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Interaction of dams and landslides: Case studies and mitigation

In the first half of the 20th century, engineering geology and geotechnical engineering were in their infancy, and dams were often built where landslides provided valley constrictions, often without expert site investigation. Only the most important projects were subjected to careful geologic examination. Thus, dams were often built without complete understanding of the possible geotechnical probl
Robert L. Schuster

The Unified Lunar Control Network 2005

This report documents a new general unified lunar control network and lunar topographic model based on a combination of Clementine images and a previous network derived from Earth-based & Apollo photographs, and Mariner 10, & Galileo images. This photogrammetric network solution is the largest planetary control network ever completed. It includes the determination of the 3-D positions of 272,931 p
Brent A. Archinal, Mark R. Rosiek, Randolph L. Kirk, Bonnie L. Redding

Distribution, thickness, and volume of fine-grained sediment from precipitation of metals from acid-mine waters in Keswick Reservoir, Shasta County, California

In February 1993, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) acquired high-resolution seismic-reflection data to map the distribution and thickness of fine-grained sediments associated with acid-mine drainage in Keswick Reservoir on the Sacramento River, near Redding, California. In the Spring Creek Arm of Keswick Reservoir, the sediments occurred in three distinct accumulations; thicknesses are greater th
Terry R. Bruns, Charles N. Alpers, Paul Carlson

Geothermal disruption of summit glaciers at Mount Spurr Volcano, 2004-6: An unusual manifestation of volcanic unrest

Mount Spurr, a 3,374-m-high stratovolcano in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska, showed signs of volcanic unrest beginning in 2004 and lasting through 2006. These signs included increases in heat flow, seismicity, and gas flux, which we interpret as the results of a magmatic intrusion in mid-2004. In response, debris-laden meltwater beneath the glacier in Mount Spurr's geothermally active summit basi
Michelle L. Coombs, Christina A. Neal, Rick L. Wessels, Robert G. McGimsey

The National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS)

The National Volcano Early Warning System (NVEWS) is a proposed national-scale effort by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Hazards Program and its affiliated partners in the Consortium of U.S. Volcano Observatories (CUSVO) ( to ensure that volcanoes are monitored at a level commensurate with the threats they pose. Roughly half of the Nation’s 169 young volcanoes are da
John Ewert, Marianne Guffanti, Peter Cervelli, James Quick

Calibrated Landsat ETM+ nonthermal-band image mosaics of Afghanistan

In 2005, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency contracted with the U.S. Geological Survey to perform assessments of the natural resources within Afghanistan. The assessments concentrate on the resources that are related to the economic development of that country. Therefore, assessments were initiated in oil and gas, coal, mineral resources, water
Philip A. Davis

Report of the workshop on Extreme Ground Motions at Yucca Mountain, August 23-25, 2004

This Workshop has its origins in the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for Yucca Mountain, the designated site of the underground repository for the nation's high-level radioactive waste. In 1998 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) developed guidelines for PSHA which were published as NUREG/CR-6372, 'Recommendations for probabilistic seis
T. C. Hanks, N. A. Abrahamson, M. Board, D. M. Boore, J.N. Brune, C.A. Cornell

Overview of the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover Mission to Meridiani Planum: Eagle Crater to Purgatory Ripple

The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity touched down at Meridiani Planum in January 2004 and since then has been conducting observations with the Athena science payload. The rover has traversed more than 5 km, carrying out the first outcrop‐scale investigation of sedimentary rocks on Mars. The rocks of Meridiani Planum are sandstones formed by eolian and aqueous reworking of sand grains that are co
S. W. Squyres, R. E. Arvidson, D. Bollen, J.F. Bell, J. Brückner, N.A. Cabrol, W. M. Calvin, M. H. Carr, P. R. Christensen, B. C. Clark, L. Crumpler, D.J. Des Marais, C. D'Uston, T. Economou, J. Farmer, W.H. Farrand, W. Folkner, R. Gellert, T.D. Glotch, M. Golombek, S. Gorevan, J. A. Grant, R. Greeley, J. Grotzinger, Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, S. Hviid, J. R. Johnson, G. Klingelhoefer, A.H. Knoll, G. Landis, M. Lemmon, Ron Li, M.B. Madsen, M.C. Malin, S. M. McLennan, H.Y. McSween, D. W. Ming, J. Moersch, R.V. Morris, T. Parker, J. W. Rice, L. Richter, R. Rieder, C. Schroeder, M. Sims, M. Smith, P. Smith, Laurence A. Soderblom, R. Sullivan, N.J. Tosca, H. Wänke, T. Wdowiak, M. Wolff, A. Yen

National Geomagnetism Program: Current Status & Five-Year Plan, 2006-2010

Executive Summary: The U.S. Geological Survey's Geomagnetism Program serves the scientific community and the broader public by collecting and distributing magnetometer data from an array of ground-based observatories and by conducting scientific analysis on those data. Preliminary, variational time-series can be collected and distributed in near-real time, while fully calibrated, absolute time-ser
Jeffrey J. Love

Submarine ground-water discharge: nutrient loading and nitrogen transformations

Eutrophication of coastal waters due to nonpoint source land-derived nitrogen (N) loads is a worldwide phenomenon and perhaps the greatest agent of change altering coastal ecology (National Research Council, 2000; Howarth and others, 2000). Within the United States, a majority of estuaries have been determined to be moderately to severely impaired by eutrophication associated with increasing nutri
Kevin D. Kroeger, Peter W. Swarzenski, John Crusius, John F. Bratton, Matthew A. Charette

South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study: Data report for observations, October 2003 - April 2004

Oceanographic observations have been made at nine locations in Long Bay, South Carolina from October 2003 through April 2004. These sites are centered around a shore-oblique sand feature that is approximately 10 km long, 2 km wide, and in excess of 3 m thick. The observations were collected through a collaborative effort with the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of South Carolina, and Georgi
Charlene M. Sullivan, John C. Warner, Marinna A. Martini, George Voulgaris, Paul Work, Kevin A. Haas, Daniel Hanes
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