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Emergency Assessment of Debris-Flow Hazards from Basins Burned by the 2007 Santiago Fire, Orange County, Southern California

INTRODUCTION The objective of this report is to present a preliminary emergency assessment of the potential for debris-flow generation from basins burned by the Santiago Fire in Orange County, southern California in 2007. Debris flows are among the most hazardous geologic phenomena; debris flows that followed wildfires in southern California in 2003 killed 16 people and caused tens of millions
Susan H. Cannon, Joseph E. Gartner, John A. Michael, Mark A. Bauer, Susan C. Stitt, Donna L. Knifong, Bernard J. McNamara, Yvonne M. Roque

Emergency Assessment of Debris-Flow Hazards from Basins Burned by the 2007 Ranch Fire, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, Southern California

INTRODUCTION The objective of this report is to present a preliminary emergency assessment of the potential for debris-flow generation from basins burned by the Ranch Fire in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, southern California in 2007. Debris flows are among the most hazardous geologic phenomena; debris flows that followed wildfires in southern California in 2003 killed 16 people and caused t
Susan H. Cannon, Joseph E. Gartner, John A. Michael, Mark A. Bauer, Susan C. Stitt, Donna L. Knifong, Bernard J. McNamara, Yvonne M. Roque

Video documentation of experiments at the USGS debris-flow flume 1992–2017

This set of videos presents about 18 hours of footage documenting the 163 experiments conducted at the USGS debris-flow flume from 1992 to 2017. Owing to improvements in video technology over the years, the quality of footage from recent experiments generally exceeds that from earlier experiments.Use the list below to access the individual videos, which are mostly grouped by date and subject matte
Matthew Logan, Richard M. Iverson

Quaternarymagmatism in the Cascades - Geologic perspectives

Foreward The Cascade magmatic arc is a belt of Quaternary volcanoes that extends 1,250 km from Lassen Peak in northern California to Meager Mountain in Canada, above the subduction zone where the Juan de Fuca Plate plunges beneath the North American Plate. This Professional Paper presents a synthesis of the entire volcanic arc, addressing all 2,300 known Quaternary volcanoes, not just the 30 or
Wes Hildreth

Database for the Geologic Map of the Summit Region of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

INTRODUCTION The area covered by this map includes parts of four U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5' topographic quadrangles (Kilauea Crater, Volcano, Ka`u Desert, and Makaopuhi). It encompasses the summit, upper rift zones, and Koa`e Fault System of Kilauea Volcano and a part of the adjacent, southeast flank of Mauna Loa Volcano. The map is dominated by products of eruptions from Kilauea Volcano,
Dillon R. Dutton, David W. Ramsey, Peggy E. Bruggman, Tracey J. Felger, Ellen Lougee, Sandy Margriter, Patrick Showalter, Christina A. Neal, John P. Lockwood

Postseismic relaxation associated with transient creep rheology

[1] Perfettini and Avouac (2004) postulated that both the aftershock rate (assumed proportional to the local stressing rate) and the postseismic relaxation are driven by the loading imposed by postseismic slip on the brittle creep fault zone (BCFZ), the downdip extension of the fault zone below the coseismic rupture. I explore the consequences of that hypothesis for a long, strike-slip fault in th
James C. Savage

Statistical modeling of storm level Kp occurrences: Solar cycle modulation

We consider the nonstationary, statistical modeling of the occurrence in time of large Kp geomagnetic storms over the course of multiple solar cycles. Previous work showed that wait times between storms can be represented by an exponential density function, consistent with the realization of a Poisson process. Here we also assume a Poisson process, but to account for solar cycle modulation of stor
Jeffrey J. Love, K.J. Remick, David M. Perkins

Mountains on Titan observed by Cassini Radar

The Cassini Titan Radar mapper has observed elevated blocks and ridge-forming block chains on Saturn's moon Titan demonstrating high topography we term “mountains.” Summit flanks measured from the T3 (February 2005) and T8 (October 2005) flybys have a mean maximum slope of 37° and total elevations up to 1930 m as derived from a shape-from-shading model corrected for the probable effects of image r
Jani Radebaugh, Ralph D. Lorenz, Randolph L. Kirk, Jonathan I. Lunine, Ellen R. Stofan, Rosaly M.C. Lopes, Stephen D. Wall

Methods for the Emergency Assessment of Debris-Flow Hazards from Basins Burned by the Fires of 2007, Southern California

This report describes the approach used to assess potential debris-flow hazards from basins burned by the Buckweed, Santiago, Canyon, Poomacha, Ranch, Harris, Witch, Rice, Ammo, Slide, Grass Valley and Cajon Fires of 2007 in southern California. The assessments will be presented as a series of maps showing a relative ranking of the predicted volume of debris flows that can issue from basin outlets
Susan H. Cannon, Joseph E. Gartner, John A. Michael

Investigation of the M6.6 Niigata-Chuetsu Oki, Japan, earthquake of July 16, 2007

The M6.6 mainshock of the Niigata Chuetsu Oki (offshore) earthquake occurred at 10:13 a.m. local time on July 16, 2007, and was followed by a sequence of aftershocks that were felt during the entire time of the reconnaissance effort. The mainshock had an estimated focal depth of 10 km and struck in the Japan Sea offshore Kariwa. Analysis of waveforms from source inversion studies indicates that th
Robert Kayen, Brian D. Collins, Norm Abrahamson, Scott Ashford, Scott J. Brandenberg, Lloyd Cluff, Stephen Dickenson, Laurie Johnson, Yasuo Tanaka, Kohji Tokimatsu, Toshimi Kabeyasawa, Yohsuke Kawamata, Hidetaka Koumoto, Nanako Marubashi, Santiago Pujol, Clint Steele, Joseph I. Sun, Ben Tsai, Peter Yanev, Mark Yashinsky, Kim Yousok

Data from theodolite measurements of creep rates on San Francisco Bay region faults, California: 1979-2007

Introduction Our purpose is to update with six additional years of data, our creep data archive on San Francisco Bay region active faults for use by the scientific research community. Earlier data (1979-2001) were reported in Galehouse (2002) and were analyzed and described in detail in a summary report (Galehouse and Lienkaemper, 2003). A complete analysis of our earlier results obtained on th
Forrest S. McFarland, James J. Lienkaemper, S. John Caskey, Karen Grove

Systematics of Water Temperature and Flow at Tantalus Creek During Calendar Year 2005, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

We analyze data for stream flow and water temperature from Tantalus Creek in the Norris Geyser Basin and their relationship to air temperature, precipitation, and geyser eruptions during calendar year 2005. The creek is of interest because it is the primary drainage of the Norris Geyser Basin and carries a very high proportion of thermal water derived directly from hot springs. Two separate diurna
Laura E. Clor, Jacob B. Lowenstern, Henry P. Heasler
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