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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Calibration and temperature correction of heat dissipation matric potential sensors

This paper describes how heat dissipation sensors, used to measure soil water matric potential, were analyzed to develop a normalized calibration equation and a temperature correction method. Inference of soil matric potential depends on a correlation between the variable thermal conductance of the sensor's porous ceramic and matric potential. Although this correlation varies among sensors, we dem
A. L. Flint, G. S. Campbell, K. M. Ellett, C. Calissendorff

Consistency of patterns in concentration‐discharge plots

Concentration‐discharge (c‐Q) plots have been used to infer how flow components such as event water, soil water, and groundwater mix to produce the observed episodic hydrochemical response of small catchments. Because c‐Q plots are based only on observed streamflow and solute concentration, their interpretation requires assumptions about the relative volume, hydrograph timing, and solute concentra
Jeffrey G. Chanat, Karen C. Rice, George M. Hornberger

Isotope variations in a Sierra Nevada snowpack and their relation to meltwater

Isotopic variations in melting snow are poorly understood. We made weekly measurements at the Central Sierra Snow Laboratory, California, of snow temperature, density, water equivalent and liquid water volume to examine how physical changes within the snowpackgovern meltwater δ18O. Snowpack samples were extracted at 0.1 m intervals from ground level to the top of the snowpack profile between Decem
P.V. Unnikrishna, Jeffery J. McDonnell, C. Kendall

Alkylcyclohexanes in environmental geochemistry

The n-alkylated cyclohexanes (CHs) are a homologous series of hydrocarbon compounds that are commonly present in crude oil and refinery products such as diesel fuel. These compounds exhibit specific distribution patterns for different fuel types, providing useful fingerprints for characterizing petroleum products, especially after degradation of n-alkanes has occurred. However, there are no publis
F. D. Hostettler, K. A. Kvenvolden

Long-term evolution of biodegradation and volatilization rates in a crude oil-contaminated aquifer

Volatilization and subsequent biodegradation near the water Table make up a coupled natural attenuation pathway that results in significant mass loss of hydrocarbons. Rates of biodegradation and volatilization were documented twice 12 years apart at a crude-oil spill site near Bemidji, Minnesota. Biodegradation rates were determined by calibrating a gas transport model to O2, CO2, and CH4 gas-conc
B.P. Chaplin, G. N. Delin, R.J. Baker, M.A. Lahvis

A step increase in streamflow in the conterminous United States

Annual minimum, median, and maximum daily streamflow for 400 sites in the conterminous United States (U.S.), measured during 1941-1999, were examined to identify the temporal and spatial character of changes in streamflow statistics. Results indicate a noticeable increase in annual minimum and median daily streamflow around 1970, and a less significant mixed pattern of increases and decreases in a
G.J. McCabe, D. M. Wolock

Evaluation of unsaturated zone water fluxes in heterogeneous alluvium at a Mojave Basin Site

Vertical and horizontal water fluxes in the unsaturated zone near intermittent streams critically affect ecosystems, water supply, and contaminant transport in arid and semiarid regions. The subsurface near the Oro Grande Wash is typical in having great textural diversity, pronounced layer contrasts, and extremely low hydraulic conductivities associated with nearly dry media. These features preven
John R. Nimmo, Jeffrey A. Deason, John A. Izbicki, Peter Martin

Fish assemblages and environmental variables associated with hard-rock mining in the Coeur d'Alene River basin, Idaho

As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program, fish assemblages, environmental variables, and associated mine densities were evaluated at 18 test and reference sites during the summer of 2000 in the Coeur d'Alene and St. Regis river basins in Idaho and Montana. Multimetric and multivariate analyses were used to examine patterns in fish assemblages and the associ
Terry R. Maret, Dorene E. MacCoy

Estimating terrestrial snow depth with the Topex-Poseidon altimeter and radiometer

Active and passive microwave measurements obtained by the dual-frequency Topex-Poseidon radar altimeter from the Northern Great Plains of the United States are used to develop a snow pack radar backscatter model. The model results are compared with daily time series of surface snow observations made by the U.S. National Weather Service. The model results show that Ku-band provides more accurate sn
F. Papa, B. Legresy, N. M. Mognard, E.G. Josberger, F. Remy

Groundwater vulnerability: Interactions of chemical and site properties

This study brings together extensive, multi-annual groundwater monitoring datasets from the UK and Midwestern US to test the relative importance of site (e.g. land use, soil and aquifer type) and chemical factors (e.g. solubility in water) and between and within year variations in controlling groundwater contamination by pesticides. ANOVA (general linear modelling) was used to test the significanc
F. Worrall, T. Besien, D.W. Kolpin

Structure and flow-induced variability of the subtidal salinity field in northern San Francisco Bay

The structure of the salinity field in northern San Francisco Bay and how it is affected by freshwater flow are discussed. Two datasets are examined: the first is 23 years of daily salinity data taken by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation along the axis of northern San Francisco Bay; the second is a set of salinity transects taken by the U.S. Geological Survey between 1988 and 1993. Central to this pa
Stephen G. Monismith, Wim Kimmerer, Jon R. Burau, Mark T. Stacey

Antimicrobial residues in animal waste and water resources proximal to large-scale swine and poultry feeding operations

Expansion and intensification of large-scale animal feeding operations (AFOs) in the United States has resulted in concern about environmental contamination and its potential public health impacts. The objective of this investigation was to obtain background data on a broad profile of antimicrobial residues in animal wastes and surface water and groundwater proximal to large-scale swine and poultr
E.R. Campagnolo, K.R. Johnson, A. Karpati, C.S. Rubin, D.W. Kolpin, M. T. Meyer, J. Emilio Esteban, R.W. Currier, K. Smith, K.M. Thu, M. McGeehin
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