic Science
Focusing on a landscape-level understanding of terrestrial, aquatic & marine species & ecosystems, through data integration and visualization.
Advanced Research Computing
Provides high-performance computing (HPC) capabilities & expertise to USGS scientists for the acceleration and expansion of scientific discovery.
Library and Information Science
Enables access to USGS scientific data & publications by partnering with USGS programs/centers to facilitate lifecycle data management...
Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Program
Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) emphasizes a science data lifecycle approach to Earth systems data and information. We strive to accelerate research and decision making through data science, information delivery, advanced computing, and biodiversity analytics.
State of the data: Assessing the FAIRness of USGS data
In response to recent shifts towards open science that emphasize transparency, reproducibility, and access to research data, the USGS conducted a study to assess the degree to which USGS data assets meet the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).