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This list of Water Resources Mission Area publications includes both official USGS publications and journal articles authored by our scientists. A searchable database of all USGS publications can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Water resources of the English River, Old Mans Creek, and Clear Creek basins in Iowa

The surface and ground water resources of a 991 square mile area comprising the drainage basins of English River, Old Mans Creek and Clear Creek are presented. These basins lie to the west and southwest of Iowa City, Iowa, and all three streams are tributary to the Iowa River. The area is comprised of rolling uplands with relatively broad valleys and is devoted mainly to agriculture and...
H.H. Schwob

Geological Survey research 1964, Chapter B

This collection of 46 short papers is one of a series to be released as chapters of Geological Survey Research 1964. The papers report on scientific and economic results of current work by members of the Geologic and Water Resources Divisions of the U.S. Geological Survey. Some of the papers present results of completed parts of continuing investigations; others announce new discoveries...

Geology and ground-water resources of Rock County, Wisconsin

Rock County is in south-central Wisconsin adjacent to the Illinois State line. The county has an area of about 723 square miles and had a population of about 113,000 in 1957 ; it is one of the leading agricultural and industrial counties in the State. The total annual precipitation averages about 32 inches, and the mean annual temperature is about 48 ? F. Land-surface altitudes are...
E. F. LeRoux

Chemical quality of public water supplies of the United States and Puerto Rico, 1962

Municipal water systems in the United States and Puerto Rico supply water for many commercial and industrial uses as well as for domestic wells. It is generally known that our water resources are unequally distributed throughout the country, but it is not quite so well understood that the quality of our water resources is also variable. This hydrologic investigations atlas shows, State...
Charles N. Durfor, Edith Becker

Seismic refraction survey in the Great Miami River Valley and vicinity, Montgomery, Warren, and Butler Counties, Ohio

As part of a continuing program to define the thickness and extent of water-bearing sand and gravel deposits in southwestern Ohio, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Ohio Division of Water and The Miami Conservancy District, completed a seismic refraction survey of the Great Miami River valley and adjacent areas between Dayton and Hamilton, Ohio, in the fall of 1963. A...
Joel S. Watkins, Andrew M. Spieker

Ground-water conditions in the Green Bay area, Wisconsin, 1950-60

The Green Bay area, which includes parts of Brown, Outagamie, and Shawano Counties, has an area of about 525 square miles in eastern Wisconsin at the south end of Green Bay. In 1960, it had a population estimated at 124,000; Green Bay, the largest city in the area, had a population of 62,888. The Green Bay area is underlain by a basement complex of crystalline rocks of Precambrian age...
Doyle B. Knowles

Ground-water resources of Waupaca County, Wisconsin

Waupaca County is in east-central Wisconsin. No serious ground-water problems existed in 1960 except in a few localities where crystalline rock is near land surface or is covered by nearly impermeable till. The use of ground water for irrigation has not appreciably affected ground-water levels. The county is covered by Pleistocene till, glaciolacustrine (lake), glaciofluvial (stream)...
Charles F. Berkstresser

Sediment transported by Georgia streams

A reconnaissance investigation of the sediment transported by selected Georgia streams during the period December 1957 to June 1959 was made to provide a general understanding of the physical quality of stream water in Georgia and to supply facts needed in planning more detailed work. The investigation was made by studying the variation of sediment concentration and sediment load with...
Vance C. Kennedy
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