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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Water resources data, South Carolina, water year 1998

No abstract available. 
T.W. Cooney, P.A. Drewes, K.H. Jones, S.W. Ellisor, B.W. Church

Long‐term trends in stream water and precipitation chemistry at five headwater basins in the northeastern United States

Stream water data from five headwater basins in the northeastern United States covering water years 1968–1996 and precipitation data from eight nearby precipitation monitoring sites covering water years 1984‐1996 were analyzed for temporal trends in chemistry using the nonparametric seasonal Kendall test. Concentrations of SO4declined at three of five streams during 1968–1996 (p < 0.1), and all of
David W. Clow, M. Alisa Mast

Trace-element concentrations in streambed sediment across the conterminous United States

Trace-element concentrations in 541 streambed-sediment samples collected from 20 study areas across the conterminous United States were examined as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. Sediment samples were sieved and the <63-μm fraction was retained for determination of total concentrations of trace elements. Aluminum, iron, titanium, and organic ca
Karen C. Rice

Evaluation of geologic radon potential in two regions in southwestern and southern Poland

No abstract available.
Ryszard Strzelecki, Stanislaw Wolkowicz, Wojciech Wolkowicz, Kalina Mamont-Ciesa, D.G. Mose, Zoltan Szabo, Tamara I. Ivahnenko, G.W. Mushrush

Assessing groundwater vulnerability using logistic regression

Determining the likelihood that groundwater contains elevated concentrations of contaminants can help water resource managers protect drinking water supplies. For example, this information is useful for selecting new sites for drinking water sources and designing more cost-effective monitoring strategies for existing sources. Groundwater vulnerability has typically been assessed using largely qual
Anthony J. Tesoriero, E. L. Inkpen, Frank D. Voss

Ground-water age and atmospheric tracers: Simulation studies and analysis of field data from the Mirror Lake site, New Hampshire

The use of environmental tracers in characterization of ground-water systems is investigated through mathematical modeling of ground-water age and atmospheric tracer transport, and by a field study at the Mirror Lake site, New Hampshire. Theory is presented for modeling ground-water age using the advective-dispersive transport equation. The transport equation includes a zero-order source of unit s
Daniel J. Goode

Oxic limestone drains for treatment of dilute, acidic mine drainage

Limestone treatment systems can be effective for remediation of acidic mine drainage (AMD) that contains moderate concentrations of dissolved O2 , Fe3+ , or A13+ (1‐5 mg‐L‐1 ). Samples of water and limestone were collected periodically for 1 year at inflow, outflow, and intermediate points within underground, oxic limestone drains (OLDs) in Pennsylvania to evaluate the transport of dissolved metal
Charles A. Cravotta

Water-quality and lake-stage data for Wisconsin lakes, water year 1997

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with local and other agencies, collects data at selected lakes throughout Wisconsin. These data, accumulated over many years, provide a data base for developing an improved understanding of the water quality of lakes. To make these data available to interested parties outside the USGS, the data are published annually in this report series. The loca
Dale M. Robertson, J. F. Elder, H.S. Garn, G.L. Goodard, S.B. Marsh, D.L. Olson, W. J. Rose

Occurrence of acetanilide herbicide metabolites in tile runoff and ground

No abstract available.
E.M. Thurman, D.W. Kolpin, S. J. Kalkhoff, P. J. Phillips

Physical characteristics of stream subbasins in the South Fork Crow River basin, south-central Minnesota

Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected. sites on streams in the South Fork Crow River Basin, located in south-central Minnesota are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and w
C. A. Sanocki

Physical characteristics of stream subbasins in the North Fork Crow-Crow River basin, south-central Minnesota

Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected sites on streams in the North Fork Crow-Crow River Basin, located in south-central Minnesota are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes a
C. A. Sanocki

Ground water resources of the Mille Lacs Lake area, east-central Minnesota

The Mille Lacs Lake study area is a 960 mi2 area containing the ground-water and surface-water drainages to both Mille Lacs Lake and the first 12 miles of the Rum River. Within this study area, available ground water occurs in saturated, overlapping, discontinuous, partially-connected, glacially-deposited (hereinafter, glacial) aquifers and in bedrock aquifers. No extensive glacial aquifer could b
L. C. Trotta, T.K. Cowdery
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